Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Election Hijinx 2016

Here's an amusing item about one of Halburn's "advertisers."
He has been running a huge ad for Doug Reynolds, the Cabell county political hack running for Attorney General, across the top of his blog since January. Reynolds is a big Halburn supporter.

Funny thing is, the campaign expenditure reports are out, and nowhere in any of Reynolds' reports do they list any expenditures for advertising on Halburn's blog, either as a straight out ad buy or an in-kind contribution.
The ad clearly states: "Paid For by Reynolds for Attorney General."
Which poses the question, who is breaking the law here?

Shouldn't a candidate for the office of Attorney General be above this sort of shenanigans?

Glenn Jeffries, who is running for State Senate, has a similar ad with Putnum Live which shows in his pre-primary reporting as a $1000 ad expenditure.

Remember, no politician who runs an ad with Halburn is fit to hold office.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Douchin' It Up In Danville

Which PsychoPublisher was involved in another hotel incident?

Since Halburn was fired from CVS, he's been scrambling to find a new job. Apparently, he hoodwinked some company to hire him and they sent him to Danville VA for some sort of training. We're not sure what sort of company would hire someone like him, but it didn't take long for the hilarity to begin. 

Halburn likes to frequent the trailer park of the internet, Topix, and post his scurrilous complaints using one or another of his sock puppets.
Here's the first of three posts that he's made so far.
Funny how every encounter he has at a hotel involves the phrase "threatened to call the police"

"Sleep Inn
Road Warrior

I travel, a lot, on business. When I was driving in, I was concerned about the accuracy of my GPS. So I called the hotel. The overnight clerk was clueless.
In the morning, I asked for directions to the local business that I would be servicing. The clerk gave me directions that took me in the opposite direction! I was late to the client!!!(The REAL location was two blocks away, but my false directions had me turn before I saw it!) When I complained to the daytime manager, she was RUDE and said, "I would have done the same thing."
There were ANTS in my bathroom.
Another guest woke me up at 4:30 a.m. with their television. The front desk handled it - but no apology. The next day, I mentioned this to the day manager, who was RUDE AGAIN!
My company had to add another night to my reservation. They faxed in the pre-paid ccard, but the day manager DEMANDED my card, and scanned it. She said, "We need to have a card on file." She was RUDE! As I walked out to my car, I commented, "Unbelieveable!" Her response was, "This is standard procedure!" She told me that the first clerk made a mistake by not taking my ccard number,(WRONG! The hotel was provided a ccard by our travel agency!) Later, I checked my account balance and found that the daytime manager SCREWED UP and BILLED ME instead of the preauthorized credit card that she was faxed by the travel agency, SHE BILLED ME! When I called the desk, I was told nothing could be done and that the GM would take care of it the next morning. I advised her that I was leaving at 6:00 a.m. and needed to have the manager call me within 5 minutes so that I could go to sleep. She did, and threatened to call the police, threatened to call my company, threatened to call Choice.(I'd already called my company! They already knew about the bad directions as I shot a picture of them and texted it to my boss!!!)
Later, they fixed the charge on my credit card. Too late. I WILL NOT RETURN!
In a previous career, I worked for multiple hotels from coast-to-coast. This hotel's service is AWFUL!!!
NEVER STAY AT THE SLEEP INN at Danville, Virginia!
I forgot to mention the unreliable Internet!"

Wow, it's really refreshing to see a hotel complaint from Halburn that doesn't involve a swimming pool.
Halburn is also upset he had to pay extra for cheese on his greasy hamburger. Here's his first food complaint of the week.
The most hilarious part is where he says he "travels across the country." This fucker hasn't been able to afford to leave Dunbar, much less travel across the country. When his mom died, his sister had to pay for his ticket to California.

"Ham's restaurant
Danville VA
Unknown eater

Great cheeseburgers. Lousy service. They also have a Swiss * Cheddar cheese option in the "build your own burger" section. But when I ordered it, they demanded an extra .75 cents. The manager was a real witch about it, too.
I travel across the country and found the Ham's service to be among the slowest. AWFUL!"

Here's his next food complaint.
Everything is so important ... Business travel, blah blah blah. 
He's a very busy businessman who is very busy with business.
He also doesn't appear to know the difference between a per diem and a reimbursement.

Is there anything that ever goes right for him? Ever?
It's mind blowing that a person has bad experiences with literally everything.
Also, stop eating cheeseburgers for every meal.

"KickBack Jack's
Danville VA
Unknown eater

I am spending a few days, in Danville, on business. My hotel recommended KickBack Jack's and told me about $5 appetizers. But when I called the restaurant, I learned that they were during "limited hours" and I was just past the 6:00 deadline for "the special" price. I spoke to the manager, thinking he would take care of a business traveler, but he wouldn't and sounded like he was reading from a script. Because I have a meal "per diem" (Where I am reimbursed) I watch my expenses.
I went to the restaurant, the next day, and the server denied they had a $5 appetizer special. At this point I nearly walked out. However, she checked with management and admitted she was wrong. I thought MAYBE we were "turning the corner."
Then I received my meal.
My "medium rare" cheeseburger was DEFINITELY rare. BARELY cooked. I advised the manager, and it took about 10 minutes to get the food replaced. When I received the replacement burger it was STILL on the "rare" side, but I didn't want to repeat the process.
Then things got MUCH better. The server was on top of her game, checking regularly and providing stellar service.
LOTS of big screens to watch the games. Not overwhelmingly loud like many sports-related restaurants.
I will go back to KickBack Jack's, but I will make sure they properly cook my meal."

