Friday, September 30, 2016


Silver Bracelets For Halburn?

Not quite yet.

But he did turn himself in on ANOTHER charge of telephone harassment the other day. This is the 3rd time he's been charged with this same crime. 
This time it stems from his vendetta against Charleston Mayor Danny Jones, who hosts a show on WCHS radio.

The Complaint

The complaint issued by Charleston Police Detective W.R. Anderson reads:
On April 28, 2016. the defendant, Mark Vance Halburn, did make approximately eight phone calls to West Virginia Radio Corporation, located at 1111 Virginia Street East, Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia. According to the station's Vice President / Market Manager, Bob Visotcky, the defendant has been banned from the property, as well as the air. The defendant has made multiple phone calls to the station for approximately two years, harassing employees. On March 31, 2016, the President of WV Radio, Mark Miller sent a notice to Mr. Visotcky and Mr. Dale Cooper, Operations Manager, stating the station will no longer take calls from the defendant. Mr. Miller had previously spoken with the defendant and requested he no longer contact West Virginia Radio Corp. The defendant has shown up in front of the building, harassing employees about on street parking, in the past. Due to the amount of calls today (4/28/16), the administrative assistant, Amy Dempsey, has become fearful for her safety, as well as that of her coworkers, as her desk is in the front of the building, by the front door, and visible from the street.

He turned himself in so he's probably out on a personal recognizance bond.
But it is still considered bond and he can not commit any offense (even traffic) or they can revoke his bond and place him in jail until his hearing.
The case is Kanawha County 16M-2960
A hearing date has not been set at this time.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Halburn Stalking Candidate Cole's HQ

Area Man Plans to Break Several Laws to Prove Other Guy Is Perhaps Violating One
Domestic terrorist Mark Vance Halburn's at it again.
He's still stalking gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole.
This time he's lurking outside his campaign headquarters on Capitol Street in Charleston and harassing supporters who are there picking up campaign materials.
Plus it's right across the street from his lawyer, who by the way, fired him shortly after this.

Halburn multitasks - Photographing and harassing a Cole supporter

People literally stream in and out of there all day to pick up signs for the county and statewide races. It's an inconvenient location for parking purposes. People who are coming to get signs are told to let someone from the campaign know what you want and how many and they'll have them ready to be run out to your car so you can be on your way.  They ask people specifically to try to avoid high-traffic times, like before and after work and lunch so they can keep traffic moving.  It's not like they're parking there for hours. It's an in & out thing.

But, of course, Halburn has seen the need to
appoint himself citizen parking enforcer. He has become very upset with receiving several parking tickets over the past few years. Of course, NONE of those were his fault. Just ask him. Nothing ever is.

He whines, "Cole's campaign office won’t enforce the law."
Yeah. You know why?
He says, "We telephoned Cole’s office, seeking comment. The call has not been returned."
Don't hold your breath, shitbag. It won't be.

But since you're unemployed and mentally ill, you have all day to stand outside and watch and shout at people who drive in, "Why does Bill Cole encourage illegal parking?" "Why don’t public officials, and their followers, obey the laws?" you can be the vigilante parking enforcer.

They can't keep Halburn off Capitol Street since it's a public thorofare, but Cole's people have 911 on speed dial if he comes through that door.
His whole thought process just makes no sense. At all. It's a 4 year old's mentality.
It's tattling on someone for taking a second bag of milk at break time in kindergarten.