Friday, September 25, 2015

Business Owner Rebuffs Halburn Shakedown

Halburn continues to demonstrate his lack of journalistic ethics. 
Now he's upset because a local business owner refused his offer for her to pay him $25.00 to write an "article" about her business on his blog.
His reasoning? She charges, so she should pay him for a story. In his words, "No pay, no article."
Amazing that he now publicly admits that he's a shakedown artist.

His post of almost a month ago has really gotten under the Halburn's thin skin
Why did he wait so long to whine?
Obviously something happened to trigger it. Whenever he makes a post separately to draw attention to something posted here, it's almost always because someone's said something to him.
Now he's begging, "PLEASE contact me if you're a new business that I haven't shaken down before and I'll run a free article (and then shake you down to run an ad.)."
We stand by the opinion that he's a shakedown artist.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sleazy Funeral Home

Over the past few weeks, numerous stories have appeared in the media about Gatens-Harding Funeral Home filing almost $1 million in false insurance claims.

The one outlet where absolutely no mention has been made of the story? Halburn's fake news blog.

Why would a blog that claims to be a "news leader" ignore a story like this?
Two reasons.
1. Harding is an "advertiser" there.
2. Mark Halburn is an unethical piece of shit.

For someone who constantly demands ethical behavior from others, he is unwilling to hold himself to those same standards.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annual Pool Whine Begins

It's September and Halburn has started his annual whining about the pools closing.
What is his obsession with pools?

After all these years, he still doesn't get it. Most lifeguards are high school and college students. Once school starts the "pool" of employees dries up. The customers are back in school. Pools don't exist to solely "service him."
And then he makes the ridiculous assertion that pools reduce crime because they give burglars and shoplifters something else to do. Which is hilarious because heroin addicts and meth heads aren't the ones using the pools even when they're open.

His solution is for taxpayers to build pools at every high school. So he could swim there for free, no doubt. And those lifeguards that pools can't find after school starts? Pay them more.

We've got a solution for you, you fat fuck. If you want to swim year round, join the YMCA. But that costs money.
If you actually had a real job, you wouldn't have time to lounge around by the pool all day anyway. You'd be working to pay the full amount of your child support obligations.

Then he closes with the demand,
"Change our way of thinking and get moving!
Lose that weight!"

A polish sausage eating, 330 pound diabetic has no business giving anyone health advice.