Monday, December 12, 2016

Photo Oh No

Halburn has long scammed photo studios to get free 16x20 portraits of his son for the creepy kid-shrine that covers the walls of his garage apartment in Dunbar.
Here's a guy that doesn't have two nickles to rub together, but he gets a huge framed portrait done of his kid for every holiday that comes down the road. Valentines Day, Easter, 4th of July, Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Bastille Day, National Potato Day. You name it, he's getting a photo taken for his serial killer walls.

 If CPS ever visited his filthy rodent infested apartment, his PSYCHO PHOTO WALL would trip their "oh shit" sensors ..."Hope no one comes in and sees my creepy, obsessive shrine to my kid on the wall of my garage apartment."
When he has a heart attack in his sleep and they find him, the crime scene people are going to talk for years about how creepy the walls of that tenement were.

You know what we're struck by? How different the son's smile is  in pictures with  his mother and her boyfriend, and with Crisco.
The kid is genuinely happy in pictures with his mother.
In all of Daddy's photos, it's like hostage shots.
Happy vs forced. Almost an animal grimace.

Halburn has completely hosed himself at Sears and Target photo studios after showing his ass in both places. 
The latest place is Portrait Innovations in South Charleston.

Which usually results in posts like this after every visit.

"Mark Hallburn
Waiting at a portrait studio. They are more than 20 minutes late. My time with the boy is limited. The manager doesn't care. She is copping an attitude. Of course, the district manager is hiding behind voicemail."

The other day we received an email from an employee.

"I work at Portrait Innovations. Let me tell you a little about Mark Halburn.
He pisses off EVERYONE he comes into contact with. He has been very rude and mean to everyone who works here. He has thrown things at us, cussed us and even told one associate who is a paraplegic that she should just walk out and leave. He called the manager an obnoxious witch. All of this was in front his little boy.
NOBODY here likes him.
He shows up without an appointment and demands to be seen. He always complains that we keep him waiting, tells us how busy he is and how valuable his time is. He calls here over and over, calls the corporate office, and on and on. And then once the pictures are ready, he complains about them. The order's not right, he had to wait too long, and on and on.

We aren't allowed to call the police on customers but if there's someone in the store who feels threatened they can call. So far that hasn't happened but plenty of us who work here feel threatened every time he walks in the door.
Apparently he wasn't allowed to use a coupon for Christmas because his ex-wife had used it for that boy or something and he just EXPLODED. He kept calling and kept screaming "this is my place, she can't come here."

Eventually he was told he was not to be on the property. Like that will make any difference to him.
Then one morning last week, he showed up at like 8:15, shaking the doors yelling "Let me in, I know you are in there." He left and then came back and did the same thing. Then he slipped a letter under the door along with a page from some court case.
I think corporate is going to sign a trespassing complaint, but who knows if that actually will happen."

Halburn was banned from the business after that and told not to return or he would be arrested.
We hope he got his coupon special.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Loser Hands Out Phones to Other Losers

Looks like the reason Halburn is pimping Obamaphones on his shitty little blog and Facebook is that he's actually peddling them beside the road somewhere in the area.
He wasn seen yesterday on D Street in South Charleston handing out Obamaphones.
How appropriate.

Now he will be bragging,
"I manage my own telecommunications business."

He is so desperate for business, he even posts on his blog:
"If you don’t have transportation or are a shut-in, a Tempo rep can come to you.
(I am) working with a Tempo agent to help spread the word. Tempo reps are at different locations, each day, so telephone (me) and we will let you know where you can get your free phone!"

Bonus points to the first reader who sends a pic of him at his little sales stand.
Double secret bonus points if you sign up and harass the shit of him while doing it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fats goes Krogering!

Last Tuesday night at the Dunbar Kroger store, Halburn was standing in the middle of the store yelling into his enormous phone headset. Accusing whoever was on the phone of  "smearing his name to a business with untruths," which of course means it's 100 percent true.  Shouting that this person never contacted him to get his side of the story which was rude and unprofessional.
The man has absolutely no self control. He no doubt called the poor schlub at home. 

People were turning to stare.