If I were an employee
at KickBack Jack's, the next time you came back,  I would make sure I not only spit in your food, I'd jerk off in it too.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stealing Material Once Again

Which Dunbar Blogger is stealing material again?

Halburn sometimes runs editorial cartoons on his little blog. (He used to have a subscription to a cartoon service but wasn't making enough money to renew it.)
He recently ran one drawn by Jim Morin of the Miami Herald and syndicated by the New York Times/CWS Syndicate.

The problem?
He erased the artist's signature and the newspaper's name.
That's theft.
It's also nothing new for him.

The version he stole and altered is on the left. The original is on the right.

Looks like another job by the Crazed Cartooner.

Excessive Noise At The Inn

Halburn is whining  this morning that his sleep was disturbed.

He hoodwinked some company to hire him and they sent him to Danville VA for some sort of training as a "merchandiser" and put him up in a motel there. We're not sure what sort of company would hire someone like him, but it didn't take long for the hilarity to begin.

Odd. He's complaining about the same thing that he did that got his ass beat the last time he was in jail.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Another FOIA Fishing Expedition

Halburn is well known for his FOIA fishing expeditions. And since the Secretary of State now has a searchable database of all requests filed with WV government agencies, his demands can now be read online.

His latest vendetta seems to be against West Virginia State University. He was demanding copies of emails and their criteria for what they constitute as working press.

The focus of his ire this time is WVSU Director for Public Relations Jack Bailey.
Once we saw the request shown below, it all made sense.

FOIA Request Items

Inspection of Email
“In response to your response to my March 16, 2016 FOIA request: As stated in my FOIA request, the author and recipient of requested emails is Jack Bailey. Additional authors and recipients can include Jerry Waters, Scott Edwards, Benjamin Newhouse, Raymond "Joe" Haynes, Steve Andes, Chris Walters, Kelli Sobonya, Bill Cole, and Mitch Carmichael. I am specifically looking for any emails that discuss Mark Halburn, Mark Hallburn,, DM, DH, PutnamLIES,, the PutnamLIES Facebook page, as well as discussion of any and all Facebook posts discussing all of the above.” “You can also add the phrases "the publisher" and "psycho publisher" to my list.”“Please see attached for two of the email addresses that I am looking for emails to and from. One of DM's email address is L**************** Another could have a "tasty blends" or "Tasty Blends foods" as part of the email address.” “Other names include Lee Mays, Mark Sorsaia, Tyler Hollywood, Lawrence Smith, Cryptic Vullshit, Mark Smith, and Travis Castle.

Last month when WVSU was celebrating its 125th anniversary, we thanked WVSU for adding us to to the press list and giving us full access all to the events. The Blobby Blogger begged to be on the press list but was repeatedly denied.
That's what started his latest crusade.

Many of those who have stood up to him also get a shout-out.
Surprising that he left out Danny Jones and Judge Michael Kelly.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Halburn Fired From CVS

Here's a real surprise.
Halburn has been fired from yet another job.

What's the word on the street, Johnny?
The word on the street is that he was fired from the Morris Street CVS a couple of weeks ago... and raised so much hell that the security guard had to force him out the door.


This may have been one of the longest periods of sustained employment of his spotty work history. 16 months.  But, like most of the shitty jobs he's held, this is  another one he's been fired from.

Of course, he refuses to admit the truth. And as always, he tells multiple stories, none of which agree with each other.

First he says, "I quit, in February" Then a week later he says, "they wonder why I resigned March 1st!"  And that same week he posted on Topix, "Halburn quit in February. Went to work for a merchandiser that recruited him out of CVS."

So now he'll have even more time to stalk & harass his targets.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Here's a follow-up to our March 17 story about Halburn confronting Charleston radio host and Mayor, Danny Jones, outside the WCHS radio studios.
It happened again on Tuesday, April 5.

This time, as shown in another comment, Halburn had his little video camera with him.

Jones discussed the matter on Wednesday's 580 Live.
"I think I'm being stalked"
Yeah. You are.

Halburn also added Jones' son this morning as a friend on Facebook which is TOTALLY NOT AT ALL A PSYCHOTIC THING TO DO. Jones should get a protective order right now and tell his son to block the PsychoPublisher immediately.

We will take exception to Jones' statement that Halburn was "running down the street." That's a stretch. Halburn doesn't run anywhere except FROM cops or TO Golden Corral.

Halburn must have that Worse Car Replacement insurance, where if his car is totaled in an accident, they not only replace it, but they give him the money for a car that is ten model years older with 55,000 more miles on it than his old car.

 Halburn attempts to explain away his stalking of Danny Jones by saying, "Don't own a white car, don't drive a white car."
Then maybe he can explain this picture of HIS car, parked in front of HIS rodent infested garage apartment.

What color does it look like to you?

Sure looks white from here.
We're sure his excuse will be something like, "It's not white! It's "Arctic Snow Pearl."
In actuality, it's a silver color.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Remember on March 16 when Charleston Mayor Danny Jones said on the air that he was confronted by Mark Halburn in the parking lot of WCHS Radio? Halburn immediately denied it ever happened and claimed that he never drove the wrong way on ANY streets, never "confronted" the mayor and had only ever had one prior one-on-one conversation with Jones .
Obviously this was just another in a long series of self-serving lies by the portly publisher.

On Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 he was waiting outside the station again for Jones to walk to his car. When he started shouting questions at the Mayor, Jones said nothing, got in his car and drove away.

 Halburn also telephoned WCHS Station Manager Bob Visotcky, who hung up after the Fatman began making accusations in his whiny, high pitched, lispy voice.

Jones' crime? The meter where he had parked his car had expired.
Not. Crazy. At. All.