Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fourth Time Is Not a Charm

Here's Your Fucking Decision, Fatboy

Mark Vance Halburn has been whining all summer about the WV Supreme Court taking a "three month vacation", but when it started its fall term on Sept 4, they proved they hadn't been sitting on the beach, taking it easy.
Mark Vance Halburn
One of its first decisions is a doozy. In what could possibly be one of the longest memorandum decisions that the court has ever written,  Halburn has been given another devastating kick to his shriveled nuts.

That's right, Halburn.
A new Court and we're still laughing at you, bitch!
If readers thought the original order and the first Supreme court decision in this case were something, wait'll you get a load of this.

The case involves his never ending appeals of his divorce case, which began in 2013.
First he appealed the final order to Circuit Court, where he got no relief.
Then he took it to the WV Supreme Court where he lost again.

After that, he was prohibited from personally (pro se)  filing any civil actions. They can now only be filed by a lawyer.

He continued to show his ass. He filed numerous motions against the court, calling judges names and making irrational demands.

in March 2016, the original Family Court Judge, Michael Kelly, retired.
The new judge, Sabrina Deskins, ordered Halburn to not post any information about his case on social media. He ignored that and began harassing her and the guardian ad litem.
She lasted about eight months before she was replaced.

In March 2017, the case was assigned to Judge Patricia Keller. From the beginning, she showed that she would take no shit from the fat domestic terrorist.

Family Court Judge Patricia Keller
Halburn immediately began a campaign of intimidation and harassment against the Judge and the new guardian ad litem who was appointed to safeguard the child's best interests.

On November 7, 2017, Judge Keller entered a sixty-four page order, which is what this appeal is all about.

In it, she detailed the seven false reports that Halburn anonymously filed with Child Protective Services, his disruption of a local church camp that his son attended, and his campaign of intimidation and harassment against her and the guardian ad litem.

The Judge ordered:
  • Halburn is to have no contact with his son until such time that he undertakes 18 months of continuous progress in mental health treatment.
  • He cannot be arrested, or uncooperative with his therapist.
  • He cannot have copies of the video or audio recordings of the family court hearings or a copy of the guardian ad litem's report
  • He cannot publish any pleadings, guardian ad litem reports, videos or recordings of the private matters  in this case.
  • He must stop making irrational or impossible requests.
  • He cannot file any pro se pleadings
  •  Any frivolous and nonsensical filings are subject to sanctions.
  • Halburn must post a $2,500.00 bond with his next filing so that his second ex-wife can hire an attorney
  • He is barred from the Cabell County Family Court
  • A restraining order was issued against him on behalf of the GAL
  • He was ordered to stop all forms of harassment of  the ex-wife,  her husband, friends, etc.
  • He is prohibited against making public disparagement in print, posting any information on the internet, or via social media.
  • He shall cease filing reports with Child Protective Services. His previous reports were all false and made only to harass. used to harass
And of course, he immediately appealed THAT ruling. That appeal was denied as well, with the judge in that case writing:

"An appeal of  a circuit court ruling from January 26, 2018, "the circuit court affirmed the family court’s (Judge Keller) order and found it to be “the most thorough, detailed, comprehensive, and well-written order the [court] has ever encountered, and the [court] just commenced his twenty-eighth (28th) year on the [b]ench.”"

And now the West Virginia Supreme Court has ruled. AGAIN.

"(Halburn) is entitled to his day in court, but he is not entitled to waste the courts’ valuable time and resources with frivolous pleadings and arguments. Additionally, when those frivolous pleadings and arguments rightfully fail, he is likewise not entitled to engage in outrageous, abusive speech made with the goal of pushing judges and court officers to remove themselves from his case so that he can raise the frivolous arguments anew with a replacement judge or court officer. (Halburn's) actions have resulted in lost time and resources, including the necessity of appointing at least three special family court judges, one special circuit court judge, and two guardians ad litem. The time has come to say, “Enough.”

(Halburn's) "referrals and calls to CPS were false, designed to harass respondent, and a form of child abuse that “in itself can be the basis to modify a parenting plan.”

And then
the bottom line of this entire matter.

"The voluminous record in this case clearly shows that petitioner has repeatedly demonstrated he places his own need for conflict above the needs of his minor son."

Halburn makes this case all about HIMSELF. To him, his son is nothing more than a weapon to be used against the latest targets of his ire and a prop used to elicit sympathy from his fawning audience of malcontents and losers.

This asshole is so self centered he can’t understand that the reason he’s not allowed to “publish” his videos and records or whatever is because they’re harmful to his child. Nah. His reaction is, "Fuck the kid. MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS AS A VERY IMPORTANT JOURNALIST COME FIRST!"

By the time this is all over he'll be screaming, "Rush to judgement! The new court session just started! They rushed to issue this ruling because I criticized them!"

Read the entire ruling and see the lunacy for yourself.
Res ipsa loquitor.

Mark V.H. vs. D. J. M.


Related Stories:

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Supreme Court Smacks Swollen Stalker

Halburn Loses Again

In a unanimous memorandum decision in the case of State of WV v. Mark Halburn, issued on April 15, the West Virginia Supreme Court has handed Mark Vance Halburn yet another loss. This makes Halburn's third loss before that body.