And here's this fat asshole who isn't holding a phone but he's yelling a one-sided conversation in the middle of a busy supermarket. 

Sure he could had had this conversation in his car. But he wants people to think he's some powerful, intimidating person who handles his business like that. He wants people to see it.
Nothing says power and intimidation like a fat guy in shorts and sandals screaming a conversation in a grocery store.
And it's not the first time it's happened in this same store.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Thanksgiving Buffet

 A reader writes,
"We went to Golden Corral today for dinner and who else was there was big, fat-ass Hallburn with his son. Even on Thanksgiving he had that damn headset on and seemed to be doing nothing but eating and talking on the phone while paying little attention to the kid."
We're sure the experience will somehow be terrible enough to him to harass them for free gift cards.
We are also curious who the fuck he talks to on the phone so much when his family doesn't even talk to him.

Monday, November 21, 2016


So Halburn, in his crusade to be declared mentally fit to be a father, has latched onto loads of other mysogynistic, sketchy losers who have lost custody of their kids too. One of the latest guys has written a Facebook post that Halburn lifted verbatim and placed on his blog. But that's not the point this time.

Here's the kicker. In his zeal to smear his second ex-wife, Halburn apparently is too fucking stupid to realize that EVERY SINGLE THING this guy is writing about fits HIM to a T.
Have a read.

The Mental Health of an Alienator
David Shubert 
November 20, 2016

We all have someone in our lives that has caused us undue stress and discomfort at times but, when it goes beyond this point, it is nothing short of unbridled evil…or so we think. There are many reasons that people go to extreme lengths in the effort to injure others emotionally but, the actual reasons may escape us. What causes these actions are many times as much a mystery, as the people behind them.
When we put a label on someone with specific behavioral disorders, it’s important that we educate ourselves in knowing what the various causes are and how they apply to each individual. It is for this reason that we must examine some of the more common types of disorders associated with parental alienation and abduction so as not to confuse them.
In an effort to find out what some of the possibilities are that trigger such behaviors, we must first start by trying to understand the psyche of these individuals. In doing so, we may be able to better understand who and what we are dealing with. We’ll begin with the more common mental health issues that tend to surround people involved in the area of parental abduction and alienation.

The first one is NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is one that most people commonly use to describe their former spouse or partner after the breakup of their relationship. These individuals have an overwhelming need for admiration, is totally consumed with self-gratification, and is completely lacking in empathy for others. It is by far, the most common and destructive personality disorder.
Further, they often have high self-esteem and may believe they are superior or special compared to other people. However, they seem to need excessive praise and admiration, and they may react poorly to perceived criticism. Narcissists also tend to exaggerate their own talents and accomplishments, while downplaying those of others. They are usually preoccupied by power, success, and beauty. 

Next, we’ll examine Borderline Personality, also known as BPD. This is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to maintain a normal functioning relationship with other people. BPD and parental alienation behavior are similar because, borderline parents often alienate their children against the other parent prior to the dissolution of their relationship.
People with borderline personality disorder are usually very impulsive and suffer from turbulent emotions and exhibit unstable behaviors that persist for long periods of time. These people also show signs of impulsive behaviors that result in the difficulty of interaction with others in their life. This can range from home, work, friends, among family members and in personal relationships.
Now, comes the sociopath and this is a personality disorder characterized by a flagrant disregard for the rights and needs of others. In terms of Parent Alienation and the family environment it typically begins with an instigating parent who engages in causing a child to be alienated from a targeted parent and is therefore engaging in psychopathic behavior.
Much of the time this behavior is actually a severe manifestation of a larger disorder, it can be difficult to detect until you become familiar with the individual's behavior patterns. Sociopaths are extremely manipulative and can come off as being grandiose and charming early during a relationship. Not surprisingly a great number of people will fall for the delusional fairy tales and lies spun by the people.

After learning that not everyone suffers from the same disorder, we can now look at what the characteristics of an obsessed alienator and see if they fit into the patterns of your former spouse. Each of the above mentioned may suffer from some, if not all of the list below.
• These people are obsessed with destroying the children's relationship with the targeted parent.
• They were successful in combining the children's personalities and beliefs about the other parent with their own.
• The children will imitate the obsessed alienator instead of expressing their own feelings from personal experience with regards to the other parent.
Their beliefs sometimes become delusional and irrational. Nobody, not even the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. Anyone who tries is the enemy.
They will often seek support from family members and friends that will share in their beliefs that they are the victims of the other parent and the system.
• Their anger has no boundaries because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do is justified.
• They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children.
• The court's authority does not intimidate them.

