Friday, October 26, 2012

Halburn Court Date Set

The State of West Virginia v. Mark Vance Halburn

Mark Vance Halburn will go on trial for telephone harassment charges on December 14, 2012 at 1:30 PM February 11, 2013 at 9:30 AM before Kanawha County Magistrate Pete Lopez, the magistrate clerk tells

Mark Vance Halburn
According to the complaint made by Officer R.E. Veres of the WV State Capitol Police, Halburn "placed at least 13 telephone phone calls to WorkForce WV Deputy Executive Director  Valorie Comer and her staff on August 14, 2012 after his unemployment benefits were discontinued. The insulting, demanding and abusive calls continued throughout the day even after [Hallburn] was advised by the agency of his appeal options and their lack of ability to resolve his complaint over the phone."

He was arrested in Kanawha County, taken before Magistrate Joe Shelton and released on a $3000 personal recognizance bond.
The charge is a misdemeanor.
Halburn faces a fine of not more than $500, or confined in jail not more than six months, or both.
The State of West Virginia v. Mark Vance Halburn
The case number is 12M-8580.
Halburn Harassment complaint

all seeing eye

The All Seeing Eye never blinks, motherfucker.
We're watching you. will have more details as they become available.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trick or Treat

It's Halloween again, and by popular demand we're bringing back some trick or treat favorites.

Once again you can be the scariest fat kid on your block with the Official Putnam Mark Hallburn Halloween Mask.

Download Full Size PDF

The Strokey Mark Mask is the most popular mask we offer! With 100% more drool than the regular mask, this was downloaded over 2500 times last year.

Download Full Size PDF

Last year, readers asked for something to go with their masks, so we introduced the MARK HALBURN MANPURSE!
Now you too can pretend that you're very important. Pretend you're a reporter for a blog. Be like Halburn and keep track of the things you don't have to do or the people you need to harass. Send an invoice for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!
It's easy with your manpurse.

Download full size PDF

New for 2012! 
Get your very own Warp ZTE phone just like Mark uses to harass public employees! Have fun making multiple threatening calls every day!

Download full size PDF

Pick a mask, print it out, cut it out & put it on!
(straitjacket not included)

Go to divorce court.
Go to the unemployment office.
Go swimming (only when the pool's closed, of course.)
Be a substitute teacher in Kanawha County! (no qualifications needed)
Go Trick or Treating at Fatso's HUD apartment.
Do anything you want!

You're Mark Fucking Halburn!

Scare your friends!
Scare your neighbors!
They'll run. They'll cry.
They'll shit their pants!

Many thanks!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Election Hijinks 2012

Political News

Halburn Runs More Fraudulent Ads
WV SOS Investigating

fraud stamp
In Mark Halburn's world, the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is his philosophy.
And during the election season is where he really shows his underhanded colors.

Halburn began the election season by running ads on his cluttered hate blog, PutnumLive, from the same political hacks that he usually does. Joshua and Helen Martin, both Democrats, a mother-son tag team whose only apparent qualification to hold office is being related to a dead office holder, had their ads run on PutnumLive during the primaries, apparently at no cost. Their expenditure reports show that they only paid for an after election "thank you" ad. 
This time though, it looks like Mom and Junior both ponied up for their ads.

Jeff "Barbie" Eldridge only paid for a post election "thank you" ad. Josh Stowers actually did pay for his primary ads, so he's got that going for him. Neither of those two candidates' first general election expenditure forms show that they've paid for the ads Halburn is running now.

Now to this race's shenanigans.
Halburn is at the end of a very messy divorce, where he  has harangued the courts and every other branch of government for the past year. Any politician that disagrees with him is going to be "punished" by him running an ad for his opponent.
Halburn followed Governor Earl Ray Tomblin to the UMW Labor Day Picnic, where Tomblin blew him off and laughed at him, which enraged Halburn.
So he began by running a Bill Maloney for Governor ad, with a "Paid For By Supporters Of Bill Maloney" disclaimer. According to the WV Secretary of State, there is no such group.
Maloney ad

A Maloney spokesperson tells that they did not pay for the ad and it is not authorized to run on Halburn's blog.

