Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another Day, Another Problem

Crime Beat 

Halburn Back In Town, Harassing Bank Employees.
Thrown Out Of Parenting Class At The Courthouse.

 Halburn rolled back into town last night to get rested up for a big day. He wasn't here 12 hours before the trouble started.

Mark Vance Halburn mugshot
Mark Vance Halburn
Domestic Terrorist

He started off the day at Poca Valley Bank where he was turned down for a loan. After they stopped laughing they told him to fuck off and he stormed out.

poca valley bank

Then he started calling them them. Non stop. 
No threats, as far as we know. He just kept calling and asking for employees by name.
This happened mostly at the Winfield branch
but he called the one in Poca as well.
The bank has filed a police report.

Then, to end the day, he was thrown out of the Putnam County Courthouse.

putnam county courthouse

As part of his impending divorce Halburn was ordered to attend parenting class.
All participants in the classes are required to watch a video featuring the man who kicked Mark Halburn's ass, Kanawha County Family Court Judge Mike Kelly.
As soon as Kelly appeared on the screen, Halburn became infuriated, immediately stood up, interrupted the class and announced that he was going to give his opinion of Kelly.
Whereupon he was told to leave. He refused and continued to talk.

Halburn then demanded that the teacher resign. Now. 
Then he wanted to know who her boss was.  
Halburn confronts trooper
 Two Deputies were called and Halburn was told in no uncertain terms to "Get the fuck out."

Halburn complained he didn't appreciate the Deputy's language and the Deputy told him to have fun finding someone to complain to.

Keep it up, meathead.
You've only got 30 percent custody now.
Getting thrown out of a parenting class is not going to improve your percentage of daddy time.

all seeing eye

The All Seeing Eye never blinks, motherfucker.
We're watching you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Halburn Returns - Show His Ass Again

Trouble Follows Wherever He Goes
Mark Halburn returned for Labor Day and is back to his old tricks.
On Monday, Halburn went to Racine, 60 miles away from Putnam County, where the United Mine Workers union holds their annual Labor Day picnic. This event is a magnet for Democrat politicians pandering for votes. And Earl Ray Tomblin was right there pandering. Which is nothing new.

redneck picnic

The new thing this year was that Mark Halburn was there stalking him.
Halburn ambushed Tomblin and began shouting questions at him about embattled Putnam County Family Court Judge William Watkins who Halburn, his toady Jay Smith and local crackpot and retarded child beater Tr0y Sext0n have also been harassing for the past year.Halburn needs to taught a lesson in civics (as well as civility). So let PutnamLIES.com school you once again, meathead.

You see, fatboy, there's this thing we have called the separation of powers. Our government is divided into 3 branches, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that no branch has more power than the other branches. The Governor, head of the executive branch, has absolutely no authority over any other branch, regardless of what you may think. We know you probably weren't taught this during your so-called education in the People's Socialist Republic of California, but that's how it works in the real America, you un-American fuck.
Even if Tomblin wanted to do something about your new obsession, he's powerless to do so.

Halburn then continued to follow Tomblin and shouted a second set of questions until he was restrained and forced to leave the area, attendees told PutnamLIES.com. He's lucky the Governor's security detail didn't choke him out and make him do the chicken.

And, no Labor Day would be complete without Halburn bitching about the Wave Pool.

waves of fun

We thought those days were over when he moved to Galivants Ferry, South Carolina in March, but he's such a failure that he can't even hold a steady job there so he has plenty of time to come back and cause trouble here.

Halburn had his visitation with his little boy last weekend (he only gets 9 days a month since he's unfit to be a parent) and took him to the pool Sunday. Here's a question for you, lippy. Did you pay the $7.00 admission for him or did you lie and say he was only 4 years old and sneak him in for free? We know he turned 5 Wednesday.

As is fairly common this time of year, the pool was closed down Sunday afternoon for safety reasons due to nearby thunderstorms and lightning.
Halburn, of course objected to this. He would rather endanger the safety of his little boy and other swimmers so that he can float orca-like on the waves.

He even called County Commissioner Steve Andes and told him that he had two weeks to get a lifeguard certification.

PutnamLIES.com has an even better suggestion.
Why don't YOU get your lifeguard certification, Halburn?
You don't have a job and you could be the only lifeguard for the next two weeks since school has started. You could even call yourself the Lifeguard Supervisor. We understand you're getting your
Masters in H.R.

Otherwise go the fuck away. Don't come back here. Your shit got old a long time ago.

You're living on borrowed time anyway.