Though there are other types of underlying mental disorders not mentioned here, these are just a few that we can examine and decide if they fit into your individual situation. Remember, only the assistance of a qualified mental health professional can accurately pinpoint what your former partner or spouse suffers from but, this at least gives you an idea of some possibilities.

Nov 22 Update:

So Halburn writes today:
"Word is my trash blogger critic is whining because we are printing David Shubert columns. Don't worry, we have permission! The trash blogger needs a life AND a clue!"

It strains credulity that he thinks that the reason that post was made was to point out that he printed the whole thing on his blog.

The point was and is to demonstrate how he fails to recognize that everything that guy wrote describes HIM perfectly.

He's playing that sympathy card for his audience of flying monkeys.
Maybe they believe him.
We know better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dad of the Year

Halburn's son is playing basketball in a local league. 

At a recent practice, the Dad of the Year kept going outside on his phone. He never really watches or pays attention to what is going on inside. Ol’ dad cant even be bothered to be in there to watch his "son" and NOT be on the phone.

When practice ended, he wasn't in the gym. As everyone exited, he was still on his phone screaming loudly at someone about  how he paid $500 towards his vacation. Everyday's a vacation when you're not working. Not sure why he'd pay $500 for that. Like he has any money anyway. Maybe Steve Deweese is paying for it.

Everyone heard him and was staring. 

How embarrassing for his son. He has no regard for the boy or his own behavior in front of others.

He's so self absorbed. If he was a super hero he would be Sponge Man.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Last Wednesday, as virtually every elected official in the state prepared for the election, Halburn once again emailed a bipartisan group of legislators from all over the state demanding that they call themselves into special session to get his numerous wacky, self-serving bill ideas and constitutional amendments passed and signed into law by midnight that day with no excuses.

Once upon a time, a teenager came home an hour late from his midnight curfew - again. His lame response was, "I had a flat tire." The exhausted, and frustrated, father said, "You have a cellphone. You should have called me." The boy responded, "That would have delayed me further." The father rolled his eyes. "Last week, you blamed traffic. The week before, your girlfriend was sick. The week before that, you forgot to check the clock. The week before that, the movie was long... I don't want to hear any more excuses. No more excuses will be accepted Your curfew is midnight. You know what you need to do!"
When it comes to family law reform, I don't want to hear any more excuses. Here is what YOU, immediately, need to do: You need to re-open the 2016 session, TODAY, and get the reforms passed, and signed, by TONIGHT, if so that you have a positive to bring before voters next week!!!
Many thanks!
Mark Halburn

Sorry, lardass.
A cute story you plagiarized from somewhere doesn’t make your batshit demands any more palatable.

 The plus side is the enjoyment everyone will get when the day comeswhen Hallburn encounters Jim Justice and shouts, "WHY DO YOU ENABLE CHILD, ELDER. AND FAMILY ABUSE, MR. JUSTICE?
Then maybe they'll permanently ban him from the building. The Capitol Police let him in just to screw with certain lawmakers.

I'd be surprised if they would do anything though. They had plenty of opportunity in the past and basically did nothing. It's like he has naked pony party pictures of everyone and no one will stand up to him.
He's an undeclared sovereign citizen nutjob.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The New Meme

Everyone seems to be posting their version of this post-election meme.
Here's ours.

Friday, November 4, 2016


"Back in 2006, I had a similar situation... After a week of heart tests, they found: 1) I had an allergic reaction to some food. 2) My heart is BACKWARDS. LITTERALLY BACKWARDS! After a discussion, they decided against open heart surgery. (I was 44 and had lived that long without it...) My cardiologist looked at me STRAIGHT FACED and told me not to play professional basketball or football. (Baseball doesn't put as much stress on the heart.) REALLY? At 44, what were the odds that I would be signed by a NBA or NFL team? ROFL!"

We're calling BULLSHIT on this one!
That’s a pretty big-ticket sympathy item for him to have never brought up until right now.
Never in any of his prior attempts to get sympathy for anything has this come out.

And since we've been nailing him for using a child as a sympathy ploy, he's had to stop that pathetic practice.He’s not dishonoring the memory of a dead child because he can’t get away with it anymore.

And, really? No doctor in any way caught that before then? Interesting.
That sounds a little major. Like it would have caused some kind of issue earlier in life, before he was morbidly obese.

And as stated in his 2008 mental evaluation when he was 47 years old:
"a). On hospital admission to Putnam General Hospital on July 28, 2006,Mr. Halburn was seen by Enrique Santana, M.D., and patient gave a history of sleep apnea for two years with the use of a C-PAP machine.
b). On July 31, 2006, Mr. Halburn had a cardiac catheterization which was unremarkable"

You’d think a heart cath would have caught that and wouldn’t have labeled A BACKWARDS FUCKING HEART as “unremarkable."

Well, fortunately, he’s at zero risk of being an athlete, because nobody’s gone pro in eating or stalking yet.
We would be surprised if he even has a heart considering the way he treats his second ex-wife and son.

Too bad it's not true.
Maybe he would die sooner.

Friday, October 7, 2016

I Wuz Framed!


 It's hard for Halburn to argue that a criminal complaint was fabricated when it was HE who posted the videos of parking stalking like they mention in the criminal complaint.

Monday, October 3, 2016

No Adoptions For Old Assholes

YOU weren't able to birth anything, fatsack. Your second ex-wife did all the work. Just like she's doing now.
The only thing you were was a sperm donor.

And there's a reason the DHHR wouldn't let you adopt:

As the WV Supreme Court wrote:
"The family court order noted that the Husband's and Wife's application to become foster parents was denied because of the Husband's behavior"

Friday, September 30, 2016


Silver Bracelets For Halburn?

Not quite yet.

But he did turn himself in on ANOTHER charge of telephone harassment the other day. This is the 3rd time he's been charged with this same crime. 
This time it stems from his vendetta against Charleston Mayor Danny Jones, who hosts a show on WCHS radio.

The Complaint

The complaint issued by Charleston Police Detective W.R. Anderson reads:
On April 28, 2016. the defendant, Mark Vance Halburn, did make approximately eight phone calls to West Virginia Radio Corporation, located at 1111 Virginia Street East, Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia. According to the station's Vice President / Market Manager, Bob Visotcky, the defendant has been banned from the property, as well as the air. The defendant has made multiple phone calls to the station for approximately two years, harassing employees. On March 31, 2016, the President of WV Radio, Mark Miller sent a notice to Mr. Visotcky and Mr. Dale Cooper, Operations Manager, stating the station will no longer take calls from the defendant. Mr. Miller had previously spoken with the defendant and requested he no longer contact West Virginia Radio Corp. The defendant has shown up in front of the building, harassing employees about on street parking, in the past. Due to the amount of calls today (4/28/16), the administrative assistant, Amy Dempsey, has become fearful for her safety, as well as that of her coworkers, as her desk is in the front of the building, by the front door, and visible from the street.

He turned himself in so he's probably out on a personal recognizance bond.
But it is still considered bond and he can not commit any offense (even traffic) or they can revoke his bond and place him in jail until his hearing.
The case is Kanawha County 16M-2960
A hearing date has not been set at this time.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Halburn Stalking Candidate Cole's HQ

Area Man Plans to Break Several Laws to Prove Other Guy Is Perhaps Violating One
Domestic terrorist Mark Vance Halburn's at it again.
He's still stalking gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole.
This time he's lurking outside his campaign headquarters on Capitol Street in Charleston and harassing supporters who are there picking up campaign materials.
Plus it's right across the street from his lawyer, who by the way, fired him shortly after this.

Halburn multitasks - Photographing and harassing a Cole supporter

People literally stream in and out of there all day to pick up signs for the county and statewide races. It's an inconvenient location for parking purposes. People who are coming to get signs are told to let someone from the campaign know what you want and how many and they'll have them ready to be run out to your car so you can be on your way.  They ask people specifically to try to avoid high-traffic times, like before and after work and lunch so they can keep traffic moving.  It's not like they're parking there for hours. It's an in & out thing.

But, of course, Halburn has seen the need to
appoint himself citizen parking enforcer. He has become very upset with receiving several parking tickets over the past few years. Of course, NONE of those were his fault. Just ask him. Nothing ever is.

He whines, "Cole's campaign office won’t enforce the law."
Yeah. You know why?
He says, "We telephoned Cole’s office, seeking comment. The call has not been returned."
Don't hold your breath, shitbag. It won't be.

But since you're unemployed and mentally ill, you have all day to stand outside and watch and shout at people who drive in, "Why does Bill Cole encourage illegal parking?" "Why don’t public officials, and their followers, obey the laws?" you can be the vigilante parking enforcer.

They can't keep Halburn off Capitol Street since it's a public thorofare, but Cole's people have 911 on speed dial if he comes through that door.
His whole thought process just makes no sense. At all. It's a 4 year old's mentality.
It's tattling on someone for taking a second bag of milk at break time in kindergarten.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Pool's Closed

It's that time of year again.
Halburn is upset Charleston pools are closed so he calls Charleston Mayor Danny Jones at home .

Monday, August 15, 2016

21st Century Appliance Service Lies

In another one of his fictional "pat myself on the back" episodes, Halburn claimed last night that his neighbor's Sears refrigerator broke and he needed it repaired the next day but Sears had closed several hours ago. This was at 12:30 in the morning.
Ol' Fats decides he'll jump in and help by calling a Sears store in HONOLULU because it's 5 hours BEHIND the eastern time zone and is STILL OPEN! (Free long distance is his friend!) Doesn't matter that almost everyone has free long distance these days.
Then he claims that he did this once before and the repairman was so amazed that he offered him $50 to tell him how he was able to book repair appointments in the middle of the night. He continues and says he was able to talk the repairman into upping his offer and giving him a "benji" to do it.

It's the 21st century, dipshit. You don't need to call an actual Sears store. You can reach Sears Appliance & Home Repair and schedule a repair appointment 24 hours a day. And with a toll free number.

The whole story is total bullshit.
Like him claiming to have run over and killed a robbery suspect, the after concert car crash rescue, and the cat rescue
More self serving lies from a narcissistic congenital liar.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


What kind of father agrees for his sick son to skip his visitation and stay home instead of going with him and then threatens to file an emergency contempt motion against the mother?

Mark Halburn

His son is nothing more than a pawn to him.
He doesn't love the boy, he loves using him and the legal system to harass his second ex-wife.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Halburn continues to run a feature on his fake news blog that he calls "In The Kitchen," where he regurgitates restaurant inspection reports that he has harassed the Putnam County Health Department into sending him.

What's so unusual about that, you might say?

What's unusual is that in all the years he's been running these reports he has only posted ONE inspection report from any of his long-term "advertisers." That was in 2015 from the Nitro Tudor's. 


He has NEVER printed the results of a Health Department inspection for any Gino's or Barnyard BBQ restaurant. All three "advertise" on his blog. 
Gino's has 4 Putnam County locations, Tudor's has 5. Barnyard has 1. 
So it can't be that they're not being inspected.

Is he not reporting negative results for certain restaurants because they run ads on his blog? Or in exchange for free food?
Does he single out other restaurants for punishment or payback because they refuse to have anything to do with his hate filled agenda?

Halburn has a deal with Barnyard BBQ where he gets a free meal once a month in exchange for advertisements and favorable stories. That allows him to brag to all his Facebook toadies that he takes his son there for "our monthly prime rib dinner."

Just another example of his continuing conniving, corrupt, unethical, journalistic behavior.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hey, it's Father's Day

Here's a little song forHalburn.
How's it feel for another man to be raising your "son", fatass?
At least he's a man the boy can look up to instead of one to be embarrassed about.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Crazy Wall

Halburn is OBSESSED with getting his kid's picture taken. He gets his picture taken constantly.

