Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Halburn Appeal Slated

Putnam Pool Boy to Appear In Court May 5

Mark Vance Halburn (alias Hallburn) has appealed his January trespassing conviction to Kanawha County Circuit Court.


Hallburn was found guilty of trespass charges i
n a hearing before Kanawha County Magistrate Traci Carper-Strickland on January 27 of this year stemming from an August 30, 2009 incident at the Shawnee Park pool in Institute WV.
He was fined $250 plus court costs of $159.50.

Halburn's appeal alleges gross misconduct on the part of Carper-Strickland, whatever that is. Apparently the magistrate hurt Li'l Marky's feelings. That's not grounds for anything in any court in the land.
The rest of the appeal is nothing more than a personal attack on Carper-Strickland.
The case has been assigned to Chief Kanawha Circuit Judge Tod Kaufman and will be heard on Wednesday May 5 at 8:30 AM.
Once again, the public is urged to attend.
Kaufman has several options in this case. He can find there are no grounds for appeal and dismiss the case, hear the appeal in circuit court or remand the case back to magistrate court.

Halburn is representing himself and as we all know, " A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client."

Halburn calls himself the "publisher" of a cluttered internet advertising shopping blog in Putnam County. He also moonlights as a substitute teacher.
He has a number of previous arrests including robbery and trespassing.

PutnamLIES.com will have more on this story as it becomes available.
We will also have full coverage of the trial when it happens.

The case number in Kanawha County Circuit Court is: 10M-AP-3

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Free At Last

We've pretty much left the whole Tr0y Suxton thing alone because he's a bigger attention whore than Halburn is, and we've got another focus here, but we thought we'd commemorate Suxton's release from jail with a little story of his incarceration.

First of all, nice mugshot. We hope he ordered some 8x10s and wallets of that. He could hang one in his basement room at his Mom's .

We'll bet Tr0y had a whole lot of this while he was in.

He needed one of these after this happened:

But hey, at least it was good training for his new job at the factory.

Good Luck staying out, you fucking racist asshole child abusing loon!
We've got three words for you to remember: Two. Years. Probation.
Learn it. Know it. Live it.

We'll leave you with this little ditty:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Substitute Teacher Freaks Out

Belle, WV—Substitute teacher Mark Halburn completely freaked out during second block, a freshman class source at Riverside High School reported Tuesday.

"Mr. Halburn totally lost his shit during class," said Brandon Adkins, one of the 10 students who witnessed Halburn's meltdown. "Some of the students in the back of the room were giving him a hard time, and suddenly, he just blew up. It was like someone ripped off his human face to reveal some kind of drooling monster underneath."

Although accounts of Halburn's amazing breakdown vary, perhaps due to the highly charged emotional atmosphere of the event, some facts have been established. It is known that Halburn, who has a reputation for his confrontational approach to everything, showed signs of stress 20 minutes into Block II. After several of his requests for quiet were ignored, Halburn reportedly became increasingly unhinged.

"[Halburn] said, 'Cut out the horsing around and smart talk, or else,'" Adkins said. "Stuff like that. His face was all red and his voice was high and lispy."

Rather than listen to Halburn, the students continued to laugh, throw things, and ask to go to the restroom unnecessarily.

It was about two thirds into the 90-minute class that Halburn allegedly lost it altogether.

"It sounded like all hell broke loose in there," said math teacher Pat Christy , who was conducting a sophomore geometry class in the classroom next door. "I don't know what happened, but I can tell you that it wasn't pretty."

Other members of the class were able to give a more thorough account.

"He started looking for something on his desk—maybe a lesson plan book, or a pen to write people's names down—but he accidentally knocked his coffee on stuff, and some kids started laughing, and then he just freaked," Adkins said. "First, he slammed his fist down on the desk, then he kicked a wastebasket, and then he knocked a big ol' pile of books off Jessica Davis' desk."

Sources said that, after he picked up two erasers that had fallen off the white board and clapped them together in a bizarre show of anger, Halburn stormed out of the room, vowing never to return. Roughly a minute later however, he returned, attempted to resume class, and instructed students to open their books. In the process of putting on his reading glasses, however, he accidentally poked himself in the eye, at which point the display of hysteria resumed.

Students and teachers in neighboring rooms remained glued to their seats, paralyzed with fear and confusion, as Halburn issued random disciplinary actions against the students, flinging detention slips and parent-teacher-conference request forms with undisguised contempt, screaming obscenities all the while.

"I heard that sub scream, 'Go to hell,'" said senior Josh Dingess, who overheard the commotion from the classroom across the hall. "Then there was some banging, and he said, 'I don't get paid enough to take this shit,' then he hollered something about excessive noise and something else about a babysitter."

Approximately seven minutes after the conniption fit began, it was over. Halburn reportedly fumbled with the locking file cabinet beside his desk, pulled out his lunch bag, and disappeared down the hall. Administration sources said Halburn passed by the front office into the parking lot, where he got into his Hyundai, slammed the door, and charged up Warrior Drive.

Halburn has not returned to the school since the incident.

