Monday, February 15, 2016

Whining About Taxes

Now Halburn is whining that the paltry child support he does pay is not tax deductible for him and not taxable as income for his second ex-wife. He calls it The Child Support Penalty. He's even harassing Congressmen Jenkins and Mooney over the matter.
He doesn't get  it reduced 4 times
Let us school you, lardass.

Child support is not counted as income because it is not income.
It is money that goes towards the financial benefit of your child for his support. It goes towards food and clothing for him.

Only a misanthropic bastard like you would complain about supporting his own son as a way to punish his second ex-wife.
If you want to start deducting something, start paying alimony. That will teach her.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Bullshit, More Shit, Piled Higher and Deeper


Well, it didn't take long for Halburn to start backtracking about the cat story, which means that someone has definitely asked him about it.

After clearly saying he took the cat to a no-kill shelter where they scanned the animal's microchip, now he says it wasn't really a shelter, it was a just a farm where they do the same thing. Because all farmers have their own microchip reader, dental and veterinarian care on the premises.

And it's not just any farm, it's the "private West Virginia farm of a wonderful animal lover, who doesn't want publicity and is wealthy enough to afford his life-saving hobby." And unfortunately, he can't share the name of the farmer because the farmer begged Halburn never to write an article about him or reveal his super secret identity.
Who confuses a no-kill shelter with a farm?
Nobody does. Because it's more BULLSHIT!

So now we have a phantom farmer and a phantom "Louise" and a phantom touching reunion that Halburn says he couldn't make. You can believe that NOTHING would have kept him from that reunion. He thrives on attention and praise and he would have quit his job and dragged himself through broken glass in order to be there.

And apparently, the farmer lets people who need pets to hang around the super secret facility because Halburn claims a woman was asking about adopting the cat.

But the funny thing is, that in his original telling of the story he said he said,
"While I was there, I volunteered to shoot photos for their website and put about 50 animals on their memory card". So the farmer who wants to remain anonymous has a web site? Where's the website that you took the pictures for, Halburn? Give us the URL. 

A legitimate rescue place would want every bit of publicity they could get to help promote animal welfare practices.
Everyone wants to adopt a pet.


Once he starts adding to the story, that's pretty much as much of an admission of guilt as you're going to get out of the fat bastard.

Then he started pumping out even more lies about the non-existent cat. Seems he thinks we want to know the name of the "wonderful animal lover, who doesn't want publicity and is wealthy enough to afford his life-saving hobby."
We don't give a shit who he is. You know why?
Because THERE IS NO FARMER and THERE IS NO FARM/NO-KILL SHELTER! There's not a farm anywhere around here that does that kind of thing. It doesn't exist except in Halburn's fevered brain.

Then he offers another lie about why "Louise," a Tampa resident, would fly out of Orlando. Easy he says, because she works five minutes from the Orlando airport. The only problem there is that she would have had to have caught an early flight out, which means she wouldn't have gone to work that day, just to the airport.

But she drives over an hour to Orlando anyway. Right.

Plus, people in Florida don't drive 3/4 of the way across the state to go to work. They don't have to. There's not a job in Orlando that you'd drive from Tampa to take that you couldn't find in Tampa.

Keep digging that hole, fatboy. You can't explain away all the lies. But we all know you'll try.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


More Lies From The Lying Liar
PutnamLIES Exposes Another Hoax

Remember a few years ago when Halburn rescued a family from a flaming car crash? Well, that was bullshit and we proved it.
Now he's pumping out another lie in order to make himself look good for his Facebook sycophants who think he's a swell guy.

These type of incidents always seem to happen around the same time Halburn has gotten into some sort of trouble. This one appears to be instigated by his conflict with Congressman Mooney's office and their notification of federal law enforcement.

Week before last, on Tuesday, January 19, before all the snow hit, he claimed a cat that hung out near his shitty garage apartment ran inside to escape the cold and parked himself on his saggy ass, crusty mattress.

How cold is it? My town has a stray cat problem. There is one that hangs out near MY home. For THREE YEARS he wouldn't let me get near him. Last night it was about 4 degrees when I came home. As I opened my front door, guess who rushed inside? When I woke up this morning, guess who was sound asleep under my comforters?"