Halburn lives in a tiny, one bedroom garage apartment in Dunbar. Virtually every single inch of wall space is covered with pictures of the boy. It's a creepy shrine. There can't be an inch of wall space without a picture. It's not that big.

He takes the kid and has his Portrait made for
every single birthday, Valentines Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, school, soccer, basketball, the list goes on and on. 

You know when the police go to a serial killer's home and his walls are covered with his victims' pictures?  It's like that. 

And these aren't pictures most people have in their houses. 4x6s, 8x10s. No. That's not good enough for MARK FUCKING HALBURN. 
These are 10x13s, 16x20s. Huge prints, almost poster sized. And all framed.
All this from a guy who makes less than minimum wage and had his child support payment cut at least three times.

And he's been banned from almost every photo studio in town.
Portrait Innovations

He goes in and immediately starts complaining.
He had to wait. They couldn't accommodate his special requests. The photographer wouldn't do what he wanted. Other patrons and their kids are annoying. Harassing employees. Calling names. Throwing things. Reshoots. And all with a coupon. And he still complains about the results.
Which results many of the times in comped pictures.
He bitches enough and they just give it to him.

At one point he even borrowed a prop from another photographer and took it to Target for them to use. That takes a lot of nerve.

As the kid gets older he looks more & more uncomfortable in these photos.  What used to be smiles have turned to grimaces. That kid has to have some emotional problems from this stuff.

"At Target Portrait Studio having the boy's annual Father's Day portrait shot. There are children (REPEATEDLY) whining "mommy" and "daddy" to parents who are 1) Ignoring them. 2) Failing to tell their lovelies to "QUIET!" Then there are the middle school and elementary school sisters who are LITERALLY slapping each other around while their "dad" ignores them. Makes me grateful that 1) I would NEVER ignore the boy this way. 2) He KNOWS not to whine. 3) He is an ONLY child! ROFL!!! (It could be worse-BROTHERS draw blood!) Next, I will go to the pain killer aisle and buy a HUGE bottle of Excedrine Maximum Strength!"

1). You would NEVER ignore the boy this way? Not unless you were writing an article for your blog or posting on Facebook or attacking someone on Topix or digging through the trash for bottle caps.
2). Only daddy is allowed to whine.

Monday, June 6, 2016


In his ongoing battle to be recognized as a legitimate journalist, Halburn has been soundly rejected again by West Virginia State University.
At least there's one government office that has the balls to tell him no.
Not a bonafide news service? Has she not seen his headset?
Many times it is easier to get press credentials with a title of 'blogger' or 'podcaster' than that of journalist, of course it helps if you're not an asshole too.    
I'm sure he has already located Ms. Osborne's address and is in the process of  harassing  her unmercifully.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Thrown Out of Target - Harass more. Behave Less

Halburn and his 8 year old son were thrown out of an area Target a few weeks ago.
Seems the corpulent complainer spotted  WV Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry, couldn't control himself and began verbally attacking the jurist, so he and his son were escorted out of the store.

WV Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry

Halburn describes what he imagined happened,

"Target allowed Lunatic Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry to yell at my son when I told him to stay away from Loughry.
I spoke to my son - not the justice. The justice started screaming at us and even tried to intimidate Target's staff by whipping out a badge. I told the justice to leave us alone and immediately took my son away from the hothead justice and went shopping in the rear of the store. The justice continued to get in our face and continued to intimidate their staff. I asked to speak to the assistant manager about the issue and we went outside to avoid the screaming justice. I have, since, been back in the store, to shop."

A few days later he continued with his lies.
"An out-of-control Target customer and management's failure to properly deal with said customer now has (his second ex-wife) distorting the incident in a court document. When I spoke to the store GM, he was rude. He refuses to let me talk to his district manager (obvious damage control!). I am referred to Guest Relations where I repeatedly am connected to an (apparent) overseas call center where the CSRs overwhelm me with their heavy accents." 

Of course, his story is complete self-serving bullshit, as usual.

He also says Target apologized to him.
Businesses don't apologize when they throw a disruptive customer out.
What really happened?
When Halburn saw the justice, he started making snide remarks in a very loud voice to the kid, calling the Justice an "unethical politician" among other names, while following the Loughry through the store, causing a scene.  
The entire Target store heard him because that was his intention. He knows better than to just outright attack the guy, so he used the kid. Why not just take the boy and WALK AWAY???

