Friday, October 13, 2017

Observations From The Sentencing

Just a brief wrap up on the sentencing.

With the threat of an extended jail sentence hanging over his client’s head, Halburn’s doddering lawyer Christopher Butch, immediately started offering multiple excuses why Halburn shouldn’t go to jail.

Halburn has sleep apnea and diabetes.
As a reporter he’s subject to be attacked in jail.
No, he’s subject to be attacked in jail because he’s a punk asshole. As he found out in South Central when the Creeper slapped the taste out of his mouth.

He even claimed Halburn is the “caregiver” for his sugar mama Barbara, who seems to have nothing more wrong with her than her eyes don’t always look focused. She almost looks like a blind person. She is still able to accompany Halburn to all his court appearances though.
Nonetheless, it is she who is Halburn’s caregiver since she has shacked up with him at his one bedroom garage apartment in Dunbar and is now paying his bills since his income is below minimum wage.

Butch told about Halburn’s job stocking convenience store shelves for Footprint Retail, and bragged that he pays his child support regularly.
All $ 177.20 of it. After the original amount of $613.77 was reduced three times.

He did everything but fall to his knees and shout,
“He ran out of gas. He had a flat tire. He didn’t have enough money for cab fare. His tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole his car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T HIS FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD! ”

Halburn himself refused to admit any wrongdoing or express any remorse for the crime of which he was convicted and again attempted to offer his tortured version of the story. Halburn kept repeating his wrong address excuse. It’s just another version of the “Use the side gate” story. Magistrate Hunt immediately cut him off and told him to tell it to the appeal court. “We’re not here to rehash the trial, we’re here to talk about sentencing.”

At that point, Dr Matusic read his victim impact statement where he detailed Halburn’s stalking over the period of the last several years.
After all that, Halburn insisted, “I have never threatened him. That’s a lie.”

Magistrate Hunt then told Halburn, “I know from personal experience… You make impossible demands on people. Then you get upset when they don’t do it. So you have to understand why people feel the way they do. You make impossible demands that they can’t meet. It’s not possible.”

At that point, Hunt read the sentence and terms which we detailed in the earlier article below.

Of course Halburn had to play the sympathy card again and said, “I have a permanent hearing loss and a ringing from a mistreated ear infection. I had a hard time hearing what you said a few minutes ago.”
So Hunt repeated it for him.

“Your sentence is 90 days suspended and 2 years unsupervised probation.”

And then, Halburn’s attorney, the obviously confused Fossil McLawyer asked,  “When does he have to report your honor?”

Hunt replied, “It’s unsupervised. He doesn’t report anywhere.”

Butch seemed dumbfounded when he asked again, “The 90 days?”

Halburn then had to explain it to his own lawyer, “She suspended it.”

Hunt tells him, “I suspended the 90 days.”

And with that, Halburn walked out with two years probation and bimonthly mental treatment hanging over his head.

An appeal has been filed and will have more on that as it develops.

Read Dr. Matusic's story here:

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Matusic’s Stalker Walks, But…

Found guilty by a jury of his peers for stalking Charleston pediatrician Dr. Joseph Matusic and his family, Mark Vance Halburn was sentenced today in Magistrate Linda Hunt’s courtroom.
Halburn gets 90 days jail time suspended, and TWO YEARS PROBATION (unsupervised). Court ordered psychiatric counseling. No fine, only court costs of $1182.70 payable within 6 months.
Here are the details:
Halburn was originally sentenced to 1 year in prison, until the prosecutor pointed out the maximum under the law he violated is 90 days for first offense.
So he got 90 days, suspended for 2 years while under probation. So in essence Matusic gets an extended 2 year personal safety order and Halburn must keep his nose clean for that period.
During the probation, Halburn can’t:
  • Violate ANY law of any state.
  • Possess, drink or associate with anyone drinking alcohol or other intoxicant, meaning if his sugar mama Barbara has a glass of wine or a beer at diner, he violates the order.
  • Visit any establishment whose primary business involves alcohol,  that does not include a restaurant that serves alcohol, because that is not the primary business.
  • Associate with any disreputable person, I guess Suxt0n is included in that!
  • Have any weapon.
  • Have any contact, direct or indirect, or cause anyone else to contact Matusic or a family member, including adults (usually PSOs don’t include other adults, just minors).
AND THE BEST PART IS:  Halburn has been ordered to see a psychiatrist every 2 weeks for 2 years or until released, with biweekly reports going to the court.
If he violates any of these terms, he immediately goes to jail for 90 days.
Halburn has filed a motion to dismiss, motion to vacate, motion motion and appeal. BUT the appeal can only be based on errors in the original jury trial. No errors, no new trial. It will be denied. urges anyone who spots Halburn violating any of these conditions to send us pictures as proof of the violation.
There’s no way on God’s gray earth that this fat bastard can keep his nose clean for two years.
We will have more details as they become available.

Read Dr. Matusic's story here: