Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mark Halburn STILL Hates Dogs

Runs Over Beloved Pet

Putnam Avenue behind the Hurricane Sheetz was the scene of a senseless accident Saturday morning, due to carelessness.


Mark Hallburn, a homeless transient driving a cheap Korean sub-compact car, struck a dog behind Sheetz on Hurricane Creek Road Saturday morning.
Speculation is that he was probably distracted by the yummy sandwich he had just purchased.
Hallburn left the scene after the accident and claimed there was no damage to his vehicle.

dog in the grille

Later that afternoon, he said he had damage to his car and showed up at the dog's owner's house wanting money.

They told him to fuck off.

What kind of dick hits a dog and then expects the dog owner to pay? The dog owner should go after him.

You can bet your ass Halburn didn't go over there to offer to pay for the dog's injuries.

The dog's condition is unknown, but it was expected to live.
Halburn too, is expected to live, just somewhere else.

UPDATE: Halburn is apparently saying elsewhere that he has left a comment here with HIS explanation that we haven't printed. He is lying.
You want to see your comment? Then post it, pussy.


  1. Genius reporting Ballburn!

  2. Hurricane has a leash law. If the dog was in the street unleashed, and anyone hits it and their car is damaged they have civil recourse.

  3. We checked with HPD. There is no report of such an accident. Ballburn is lying again.

  4. Mark, like HPD would tell you a damned thing. I do hope they show up to your cardboard box and haul your ass in for hit and run (still an accident even if it was a dog) and the owners of the dog sue you for whatever they can get out of you (maybe your car and the cardboard box).

    But really, someone should figure out how the dog is doing. No one gives a damn how Mark is doing. Personally, I hope a coal truck comes along and mows him down while he is wobblin' down the road. Little eye for an eye.

  5. Ballburn is playing the "half-truth" game. Here is what really happened:

    Late Saturday morning, on while heading east Putnam Avenue, a small dog darted from a property and I struck it. I immediately did a U-turn and spoke with the upset owner who came down from an upstairs door. He said the dog was OK and that he did not blame me for the accident as the dog was in the street where it did not belong. I offered my name/address/phone. He declined. I did not ask for his. I DID NOT get out of my car as the man was upset and I was trying to avoid a confrontation with a stranger. I then went to the Post Office to pick up a parcel (I was on my way there when the accident happened) and proceeded to Cross Lanes to take a picture of where FedEx is moving to and to buy some low-energy CFL bulbs at Lowes. While driving in the parking lot at Lowe's, I noticed a noise coming from the front of my car. I stopped and saw that the bumper was pulled away from the right-front wheel well and there was dog fur "attached" to it. I went home, checked to see what my insurance comprehensible deductible is ($250). I then called Putnam Dispatch, asked if the HPD takes accident reports, and rolled to the home to meet the officer and have HIM knock on the owner's door to arrange for me to get information for insurance. Officers Halloran and Poe eventually arrived. Halloran explained that they don't take a report, agreed to get the owner (to avoid a confrontation) was shown the damage, confirmed the damage, and got the owner who provided me his name, address, phone. I offered the same. I explained to the officers and the dog's owner that I would file an insurance claim, would ask that the deductible be waived, see if the insurance company would pay for the dog's injuries (though the owner told me there was only swelling in a joint of the dog's leg) and ONLY expected the man to pay the deductible-if it is applied. It MAY be that the bumper can be re-attached with a bolt or two. At NO point was there a "shakedown" as the comments on Topix and Ballburn allege. In fact, I called the police to MAKE SURE that everything was done properly! The claim has been filed and Monday I will take the car to a body shop to start the repair process. This will be copied and posted on Topix and on Ballburn's lies blog. We will see if he runs it without editing or continues with his lies and distortion. The City of Hurricane requires all dogs in an un-fenced yard to be on a leash. Compliance with that rule would have avoided this from happening. Finally, I am glad that the dog was barely injured. When I heard the impact, I thought I'd killed someone's pet. Obviously, I would never want to injure any animal.

  6. Where do I start?
    The only lies and distortions are coming from you. Your story is designed for one thing: to make you look good. Nothing is ever your fault.
    I'm surprised you didn't say Scott Edwards and Joe Haynes were holding the dog down in the road and forced you at gunpoint to run over it.

    When have you EVER avoided a confrontation, you fat fuck? And twice in one day? Please.

    Then you get the pat on the back machine going letting us know how energy conscious you are. Spare us. Don't you know that an incandescent bulb would provide much needed heat for your dumpster?

    You returned there for one reason. To force the dog's owner to pay up. You said so yourself. No insurance company is going to waive a deductible. And they didn't. The deductible is there for YOU to pay. Not to attempt to shake down the other party and get them to cough it up.
    You think the owner should pay it? He's under no obligation to.
    You thought you could bully him into it until he told you to fuck off.

    Did you offer to pay for the dog's medical bills? Because the dog's owner has a stronger claim for that than you do for your car.

    And then you pull your favorite card.
    Blame the victim.
    It was the dog's fault.
    He he hadn't been outside, you wouldn't have hit him.
    He was just asking for it wasn't he , Crisco?
    The City of Hurricane requires all drivers to obey the posted speed limits. You wouldn't have hit the dog had you not been traveling in excess of the speed limit.

    One of the indicators of being a psychopath is cruelty to animals.
    The other two are bedwetting and firestarting. And we all know about the firestarting.

    You swerved to hit that little dog didn't you? You sick bastard.

    Oh yeah. One more thing.
    It's called a line feed.
    Look into it.

  7. He substituted for us 4 days before this!!!