Halburn attended the grand opening of the Putnam County Republican Headquarters and harassed one of the judicial candidates so much that the candidate finally left. 
He did the same thing when he attended a candidate forum in South Charleston with his buddies the child molester and the sleazy preacher. 
Halburn went and listened to everything they said and then tried to make the candidates promise to kick Putnam County Family Court Judge William Watkins off the bench if they were elected to the Supreme Court.

He has harassed the Supreme Court and its employees endlessly since his divorce proceedings began. Halburn was previously banned from the Supreme Court after a prior harassment incident.

Supreme Court candidate Allen Loughry's ad also appears on Halburn's blog. His is allegedly paid for by a group called "People for Accountability In The Courts."  Loughry's campaign confirms that they did not authorize or place the ad.

Loughry ad

Supreme Court candidate Letitia Chafin's ad says it is paid for by "Supporters Of Court Transparency." Again, this ad is not authorized by her campaign.
We wonder though if that transparency includes mentioning her trophy husband Truman's federal indictments?

Chafin ad

Neither of these two groups are registered with the West Virginia Secretary of  State's office as required by law.
Neither are authorized by either campaign.
Could it be that they are nothing more than something that Mark Halburn has made up? says that is exactly the case.
A source tells that the Secretary of State is now investigating this violation of election laws.

Some speculate that Halburn runs the ads as "contributions" without the candidates' knowledge. Or that he runs the ads and sends the campaign a bill which he then hopes they pay unwittingly.

Last year during the Gubernatorial primaries, exposed the fact that Halburn illegally ran unpaid ads for both Natalie Tennant and Betty Ireland on his opinion blog. Those ads appeared without the consent and without payment by their respective campaigns.
And that it appears to be a long standing practice of his, running over several election cycles.

This is just the kind of sleazy, underhanded, biased reporting that Hallburn has become notorious for. People have come to expect this type of unethical coverage from Mark Halburn and

Any candidate that would run ads with Mark Halburn and is not fit to hold office.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Excessive Noise Disturbs Walmart

For years Mark Halburn complained about the excessive noise at the Hurricane Walmart, which long ago proved to be wrong. And last night was no exception. It was quiet. So quiet in fact, that the sounds of one extremely belligerent fat man getting his ass chewed could be heard across the busy parking lot.
Wife chews Halburn's ass
Our Walmart correspondent filed this report:

"I was getting into my car at Walmart around 8 PM last night when I heard 2 voices arguing. When I looked over I saw they were coming from the blue house. Apparently Hallburn had just driven up because his car's lights were on and he was out of the car. A woman's voice could clearly be heard. I could hear Mark's whiny voice but it's a shame I couldn't make out what he was saying.

But I sure could hear what the woman had to say.

"I saw your picture with that child molester..."


"He molested a little girl."


"What is wrong with you?
Who are you?"


"Who are you?
Who are you?"


"I don't care about talking.
I just can't deal with this.
I can't stand it."


"I'm not gonna come out there."


"I just don't even know you.
This is not the man I married."


"I don't understand."


See, right there..."


"You can't see..."


"You are.
You cannot see your own problems.
You need help."


"Everyday it's something different."


"Your behavior is out of control."

And with that, Mark got back in his car, slammed the door, went over to the Walmart and waddled in and bought a load of groceries. 

The whole thing only lasted two or three minutes."

Look's like the soon to be ex-wife's days as a doormat are over.

all seeing eye

The All Seeing Eye never blinks, lardass.
EVERYONE'S watching you now.

October 15th, Halburn. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Halburn Buddies Up To Child Molester

Forum Marred By Halburn's Appearance

On Tuesday evening, The South Charleston Chamber of Commerce and the Woman's Club of South Charleston hosted a forum for West Virginia Supreme Court candidates.

