Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sprayground Won't Open This Summer - That's OK

Halburn Continues To Obsess About Area Pools

Who starts a story with "once again, the children of Putnam County get screwed?
Why, it's everyone's favorite asshole, Mark Halburn, of course.

Once again, Halburn uses a sexual connotation when he talks about children. And not surprisingly it has to do with his favorite thing, public pools.

He loves to talk about the children of Putnam County getting screwed. Wishful thinking, fatsack? Wish it were you doing the screwing?
What he's all worked up about is the construction of the Sprayground at City Park.

Last year Hurricane Mayor Scott D. Edwards announced the construction of the new Sprayground. City Manager Scott Newhouse and Development and Tourism Manager Brenda Campbell raised the $200,000 needed for the project through grants and donations.

In May, a dozen children attended the ground breaking ceremony, and Edwards announced that the Sprayground was expected to be completed and open to the public by August 2011. The best part? It will all be free!

Notice that there was never any guarantee of a opening date.

The word is now that it won't open until 2012.

Mayor Edwards explains, "The first part of the year we were met with delays due to the wet weather, then later in construction, we just ran into numerous other issues, that the manufacturer says is very common. I'm using the city workers for the construction for 2 reasons: 1 - to keep us from getting a loan for $100,000 for someone else to do it and 2 - now that we built it, we can maintain it and save even more money."

And of course California liberal Hallburn takes offense to this. "Spend the money faster", he screams. "Never mind the cost, just get it open!!! I WANT TO SWIM!!! I WANT TO SEE THE KIDS IN THEIR BATHING SUITS!!!" You can almost see him stomping his feet and drooling.

He's wrong. As usual.

PutnamLIES.com applauds Mayor Edwards for his actions. Using workers already on the payroll helps stretch the grant money and donations. This is just a smart move. If contractors were hired, prevailing wage laws would drive up the cost tremendously.

The grantors and donors should know that their money is being spent wisely. And in this case it is. We think they would approve.

It's irresponsible to spend funds willy-nilly just to meet some arbitrary deadline. The project will be done when it's done. And by taking time, it can be done correctly. Why rush the Sprayground just to open it for less than a month?
The children and their parents will be there next year. For the entire summer.

And you know what? There's not a kid in town that really gives a damn at this point in the year. Summer is over. School is back in.

Then he continues with his sexual and scatological innuendos, saying that Putnam government officials have both "screwed" and "dumped on" kids.

He then goes on to blame two more of his booger men, Joe Haynes and Steve Andes, neither of which had anything to do with this matter.

Then, he complains that Scott Edwards won't return his emails. Hasn't Hallburn called Edwards every name in the book since he was elected? He's lucky Edwards doesn't kick his flabby ass.

Halburn calls the Sprayground situation bad news. This motherfucker can't be positive about anything. This is a quarter million dollar project that people in the community will be able to use absolutely free.

If someone gave this guy a shit sandwich, he'd complain there wasn't enough shit on it.

Two references to screwing kids and one to shitting on them in the same blog post. A new low even for Mark Halburn and PutnumLive.com

Friday, August 19, 2011

Halburn Now Stalking PCHD Employees

Follows County worker for 15 miles

For years the "publisher" of PutnumLive, Mark Halburn has been

stalking those who disagree with him.

This time it's the Putnam County Health Department. He claims he has received reader tips that department vehicles are being used for non-department business. 
Yeah right. 
From the same disgruntled Health Department employee that can't keep her mouth shut.

Did he even bother to pick up the phone and ask anyone about it ? Of course not.

He automatically assumes the worst. Maybe the employee
does home health care visits. It 's often more efficient to take a vehicle home and get an early start on visits instead of driving to the office to get one.

Halburn's immediate response was to file a FOIA for mileage logs. And then he started whining AGAIN when they didn't cooperate with his newest fishing expedition. And now he want to examine ALL their documents. What planet are you from, lardo? You couldn't pay for all the paperwork this department generates.

You've had plenty of time to file for relief in magistrate court if the county did not respond in a timely manner to your requests, Crisco. You chose not to. Did you file a complaint with the Prosecutor's office? Did you bring suit in court against the county for violating FOIA procedures?

The one word answer is...


You expect Mark Sorsaia to do your bidding and go after the Health Department.

It's a civil complaint, fatboy. Hire a lawyer and sue. It what REAL media outlets do.

But, as we all know, your opinion blog is not the real media. Lawsuits cost money which you don't have. Don't expect someone else to do your work for you.

Halburn's solution?

Hop in his Korean subcompact and follow an employee home. That's right. He followed them home and then took a picture. 15 miles from the office. He stalked them for 15 miles to Milton and photographed their house.

It's more than 15 miles to Buffalo. How about Liberty? That's over 20 miles. Should they be able to drive there?

There's no law against county employees driving county vehicles home. There's not even a policy. And absent that, you can go pound sand up your fat ass.

As for your phone calls not being returned, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. No one's going to return a call to a bullying asshole that's done nothing but cause trouble and cast aspersions on the Health Department and its administration.