"None of us had any idea that Mr. Halburn was a mental case," Adkins said. "We thought he was a pussy and that we could get away with hassling him. And we did, for weeks. I guess we pushed him too far. Nuts like him shouldn't be teaching. He could hurt someone."

Principal Paula Potter said that although no black mark will be placed on Halburn's record, he "isn't likely to be asked to return to Riverside High any time in the immediate future." Potter said the regular teacher, who's out sick, will return soon. In the meantime, the class will be taught by Potter.

"Man, those freshmen really screwed up this time," senior Paul Lilly told reporters. "Potter is a real hardass. It's going to be as bad as the time those juniors made the art teacher cry. You can bet she's going to let them have it, and good, for messing with that sub."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Laugh of The Day II

Here's an oldie from the asshat's archives.

"In 2005, this publisher was put in charge of security at John Amos with Wackenhut Security. When I recommended adding security cameras and moving the main guard shack closer to U.S. 35, those recommendations were ignored by both Wackenhut and John Amos officials. I resigned as I felt the plant was vulnerable without those changes."

I don't know who is crazier, Wackenhut for actually hiring Halburn or him thinking that he was "in charge."
So, not only is he a "journalist", but apparently he's a "security consultant" as well.
The only thing this guy knows about security guards is that they're the ones that escort him off the property or hold him until the cops arrive.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Homeowners Were Not Informed Or Asked Because Their Properties Were Not Effected

Halburn Proven Wrong Once Again

For years, Halburn has been complaining that the city changed the zoning on his second wife's house in some underhanded way.
There's just one problem with that statement: It simply isn't true.
At least in this case.

We won't bore you with who bought what from whom and who lives in what trailer because it doesn't make any difference. What we will tell you is that his second wife's land is listed as Map 18, Parcel 20 in the tax map books.
What we will also tell you is that the letter he shows has nothing to do with any of her property.

Halburn wants to let the document posted above speak for itself.
So do we. And it does. He's wrong.
Let us quote the relevant paragraph:
"Area 1:
All property within the city limits as of this date bounded by Peach Ridge Road to the north, I-64 to the south, route 19 to the west and the road to the Hurricane Treatment Plant to the east including the treatment plant property. This property is also described on Tax Map 18, Parcels 30 through 36, Tax Map 19, Parcels 1 through 7 and Tax Map 20, Parcels 1, 2 and the part of Parcel 3 on the north side of I-64."
Does anyone see the words "Map 18, Parcel 20" in there?
Let's look at the tax map.
Click to enlarge.
The red area is the parcels referred to in the letter as "Area 1"
See that blue area?
That's the property owned by Halburn's second wife. Notice that it's not in the annexed area.
Let's see that info overlaid onto a aerial shot.
Notice how Area 1 doesn't come close to the wife's property.
We'll repeat this again for the dullard on Grace Drive.
Now, we don't know when or if the zoning was changed on her property. What we DO know is that is wasn't changed by this letter. It is not the same piece of property.
This is yet another case of Halburn being so blinded by his hatred of the Hurricane city government and his pathological need to always be right that he runs a factually wrong 16 year old story masquerading as news.
He is so anxious to crow that he "nailed" the Mayor that he didn't even bother to read the description of the land that had its zoning changed.
The only one who got nailed here is you, lardass.
Once again:

UPDATE: As of Sunday, March 7, the zoning article has been taken off Fatso's page.
Another victory for PutnamLIES.com!
Once again, we've exposed Halburn's lies and forced him to remove a false, misleading article.
We'll never see a correction, but his removal of the story is an admission that he was wrong. That's probably as good as we could hope for.

GO GREEN: PutnumLIVE.com is online only. He does not publish a paper edition because too many people would wipe their asses with it! Please do not wipe your ass with your monitor when you visit PutnumLIVE.com because it might cause serious injury!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Halburn Caught in Another Lie

Here's the latest in a long string of drivel on Halburn's there, then gone, then back, then gone again, then back again Walmart blog.
"February 28th, 2010:
"Speaking of noise, the out-of-state trash bloggers are up to their lies. One is accusing me of calling him on his cellphone at about midnight, late Saturday. There are several problems with his blatant lie: ... 2) I don't have any of his telephone numbers, including his cell number, so I can't call him. 3) I was asleep. 4) I have witnesses who know that I was asleep. 5) I have a CPAP machine with a memory card that proves I was asleep at the time that he made his accusation. In fact, I went to sleep more than 15 minutes before he accuses me of calling him."

There are several problems with YOUR blatant lies, shithead.
The call was made at 11:56 PM on Saturday February 27.

Firstly, you were right here, reading PutnamLIES.com, Putnam County's REAL news leader, at 11:35 PM.

And when you left here you went to Tyler Hollywood's site:

Secondly, you DO have Lee's number. He called you asking for comment after your trespassing conviction.

Thirdly, a machine can't tell if you're asleep. All it can tell is that it is running and applying pressure.

And lastly, those when machines run, the noise they make masks out background noise, so there is NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL that you could hear what's going on outside.

Next you'll try the "There are are lots of people living here" excuse.
"I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts. It wasn't my fault!! I swear to God!!"

So you're either lying about wearing a mask to as a pity ploy, or you're lying about hearing all of this imaginary noise.
We think both.