That's right Halburn. You lose again.
All new court, but we're still laughing at you, bitch.
And it's basically a NO SOUP FOR YOU, no oral argument decision for him. They didn't even need to hear his decrepit lawyer's presentation.

Halburn was convicted by a Putnam County jury in 2017 of violating a personal protective order granted to Dr. Joseph Matusic.
He appealed the conviction to Circuit Court, where it had to be heard in Cabell County, due to all the judges in Putnam County recusing themselves. Cabell Circuit Judge Paul Farrell affirmed the ruling from magistrate court.

His aggument for appeal is the same old litany of excuses that Halburn always trots out.

"I can do whatever I want. I'm the news media."
"My 14th Amendment rights were violated."

All pretty much what was expected.
No, jerkoff, your First Amendment rights weren't violated.
The First Amendment does not give members of the press immunity from criminal prosecution for criminal acts.

Halburn's excuse seems to be, "But WOWK went onto his property. I can too."
As Matusic testified, "I don’t have a PSO against Channel 13 and you write a blog.'

The hilarious thing in all this is how many times a court has told him in multiple ways that he's not media.

Halburn argued that Cpl. Johnson’s violated his 14th Amendment rights because Johnson failed to interview him before seeking an arrest warrant.
Cpl. Johnson had probable cause to  arrest Halburn based on Dr. Matusic’s statement and the pictures Dr. Matusic took Halburn sitting in his car in Dr. Matusic’s driveway.  All the deputy would have gotten from Halburn is lies and bullshit. He doesn't have to hear a criminal's story before he gets a warrant.

For these reasons and others, the Court affirmed the Circuit Court's decision.

Read the entire order affirming Halburn’s conviction here:


Related Stories:

Halburn Skips Court Date
Observations From The Sentencing
Halburn Ordered To Get Psychiatric Treatment
Mark Vance Halburn Arrested
Matusic Gets Restraining Order Against Halburn

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Halburn Named In Lawsuit

Dangerous Driver Disregards Directions

Matthew Quintin-Joseph Benincosa claims Mark Vance Halburn was responsible for an accident on I-64 near Nitro that left him injured on December 5, 2016. Halburn allegedly failed to obey traffic signs and warning marks in a construction zone.

Mark Vance Halburn
Halburn is a notoriously careless driver.  He has a long string of traffic citations, mostly for speeding, some for twice the speed limit in a residential area. He has also been ticketed for driving an unsafe vehicle and disregarding traffic signs. He was even involved in an accident due to his inattentiveness in 2013 while his son was in the car. Some say he was texting and hit the divider wall on I-64.

Halburn had 9 points on his WV license when he surrendered it in late 2018.

It's unknown if Halburn has actually been served in this matter since he now lives in South Carolina.

In the past, it wouldn't do any good to sue the fat bastard since he had no assets. Now, however, he is the proud owner of a house.


Kanawha Circuit Court Case number 18-C-1504

Friday, January 25, 2019

Smile! You're Not On Churchy Camera

Area Criminal Doesn't Count On Background Check

In September Mark Halburn was shopping for a church. One where he could go in, throw his weight around, and impress everyone with how media savvy he was.

On December 10 Halburn wrote:
"The great news is I found a great church where I've joined the video crew. The bad news is that I didn't get to go, today, because they canceled services because of a sever storm forecast that ended up being moderate rain... Not a single snowflake in our area!"

On December 26 things seemed to take a turn for the worse.

Sounds like Halburn didn’t count on his new church’s “video ministry team” or whatever doing background checks like they do in real places.

Lost your papers is shorthand for "You're not going to get the job because of your background."
Most people take the hint.
He clearly failed the background check and now is demanding to know why.

And they’re just sort of ghosting him on it.

Then, on January 25th another vaguebook post. It's clear he misses Topix.

Protect My Ministry is a company that serves churches by offering national criminal database searches for volunteers and employees. If the applicant has no record, it's reported instantly. For serial offenders like Halburn the task is a little more complicated.

If there is a hit on the records, there is a 24-48 hour process of re-verification, in which the county courthouse records are updated to the national criminal database records, prior to sending results back.

Prior to sending national background results to their clients, they verify the accuracy of the information by thoroughly reviewing every positive record hit returned from the national criminal & sex offender database. These records are “frozen” for further investigation at the county courthouse.

 Records are first validated based on whether or not they positively match the applicant’s identity. This prevents false positives, which can happen when doing national database searches. They also filter out un-reportable records such as. parking tickets.

A background check can be as little as a one-county check or as in-depth as a security clearance investigation. Public and private records can be searched once the applicant gives his consent.

Typically, their turnaround time on submitted requests is typically the same day to 48 hours.

A final report from Protect My Ministry includes the following:

    Case numbers
    File Dates
    Complete description of charges
    Sentencing information
    Disposition and dates
    Cases with multiple charges will be fully explained

For Halburn, that's going to be a long list.

How shit of a person do you have to be to be turned down by a church as a volunteer? Better find another church that doesn't care about the safety of its members, fatboy.