We're looking forward to the day Jacqueline Fleshman slaps your ass with a restraining order

You're a public menace, Halburn. You should be locked up. And it's going to happen.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and hopefully, for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Fellow Sociopath Mark Hallburn Defends

Notorious Putnam County nutjob Tr0y "Oral" Suxton was arrested this morning and transported to the Western Regional Jail.


Suxton was arrested for violating the terms of his probation. In addition, search warrants were served at his house and Turnpike Chevrolet, where he works. Several computers were seized.

"Defendant purchased and possessed alcohol while on probation."
According to the Notice to Hold signed by Putnam County Probation Officer Ray Herbert, Suxton "purchased, possessed, and consumed alcohol while on probation",
(and openly bragged about it). He is being held without bail.

Suxton's home was searched by West Virginia State Police troopers and Putnam County Probation officers earlier this summer. During that search, Suxton's computer was seized and a bottle of vodka was found.
He later went on a internet harassment spree where he impersonated several people (including this publisher) in order to harass Putnam County citizens and officials.

Just yesterday on the ghetto of the internet, Topix, Suxton wrote "Guess who can go to Pittsburgh to see some high quality Dodger baseball to be played against the Buccos on 9/1/11?"

Let PutnamLIES.com answer that question.
Not you, motherfucker. Not you.

He was overheard calling the corrections officers kooks, doofuses, dorks, losers, freaks, cowards and geeks, screaming that they were jealous, saying his arrest was an inside jobby-job and that he was smarter than 85% of the inmates there.
Then they locked him up with the rest of the criminals.
No word if his awesome family will leave their paid for house in order to visit him in the sneezer.

And of course, liberal Halburn immediately started defending him, saying that Sexton is being harassed. One thing is for sure. Putnam County's nuts stick together.

Fuck with the bull, Suxton, and you get the horns.
We hope you get butt-fucked by a big black guy.

The Putnam County Circuit Court case number is: 09MAP 39.

Related Story: Free At Last

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy Birthday To Us!

It's been exactly two years now since we decided we'd had enough of Halburn's shit. He can no longer abuse
with impunity Putnam County's citizens, government officials or anyone else that disagrees with him. Our mission when we started PutnamLIES.com was to expose the lies, hypocrisy and unethical behavior of PutnumLive and its "publisher" Mark Hallburn.

And that we have done.

We are now THE outlet for people to answer the scurrilous charges that he makes.

He has discovered that it's not so fun when the sandal is on the other foot.

It was a big year for PutnamLIES.com
and Hallburn continued his long slow slide into oblivion.

So with that said, let's look at the last year.

Pool Whining Continues

Halburn continued his yearly whining about the pools closing the last week in August due to the lifeguards all going back to school.

Then in the spring, we proved him wrong on the cost of holding the end of season Dog Swim.

And it's coming again, so get ready.

Halburn Strokes Out

In October, the news the world was waiting for was released. Halburn had stroked out.

Unfortunately for everyone it was only Bell's Palsy and he is expected to recover.

But he does have diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea, so there is still hope.

Rezoning Maps

Hallburn's investigative reporting uncovered the double secret zoning change to his second wife's property. Except it wasn't her property.PutnamLIES.com proved his allegations wrong. Again.

Anyone that could read a deed and a map could see that.

Except the dummy.

Calls Karen Haynes "A Bitch"

Last fall Hallburn started douching up the trailer park of the internet, Topix, with his presence. In October he called the tireless Karen Haynes "a bitch" because she is married to Hallburn's imagined nemesis Joe Haynes and because of her tireless work raising funds for a new Putnam County Animal Shelter.

Hallburn, you're not fit to scrape the dogshit off this lady's shoes.
Fired Again

Shortly thereafter, he lost his insurance job with Woodmen of The World, after an incident where he harassed several people at Buffalo's Octoberfest, while he was there representing the insurance company.

Election Warning
Just before the general election in November, the West Virginia Secretary of State sent a warning to Putnam County officials that Halburn might attempt to create a scene and try to disrupt the electoral process. Due to the proactive efforts of the prosecutor and sheriff's office a potential problem was averted.

Desperation Redesign
Late in the year, in a desperate attempt to attract advertisers and bolster his shrinking readership, Hallburn had his news blog redesigned. Now he has a hit counter so he can falsify the number of imaginary readers that he thinks his site gets. He even let the genius that did the redesign to change his URL from a .com to a far less desirable .net.

MySpace 1994 has become MySpace 2010.
The same old shit with a barely new look. Proving once again that you can't polish a turd.

Which led to: 

Hit Counter Proven To Be A Fraud

PutnamLIES.com's IT expert showed how Hallburn inflates his hit counter by loading almost 100 different links on every pageload, thereby artificially inflating the actual visitors by a factor of 100. We proved his actual daily readership was about 29 readers.

Form Letters From Politicians

After being exposed multiple times by PutnamLIES.com for stealing letters to the editor from other sources, Halburn was reduced to running press releases from politicians as letters promoting their agendas and Facebook comments masquerading as letters.

