Friday, April 28, 2017

Halburn's Epic Fail

So, Halburn's preliminary hearing was yesterday.
Some interesting things in the case file.
Seems the taxpayers are paying for this leech's lawyer. Except he can't get along with any of them.
His first lawyer asked to be removed because attorney client communications had broken down. Lawyers 2 and 3 refused or got out of it somehow. Lawyer 4 is some guy out of Charleston I never heard of and forgot to write down his name.
David Moye was one. Duane Rosenleib was another.

At least it is for Halburn

He indicated on the form that he has no job.
Has $800 income, presumably from his failing fake news blog. His rent was $350, utilities were $250, child support was $177 and cell phone was $50. Funny how all that adds up to more than $800. He says his car is worth 3 grand.

So how does he pay car insurance and eat?  He still seems to have plenty of money to buy his kid a bunch of shit to try and get him to like him and buy the poster sized portraits of the boy for the creepy kid-shrine which covers the walls of his filthy one bedroom garage apartment in Dunbar.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Happy Birthday, Sis!

So Halburn wished his sister a Happy Birthday yesterday.
What's odd about that you may ask? People do that on Facebook all the time.

Well, the odd thing is neither she nor her children are Facebook friends with Uncle Psycho. Who is going to see the wishes besides his fawning audience of unfit fathers, misogynists and flying monkeys?

You have to be a pretty batshit crazy asshole for your whole family to cut you off, especially when you're 3000 miles away.

The People's Court

Halburn Demands Jury Trial!!!

Halburn's preliminary hearing for his violation of a personal protective order for stalking Charleston Pediatrician Joseph Matusic was held this morning in Putnam County before Magistrate Linda Hunt.
He requested a jury trial.
The new date is July 19th at 10am.

Delay delay delay.
Because then he'll whine they can't find an impartial jury and move for a change of venue. That rules out at least five counties.

It would seem to be a pretty cut and dried case.
There are no extenuating circumstances.
Was he on the property? Was he forbidden to enter the property?

This should be good.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Pimpin' Ain't Easy

Halburn is now pimping out his new girlfriend for CNA jobs in this area.  I guess he has to have someone to support him. Somebody in that filthy apartment has to get a job, and it sure ain't gonna be Marky.

But a few days later he removed that from his timeline. What is he trying to hide?

So his new "girlfriend" is a CNA.
The same job that he endlessly made fun of Lee for having.

Looks like Halburn can only do women who wipe old people's asses. A sometimes employed CNA making minimum wage cleaning bedpans and emptying diapers.
When Mommy's boy and his multiple personalities start crapping his pants again over something, Bedpan Babs will wipe it clean!
Meanwhile, don't drop the bedpan or the diaper!

Your words, fatass.

So it's only a job for losers if it's someone else? If she's with you, she's a loser.

You might also want to let people know her license is expired.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Ain't Love Grand?

Flabs & Babs

You know she has to be a real piece of work.
We have just one piece of advice for Barbara: RUN!

If the only choices were Mark Halburn or forever alone? Take forever alone.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Mystery Is Solved

Fat Loser Bails Other Fat Loser Out Of Jail

Seems that the other area crusading whackadoo journalist and long time Halburn butt buddy Lawrence Jay Smith is the one who bailed the fat psychopath out of jail.

Smith at home.
Hard to believe this guy is single.

Magistrate Rusty Casto set Halburn's bail at a thousand dollars. It was 10% cash and 90% property or the entire grand in cash. Smith doesn't own shit so he must have ponied up the cash, probably borrowed from his mommy.

Smith listed his address as 222 21st Street on the form and Halburn lives at 226 1/2. So apparently the two lovebirds are living side by side in Dunbar.