This is exactly the type of behavior the WV Supreme Court wrote about when they said, " Halburn will create conflict with third parties which might scare or alarm or traumatize [the child] or place the young child in reasonable apprehension of bodily harm caused by others, or, if  Halburn is arrested yet again, might result in the child being placed in the temporary care of unknown private or public third parties until [the child's mother] can retrieve him."

This is why you'll never have custody of your son, Halburn.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fired Again

Well, that didn't take long.

After bragging about "Getting a chance to work in some college towns in the southeast this month", It appears Halburn has lost yet another job after just two weeks.
Funny how a company that hired someone to stock gas station shelves prefers that person to not harass hotel clerks and restaurant employees while working for them.

We made our post at 10:36. Halburn made this post at 10:53. Seventeen minutes later. The whole post from the courageous cat saver is a huge lie.

You know, for someone who doesn't care, he sure does talk about it a lot.

HE can't ignore it because we've been living rent-free in his head since 2009.
Looks like he has plenty of time to sit around on his fat ass and lie some more since he got fired again.

Stocking gas station shelves is not a "project."

He still can't keep those CVS Facebook lies straight.
Now he says he "quit" in March after giving notice in February.
You don't get escorted out of your workplace kicking and screaming by a security guard when you quit.

On April 12 he wrote:
"they wonder why I resigned March 1st!"

Then, on April 18, he said:
" I quit, in February"

Which is it fatboy?
Either way you've lost another job.
Once they find out what an psycho asshole you are, they fire your ass.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Election Hijinx 2016

Here's an amusing item about one of Halburn's "advertisers."
He has been running a huge ad for Doug Reynolds, the Cabell county political hack running for Attorney General, across the top of his blog since January. Reynolds is a big Halburn supporter.

Funny thing is, the campaign expenditure reports are out, and nowhere in any of Reynolds' reports do they list any expenditures for advertising on Halburn's blog, either as a straight out ad buy or an in-kind contribution.
The ad clearly states: "Paid For by Reynolds for Attorney General."
Which poses the question, who is breaking the law here?

Shouldn't a candidate for the office of Attorney General be above this sort of shenanigans?

Glenn Jeffries, who is running for State Senate, has a similar ad with Putnum Live which shows in his pre-primary reporting as a $1000 ad expenditure.

Remember, no politician who runs an ad with Halburn is fit to hold office.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Douchin' It Up In Danville

Which PsychoPublisher was involved in another hotel incident?

Since Halburn was fired from CVS, he's been scrambling to find a new job. Apparently, he hoodwinked some company to hire him and they sent him to Danville VA for some sort of training. We're not sure what sort of company would hire someone like him, but it didn't take long for the hilarity to begin. 

Halburn likes to frequent the trailer park of the internet, Topix, and post his scurrilous complaints using one or another of his sock puppets.
Here's the first of three posts that he's made so far.
Funny how every encounter he has at a hotel involves the phrase "threatened to call the police"

"Sleep Inn
Road Warrior

I travel, a lot, on business. When I was driving in, I was concerned about the accuracy of my GPS. So I called the hotel. The overnight clerk was clueless.
In the morning, I asked for directions to the local business that I would be servicing. The clerk gave me directions that took me in the opposite direction! I was late to the client!!!(The REAL location was two blocks away, but my false directions had me turn before I saw it!) When I complained to the daytime manager, she was RUDE and said, "I would have done the same thing."
There were ANTS in my bathroom.
Another guest woke me up at 4:30 a.m. with their television. The front desk handled it - but no apology. The next day, I mentioned this to the day manager, who was RUDE AGAIN!
My company had to add another night to my reservation. They faxed in the pre-paid ccard, but the day manager DEMANDED my card, and scanned it. She said, "We need to have a card on file." She was RUDE! As I walked out to my car, I commented, "Unbelieveable!" Her response was, "This is standard procedure!" She told me that the first clerk made a mistake by not taking my ccard number,(WRONG! The hotel was provided a ccard by our travel agency!) Later, I checked my account balance and found that the daytime manager SCREWED UP and BILLED ME instead of the preauthorized credit card that she was faxed by the travel agency, SHE BILLED ME! When I called the desk, I was told nothing could be done and that the GM would take care of it the next morning. I advised her that I was leaving at 6:00 a.m. and needed to have the manager call me within 5 minutes so that I could go to sleep. She did, and threatened to call the police, threatened to call my company, threatened to call Choice.(I'd already called my company! They already knew about the bad directions as I shot a picture of them and texted it to my boss!!!)
Later, they fixed the charge on my credit card. Too late. I WILL NOT RETURN!
In a previous career, I worked for multiple hotels from coast-to-coast. This hotel's service is AWFUL!!!
NEVER STAY AT THE SLEEP INN at Danville, Virginia!
I forgot to mention the unreliable Internet!"