Started Running Coupons

Proving that his blog is truly nothing more than a cluttered advertising shopper, Hallburn started running coupons.

Continues Running "News" Stories About "Advertisers"

He continues his unethical practice of running fawning stories about his so-called advertisers under the guise of news.

We're putting you, your "advertisers" and anyone else you promote on notice, fatboy. We are going to parody and belittle all of you. If you're a business and you don't want it done, don't associate with Hallburn. He is a boil on the ass of civilized society and we're here to lance it.

Election Ad Fiasco

We exposed the fact that ads for both Betty Ireland and Natalie Tennant that Hallburn placed on his blog before the Gubernatorial primary were not authorized and were not paid for by either campaign, despite containing the "Paid For By" disclaimer at the bottom, a clear violation of WV election law.

Both the candidates and their supporters wanted NOTHING to do with Hallburn or his blog. Hallburn was never able to provide any proof that the ads were paid for, a fact which both candidates' financial reports confirmed.

Narrowly Avoids Arrest in Charlotte 
While sponging off his second wife when she was in North Carolina for a Mary Kay pyramid seminar this March, Halburn was involved in pool incidents at at least 2 different hotels. The police were called in the second incident and Hallburn was escorted out of the hotel along with an unnamed minor boy. Shortly after they returned home, his second wife was fired from a teaching job she had held for a number of years, allegedly over her husband's behavior.

Falsifies Own Poll Results

As part of the pathetic "redesign" of his blog, Hallburn added a poll on a sidebar which he loads up with slanted questions. But, Hallburn being Hallburn can't leave anything alone that goes against his preconceived ideas, so he alters the results to make them give the answer he wants. When we called him on it, he went so far as to accuse HIS readers of stacking the poll.

And we end our year with Halburn's latest escapade.

Thrown Out Of Strayer University

In May Halburn was thrown out of Strayer University in Teays Valley where he was attending grad school for a degree in, are you ready for this, Human Relations. Yeah, we got a good laugh out of that too.

But seriously, he went in, caused a big stink, threatened the Dean and was thrown out.

The best part? The Dean is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. She could have kicked his ass all the way back to California.

PutnamLIES.com was started to do one thing: Expose the lies that Mark Halburn was printing every day on his blog. The LIES we're talking about are his. We've been doing it now for two years, and he still doesn't seem to like it very much.

His advertisers have left and his readership numbers, which were greatly exaggerated in the first place, are WAY down. His endless whining about Walmart declined somewhat, but his Walmart blog is long gone.

He's slipped into utter irrelevance because of us and it kills him.

Now people are asking him about us.

But our job's still not over..
Here at PutnamLIES.com, we promise to continue to report the truth even if some loudmouth douchebag whines and cries about it. He was used to being able to do whatever he wanted without question. PutnamLIES.com will continue to call him on his unethical behavior and illegal practices, even as he continues to stalk Girl of Words and continues to embarrass himself with his bogus vendettas and accusations.

Readership and support for PutnamLIES.com continues to rise. Halburn and PutnumLive continues to embarass themselves.

Anytime a future employer Googles his name, they'll be able to find this site and see the truth about him. In fact the number one Google result for the word Halburn is a page that contains his mental evaluation.

Someday in the not too distant future, a little boy will be able to see just what kind of asshole his daddy really is.

The internet is forever. This site and the information on it will follow Hallburn around until the day he dies. Which can't come soon enough for us.

We'd also like to thank all our loyal readers, our correspondents Harry Stamper and Dolemite and the other members of the Trash Bloggers Alliance: Girl of Words, Tyler Hollywood, Lee, Lenny, Tybois and all the rest. We couldn't do what we do without the help and input of our readers.

Our work here is not done. Our output may have slowed but that's only because we have forced the other publisher to alter the way he does business.

We are not going away.

We'll be all around in the dark. We'll be everywhere.

Wherever you can look; wherever he's smeared someone because they won't submit to his demands - we'll be there. Wherever Hallburn's pickin' on a woman - we'll be there. When he harasses people at their workplace - we'll be there.

And when people laugh and clap their hands when they hear he's leaving, we'll be there, too.

We're watching you, Hallburn. The all seeing eye never blinks.

PutnamLIES.com will be here one day longer than Hallburn and his cluttered opinion blog.

What's in store for the next year? Only Halburn's behavior can determine that.

But, keep watching PutnamLIES.com for a revealing new series of articles.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Halburn Hits The Beach

Hallburn and his hillbilly family loaded up their Korean subcompact last week to escape town after the Strayer incident and headed for the Redneck Riveria, Myrtle Beach. PutnamEYES.com's South Carolina correspondent was there.

And of course, between posting on Topix and surfing the 1 foot waves, he had time to soak up a little sun.

Except for this embarrassing incident:

I'll push. You pull.
Ewwwwwwwww! Now his smell is on my hands!
Oh my god! The chair is stuck to his ass! And he has half a sandwich stuck under his left tit.
Get away before he falls on us.
After the jaws of life were used to free him, they loaded up the car and headed back home so he could continue terrorizing the citizens of West Virginia.