All of his toadies begged him to show them a photo of the sweet little kitty, but the vaunted reporter and photographer was unable to take even one picture.
Pretty convenient that a guy with a camera permanently hanging around his neck 24/7 took no pictures of the cat. None.
His excuse? "Apparently (the cat) was abused, because EVERY time I held up a camera to take his picture, he ran to hide."
Because a sleeping cat is so hard to photograph.
You know why there are no pictures? Because it NEVER HAPPENED!

So he then he says he named the cat Simba and since he couldn't keep it, he took it to a "no-kill" shelter the next day. It's there that the really big whoppers began.

He returned tonight. Right now "Simba" (yes, I named him) is sound asleep in the middle of my bed, between two comforters after enjoying a bowl of warm milk and a can of cat food... I set up a litter box and he used it before going to sleep, so I know that he is housebroken. I am not allowed to have pets, so tomorrow I will take Simba to an animal shelter where I know the director will make sure that Simba finds a loving, forever home. No more freezing weather for him."

On Wednesday, a few hours after he allegedly took the imaginary feline to the shelter, he claims he received a call from the cat's owner - "Louise." She was supposedly given his telephone number by the shelter.  "Louise" just wanted to call and thank him - from Florida - where she moved about six years ago. Good thing the imaginary cat had an imaginary microchip. 
The cat allegedly escaped from "Louise's" burning home and never returned. 
Halburn just had to point out that coincidentally, it was was only about 4 miles from where he lives now.

Good thing for "Louise" that she kept her cell number when she moved to Tampa JUST IN CASE the cat ever ever showed up again. "Louise" even wanted Halburn to be there so that she could thank him on Friday or Saturday when she arrived in West Virginia for the reunion.

Snowfall Amounts Across West Virginia
On Thursday, the 21st, on the eve of the biggest snowstorm in 20 years, he says "Louise" managed to get a flight from Orlando that connected into Huntington and was reunited with her LONG lost cat. 

More Bullshit. There was no flight from Orlando to Huntington on that day.
One flight from Charlotte arrived hours after he made his post. One flight was from Beckley. Two from Fedex Memphis. Both Cargo. One From Clearwater. Two others from Charlotte arrived at 10:19am & 3:40pm.
And if she lived in Tampa, why would she drive to Orlando to fly when it would be much easier to fly right out of Tampa?

And as for the heartbreaking reunion? As expected he had a convenient excuse about why he wasn't there. He was at work and couldn't attend the happy event. But luckily for him, they put it all on speakerphone so he could listen.
There would have been NOTHING that would have kept Halburn from that reunion. He thrives on attention and praise and he would have quit his job before missing it and dragged himself through broken glass to get there.

We're just surprised he didn't use his standard self-serving excuse of, "Grab your Kleenex. I really would like to share the heart warming pictures, but "Louise" requested that I keep them private."

A check with the Kanawha County Animal Shelter shows only two cats were brought in on that Wednesday, both by women.

New Hope in Putnam County isn't a public shelter that generally takes strays. Little Victories in Milton, isn't really a shelter either. It's a rescue.

His response to something like this will probably be, "I didn't SAY where it happened or WHICH no-kill shelter! Happy hunting!"

The most telling thing is that any animal shelter where something like this happened would be promoting the shit out of this if it were true. The publicity would be priceless. There hasn't been a peep from any shelter about this.

There was no cat. There was no "Louise" and there was no touching reunion.
Why does Halburn feel the need to pat himself on the back before his adoring audience of ass kissers?

And now, as Paul Harvey used to say, for the rest of the story.

His first post on the 19th about the non-existent cat just happened to show up hours after an almost identical story appeared on the web:

Can you guess where he got the idea for his lie?

The real original story ran on the 16th.

Cat's missing owners found — 1,800 miles away

He saw this somewhere before the AP picked it up.
Even the Gazette picked the story up on 1/28/16
January 28, 2016
January 28, 2016
If only something like that would happen around here.
All of his "memories" and "stories" are just co-opted events that happened to other people.