The free event, which was open to the public, was attended by
Allen Loughry, John Yoder and Tish Chafin. Robin Davis sent a representative. Attendees were able to meet and greet the candidates until Mark Halburn showed up and cornered each potential Justice and began a harangue about how he thought the courts should be run.

Mark Halburn and his buddy Robert Harper, sex offender
Sex Offender Robert Ray Harper, Sr. and pal Mark Halburn yuk it up.
Fresh from his latest telephone harassment arrest, a visibly sweaty (or maybe it was drool), rumpled and slovenly Halburn apparently arranged an outing for all his deadbeat, degenerate Judge Watkins hating buddies as they were all photographed seated together at the event.

Halburn especially wanted his picture taken with convicted sex offender Robert Ray Harper, Sr. 
Harper was convicted in 2000 of molesting a 12 year old little girl that was a family friend.
Harper is one of the deadbeats that Judge Watkins screamed at.

It seems he owes close to $50,000 in unpaid child support and refuses to pay it, even after receiving a large court settlement.

This is the type of person Mark Halburn has been defending and supporting.
We ask Halburn why he would associate with someone of Harper's ilk.

Halburn has had an on-going fascination with sex offenders for years and now we know the reason why. He enjoys their company.
Halburn is apparently willing to associate with anyone that shares his beliefs. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. There are also some reports of some unsavory things he may have done in the past.

It's never a good idea to be hanging out with someone like this, fatboy. Especially when you're in a dispute over the custody of your child.

You are known by the company you keep.

Why any parent would allow this degenerate to be anywhere near, much less take photographs of, their children and publish them on his blog is a mystery to us. That Kanawha County Schools allows him to substitute teach is an abomination.

Why any company would allow their ads to run on his blog is a mystery. Is this the type of person they want associated with their business?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Crime Beat

Not A Fit Parent

Domestic terrorist Mark Halburn was arrested Monday and charged with violating WV Code §61-8-16 (c) for allegedly making harassing and obscene phone calls to WorkForce WV. Sources tell that Halburn was furious because his unemployment benefits were cut off.

Mark Vance Halburn Mugshot
Mark Vance Halburn
According to the complaint made by Officer R.E. Veres of the WV State Capitol Police, Halburn "placed at least 13 telephone phone calls to WorkForce WV Deputy Executive Director  Valorie Comer and her staff on August 14, 2012 after his unemployment benefits were discontinued. The insulting, demanding and abusive calls continued throughout the day even after [Hallburn] was advised by the agency of his appeal options and their lack of ability to resolve his complaint over the phone."

He was arrested in Kanawha County, taken before Magistrate Joe Shelton and released on a $3000 personal recognizance bond, which means he didn't have to post any money (like he had it anyway) but if he breaks this, he'll be jailed.
The charge is a misdemeanor.  Halburn faces a fine of not more than $500, or confined in jail not more than six months, or both.
The case number is 12M-8580.
Halburn Harassment Criminal Complaint

We wonder - Has Halburn been working as a substitute teacher AND collecting unemployment?
He is certainly arrogant enough to try to.
Does he notify them about the "income" from his opinion blog?

Halburn had a divorce hearing on Monday where one of the items of contention in the child custody portion was his erratic behavior and the amount of custody he should have. has maintained from the start that the only contact Halburn should have with his son should be court supervised visits. This just reinforces that belief. Halburn doesn't want his boy. The custody battle is to punish his second ex-wife. This isn't the way someone who wants their kid acts.

Rumor had it Monday he was going to be arrested after the hearing. He was.

all seeing eye

The All Seeing Eye never blinks, motherfucker.
We're watching you.
The case number is 12-M-8580 in Kanawha County Magistrate Court. will have more details as they become available.

Related Stories:
PutnumLive website publisher charged with harassment 
Website Publisher Charged