Monday, April 8, 2013

What The Fuck Is Wrong With Steve Deweese?

New Sheriff's Judgment Questioned

At the end of last year, while involved in a futile bid to convince the Kanawha County Family Court that he was a fit parent, Halburn solicited at least one law enforcement officer to provide a letter of recommendation for him.
That law enforcement officer was newly elected Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese.
Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese

Halburn bragged in January, "A local police chief promised me a letter of recommendation. If I need to pull out all the stops, now is the time!"
Apparently Halburn thought that would sway the court. It did not. 

Through the power of a FOIA request, has a copy of that letter. And after Halburn's most recent arrest, now is the time to print it.

"Subject: Letter of Recommendation
Sent: Jan 12 2013

To whom it may concern,

I, Sheriff Steve Deweese, have known Mark Halburn for approximately 24 months. Mark spoke to me numerous times during my candidacy for Sheriff of Putnam County and continues to stay in contact with me to assist with the crime effort within Putnam County. Mark has always been very professional to me on the phone and in-person. Most recently, when I took office on 1, January 2013, I contacted Putnam Live and ascertained if Mark could publish a photo and a short story on a Home Confinement inmate that cut his bracelet and walked away from the program. To my amazement, the story was written
and published within 5 minutes of my request. Mark has fulfilled my entire request to date and has not written stories or comments from me at my request. Mark is a true asset to the law enforcement community and will continue to assist with the crimes against the people/property within Putnam

If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at (304)550-8134.

With Best Regards,

Steve Deweese
Putnam County Sheriff"

That letter was used as a character reference in a divorce case to try and get custody of a child to someone who hangs out with child beaters and sex offenders. The sheriff should have known that.

Shortly after Deweese was sworn in, both he and Chief Deputy Jack Luikhart  met with Halburn and told him that they would give him he same respect they give every other citizen and give him the information that is given to other "news" agencies. BUT...should he cross the line and be unprofessional in his dealings, that would be the end.

In April Halburn crossed that line when he was arrested at the Putnam County Health Department by one of Deweese's deputies.

We know what Deweese is doing. He is trying to stay on Halburn's good side and not get in a pissing match with the idiot.
All that is doing is make Deweese look like the idiot.

How can a law enforcement officer with 20 years of service in Putnam County call a repeatedly arrested offender an asset to law enforcement? 
Over the past ten years Halburn has accumulated 3 arrests in Putnam County, 2 in Kanawha County, multiple restraining orders and a reputation as a general nuisance anywhere he goes.
Not to mention at least one felony arrest in California.

That's an asset?
That is truly appalling. It is hard to believe that any lawman would write something like that knowing fatboy's behavior.
It appears to us that the Sheriff is either naive or just plain stupid.

Now we're not saying there was any favoritism or anything like that.
The sheriff is a fine law enforcement officer with over 20 years of service here in Putnam County.
What we are questioning is Sheriff Deweese's judgment in writing a letter like this.

The question is now, if the Sheriff did this then, what other favors has he done for Halburn?  Has he intervened on Halburn's behalf in any other matters?

We know the Sheriff has purchased at least one LeapPad for Halburn's son.
It's probably not a legal problem but there could be a pretty strong ethical issue brought up about it. He actively declines to do anything about Halburn's abusive behavior, yet he buys gifts for Halburn's child. 
At a minimum it appears unseemly. Halburn even used that fact to try and gain some kind of influence in court. Even if this was a good deed, Halburn has turned it into a problem. Again.

There's an old proverb that says, "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion."
Halburn's bitch should be
above suspicion too.

We hope Halburn and the sheriff are happy together.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Publisher Harasses PCHD

Mark Vance Halburn
Mark Vance Halburn was arrested shortly before noon on Tuesday, April 3, at the Putnam County Health Department.

The sheriff's department says Halburn, who writes an internet blog, had been harassing the health department about Freedom of Information requests and was notified via email that the Department's Administrator, Joel McKinney, would only meet with him between certain hours. Halburn arrived there today outside of those hours and was arrested.

On March 18, after a similar incident, Halburn was ordered not to return or he would be arrested for trespassing.
This afternoon, Halburn returned, caused a disturbance and demanded to speak to McKinney. McKinney heard Hallburn shouting and causing a disturbance. McKinney attempted to explain to Halburn what he needed to do to get the information he wanted, but Halburn could not be calmed down. Hallburn’s actions caused other workers to stop working to see what was going on, made it difficult for them to wait on other people and made it difficult for computer maintenance work to be completed.
Halburn was unable to flee before Sheriff's Deputy C.M. Savilla arrived and took him into custody.

The obese, balding, slovenly Halburn, clad in cut off sweat pants and sandals, was taken before Chief Magistrate Kylene Brown and charged with violating WV code §61-6-19, willful disruption of government process. He was released on a personal recognizance bond and ordered to have no contact with the Health department.

Mark Vance Halburn is arraigned in Putnam County magistrate Court in front of the REAL media.
Magistrate Kylene Brown deals with domestic terrorist Mark Halburn.
This is Halburn's second arrest in the past six months. He was arrested in Kanawha County for making harassing  and obscene telephone calls in October 2012. He is currently serving a six month pre-trial diversion for that crime. One of the terms of that agreement is that he can't violate any Federal, state or local law. We will see how the Kanawha County Prosecutor's office handles this violation of that agreement.

Halburn was also arrested in 2009 after trespassing at a Kanawha County swimming pool. He was convicted on that charge in May 2010.

This is just another in a long line of incidents that Halburn has instigated. He will not take responsibility for any of them and for whatever reason he is rarely held accountable for them by the judicial system.

Halburn will have a hearing before Putnam County Magistrate Scot Lawrence on June 4 at 10:45 am.

Related Stories: 
Putnam Pool Boy Arrested Again
Halburn Convicted For Pool Trespass
Halburn Arrested For Harassment Again
Halburn Escorted Off Of Health Department Property
Halburn Now Stalking PCHD Employees