Wow, it's really refreshing to see a hotel complaint from Halburn that doesn't involve a swimming pool.
Halburn is also upset he had to pay extra for cheese on his greasy hamburger. Here's his first food complaint of the week.
The most hilarious part is where he says he "travels across the country." This fucker hasn't been able to afford to leave Dunbar, much less travel across the country. When his mom died, his sister had to pay for his ticket to California.

"Ham's restaurant
Danville VA
Unknown eater

Great cheeseburgers. Lousy service. They also have a Swiss * Cheddar cheese option in the "build your own burger" section. But when I ordered it, they demanded an extra .75 cents. The manager was a real witch about it, too.
I travel across the country and found the Ham's service to be among the slowest. AWFUL!"

Here's his next food complaint.
Everything is so important ... Business travel, blah blah blah. 
He's a very busy businessman who is very busy with business.
He also doesn't appear to know the difference between a per diem and a reimbursement.

Is there anything that ever goes right for him? Ever?
It's mind blowing that a person has bad experiences with literally everything.
Also, stop eating cheeseburgers for every meal.

"KickBack Jack's
Danville VA
Unknown eater

I am spending a few days, in Danville, on business. My hotel recommended KickBack Jack's and told me about $5 appetizers. But when I called the restaurant, I learned that they were during "limited hours" and I was just past the 6:00 deadline for "the special" price. I spoke to the manager, thinking he would take care of a business traveler, but he wouldn't and sounded like he was reading from a script. Because I have a meal "per diem" (Where I am reimbursed) I watch my expenses.
I went to the restaurant, the next day, and the server denied they had a $5 appetizer special. At this point I nearly walked out. However, she checked with management and admitted she was wrong. I thought MAYBE we were "turning the corner."
Then I received my meal.
My "medium rare" cheeseburger was DEFINITELY rare. BARELY cooked. I advised the manager, and it took about 10 minutes to get the food replaced. When I received the replacement burger it was STILL on the "rare" side, but I didn't want to repeat the process.
Then things got MUCH better. The server was on top of her game, checking regularly and providing stellar service.
LOTS of big screens to watch the games. Not overwhelmingly loud like many sports-related restaurants.
I will go back to KickBack Jack's, but I will make sure they properly cook my meal."

If I were an employee
at KickBack Jack's, the next time you came back,  I would make sure I not only spit in your food, I'd jerk off in it too.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stealing Material Once Again

Which Dunbar Blogger is stealing material again?

Halburn sometimes runs editorial cartoons on his little blog. (He used to have a subscription to a cartoon service but wasn't making enough money to renew it.)
He recently ran one drawn by Jim Morin of the Miami Herald and syndicated by the New York Times/CWS Syndicate.

The problem?
He erased the artist's signature and the newspaper's name.
That's theft.
It's also nothing new for him.

The version he stole and altered is on the left. The original is on the right.

Looks like another job by the Crazed Cartooner.

Excessive Noise At The Inn

Halburn is whining  this morning that his sleep was disturbed.

He hoodwinked some company to hire him and they sent him to Danville VA for some sort of training as a "merchandiser" and put him up in a motel there. We're not sure what sort of company would hire someone like him, but it didn't take long for the hilarity to begin.

Odd. He's complaining about the same thing that he did that got his ass beat the last time he was in jail.