Monday, January 25, 2016

Congressman Trouble

After Halburn left the Social Security office last week, he went to Congressman Alex Mooney's Charleston office and demanded that they step in to get him his sons Social Security card. 

Mooney's office is located at 405 Capitol Street

He was told that they'd try to look into it, but there might not be much they could do. Halburn then demanded that Mooney himself call him no later then 5pm. Hallburn was told that Congress was out and that everyone had gone home. 
Later, Hallburn called back again and he was turned him over to the boss who asked Hallburn if Hallburn was threatening him, (Hallburn was) and in so many words, basically told Hallburn to get fucked.

Then the asshole called the DC office and tried to run his shit on them. After he was rude and abusive to them, they called Capitol police. Sent his mugshot to them. You don't fuck with federal employees, especially with his background.  The Capitol Police and FBI are now well aware of Halburn and are investigating.

Both the Capitol Police and the FBI are investigating

They have his number now and I have a feeling his name is "on the list".

It appears that he wants the kid's Social Security card so he can use it for Social Security goodies.

He's also upset that the paltry child support he pays is not tax deductible. He calls it The Child Support Penalty. He's angry that recipients of child support pay no taxes on it, but also get to deduct the child as an income tax credit.  He has been harassing Mooney's office about this as well.

That's how it works, fatass.
The child support is for the child. The tax deduction is for the person who has custody of the child.
In your case, that's NOT you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Visit To The Social Security Office

Halburn was sighted at the Social Security office last week trying to get a copy of his son's Social Security card.

He shuffled into the waiting room, stood around for a while looking at everyone and stinking up the place, then finally flopped his ass into a seat.

Charleston Social Security Office

There are signs posted on the walls everywhere that state NO CELL PHONE USE, but the VERY FIRST THING he did was pull out his cell phone and listened to his messages, which EVERYONE heard, because the volume was cranked up to the max. He then proceeded to make calls while he talked LOUDLY. At one point he was grilling some poor unfortunate clerk about who she was associated with, where she used to work, who she knew, etc. 
After he got his number called and went to the window, the old lady who was sitting behind him said "I'm sure glad THAT guy is gone!....
He's just a flaming asshole with NO idea how to conduct himself in public.

The real question is, why would someone with absolutely no custody of his child even need a copy of  the kid's Social Security card?
Trying to get Social Security benefits? An EBT card? A CHIP card? Applying for a credit card in the kid's name? Maybe even kidnapping?

Charleston DHHR Office
He did the same thing at the Kanawha County Department of Health &  Human Resources office last week. So much so that when he walked in, some other guy threw his arms up and said this guy's here again. They made him go out to get his ID and all the clerks started laughing while he was out. 
Seems his assholery follows him wherever he goes.

I'll bet he is applying for food stamps.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Halburn Now Stalking Bill Cole

Campaign season is underway. Looks like it going to be a long one.

Another day and Halburn refuses to stop harassing people! This time it's WV Senate President and Gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole.
Halburn is furious that WV legislators won't take up his wacky crusade against the family law system in the state.

Halburn paces back and forth outside Prime on 4th

Halburn showed up at a private event for young professionals at the Prime on 4th restaurant in Huntington that was organized to meet gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole. He walked in with his camera and video camera around his neck. Numerous people began videoing him with their phones and when he noticed it he walked completely around the room  before going back out the door.

He was thrown completely off guard. It was comical watching him retreat. He went outside to pull himself together, paced back and forth for about 5 minutes and then tried to come back in. An event organizer told him to leave, that it was a private function.  He asked one attendee "Are you filming me?"  with his whiny, lispy voice, then he left and continued to pace outside where he tried putting his hood on so he wouldn't be recognized in the footage.

The hoodie doesn't help you lardass. You can't hide that gut!
He attempted to ambush Cole about the family court system as he walked in. Not sure what the reply was to him.
The police were called and they were seen talking to Halburn before they ordered him to leave.

He didn't seem to like his own tactics being used against him. It's not so fun for him when the sandal is on the other foot.

All that wasted gas money driving through 3 counties.

PutnamLies was there waiting for him.  He let the cat out of the bag on his FB page the other night before the event. : 
"Mark Hallburn 
January 1 at 7:14pm · 
Do (sic) to Prime on 4th's hosting of the January 5th, 2016 Bill Cole for Governor event, my family will boycott Prime on 4th. Senator Cole is anti-family and allows the corrupt West Virginia Family Court system to abuse single parents, children, and elders. Responsible businesses do not support Bill Cole! "

First of all, Halburn, you don't have a family.

Second of all, you couldn't afford to eat at Prime on 4th if you wanted to.
And thirdly, the one who's
abusing single parents, children, and elders is YOU.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Halburn Planning Name Change For His Hate Blog

Blobby Blogger Gets Scooped On Own Announcement

In a desperate attempt to remain relevant and run away from his toxic brand, Halburn will be changing the name and domain of his blog. The new name will be Putnam County News and Putnumcountynews. com will be the new URL. The site was registered on December 27, 2015. It's unsure when the changeover will actually take place.
He doesn't seen to understand that changing the name is not going to make people forget. His past is not going to be erased that easily.

One of the reasons for the change? He now gets to use News in the name. So now he can harass people under a new name and continue to insist "IT'S NOT A BLOG!"

The other reason? Through our efforts, his blog and its name were so damaged, so poisoned, so associated with his harassing, bullying tactics that he was forced to change the name.
And in typical style he made a new shitty logo with some copied clipart. Appropriate that he chose his notebook computer as one of the pieces of clipart..

Pretty sure he just got scooped on his own announcement. News leader my ass.

Same old shit, new name.
You can't polish a turd, all you can do is put a bow on it.

As we always said, we would be here one day longer than putnumlive. com, and that pledge has been fulfilled.
The same thing applies to his new name. One day longer.