Monday, January 9, 2012

Mark Hallburn Uses Image Of Dead Child To Advance His Vendetta

Lower Than Low

In his continuing vendetta against Putnam County Prosecutor Mark Sorsaia, last week publisher Mark Hallburn sunk to a new low, even for him.
Halburn frequents the ghetto of the internet, a website called Topix, where he posts Halburn strokey mugshotunder at least a hundred different assumed names, known in the computer world as sock puppets.

On Jan 1, in a topic named "Putnam Judge" about Sorsaia possibly running for the seat of retiring judge O.C. Spaulding, Halburn began his attacks by using the name "Not Sorsaia" in several posts. He started by assailing Sorsaia for not prosecuting those who have denied Hallburn's freedom of information requests. Halburn is unwilling to avail himself of civil remedies, preferring instead to harangue Sorsaia over the matter. He has been whining about this for years.

His next line of attack was to bring up the Logan Goodall case, a local boy who was sexually abused and murdered by his mother's boyfriend in 2005.

Then on January 2, he adopted the moniker "RememberingLogan" including a picture of Logan next to his user name.
RememberingLogan profile

He then posted simultaneously under both names.
His first post under that name was a continuation of his previous attacks.
"Sorsaia let Pepper Eren cop a plea deal. As long as she is walking the streets Sorsaia is not fit to hold public office."

And then the really egregious part came. Adopting the persona of the murdered little boy, he wrote,
"Mark Sorsaia let my mommy off easy. I deserve justice. I didn't get justice from Mark Sorsaia. "

halburn''s RememberingLogan comment

And then,
"There's no justice in Putnam County as long as Sorsaia is around. "

Later, in response to those comments, another reader started a topic entitled "Mark Halburn using image of dead child to further agenda". Commenters excoriated Halburn for using the little boy for his own personal gain. Halburn had that topic removed.

It was then put up a second time with similar results. Halburn was roundly criticized again for his actions. He had that one taken down as well.

Virtually every comment readers have made there about him posting as RememberingLogan has been pulled.

Why are you doing that Mark? Ashamed about what you wrote? Afraid it exposes you as the self-centered monster that you really are?

Well, it's not going to happen here.

Halburn had them removed because he knew he'd be called out for doing such a despicable thing.
Mark Halburn has done many low things in his miserable life, but this one takes the pancake.

Did he attack DHHR Child Protective Services for failing to follow through on their investigation into an anonymous report that the child was being abused in August 2005?

Did he attack the Kanawha Prosecutor for letting Merrifield's father and mother off with a slap on the wrist?


He attacked the man whose office convicted Pepper Eren of felony child neglect and convicted the boyfriend, Michael Merrifield of first-degree murder, sexual abuse by a parent or guardian, and death by a parent or guardian and got a sentence of life without mercy.
Mark Sorsaia's office convicted both of these animals.

Eren served five years for her crime and has since been released from prison.
That was the crime for which she was convicted. Obviously the evidence was not there to charge her with anything stronger or Sorsaia would have done so. Which is better, to convict for neglect or let someone walk because there's not enough to convict for murder?

Why would someone do something so crass, so tasteless, as to use the name and picture of a murdered child?
He did this for one reason.
To further a selfish, petty political vendetta he has against Mark Sorsaia.
It has nothing to do with the poor little boy. It is just another opportunity to try and slam Sorsaia. Justice was done except for Merrifield's parents. But he doesn't bring that up. It wasn't Sorsaia's case, there is nothing in it for Halburn, so he doesn't care.

Of course, this is nothing new for someone that trots out his
stillborn aborted daughter as a sympathy crutch whenever he needs to. Seriously, how many sane people have their dead daughter listed as a friend on their Facebook page?

Mark, do you think it's ethical to use a murdered child's picture for your personal gain? To pretend that you speak for him?
How disrespectful can you be to the memory of a little guy that suffered enough?

The family of Logan Goodall should track you down and beat you like a rented mule.

You are a truly horrible person Hallburn. This is exactly the type of tactic that your wife divorced you over.

We worry about the safety of your soon to be second ex-wife and her child.
You have already made your son a public pawn in your divorce proceedings. She should seek a restraining order against you now. She shouldn't wait until the divorce is final.

Shame on you Mark Hallburn. Shame on you.
The fires of hell don't burn hot enough for you.
Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

If you've got an explanation, we'd like to hear it.

You're a cancer on humanity.
Leave our state now.
Get out.


  1. What an apalling thing to do.

  2. Seriously, creating a dead child's profile is lawsuit territory.

  3. Wasn't this the kind of thing he apologized for a month or so ago?
    That sure lasted a long time.

  4. Further proof is here:

    You may have to be logged into Facebook to view this, but it seems he used the same picture of the poor child on his blog.

  5. It is just a shame that there is not some sort of legal rememdy that can be imposed against this man and his triage of followers.

  6. The fact that he won't even try to defend himself shows that he knows what you've written is true.
    Keep up the good work on exposing this maniac.

  7. If you want more evidence, just Google "Mark Hallburn" and "Logan Goodall" and you'll see the picture of the poor child used in his sock puppet postings, and that same picture Halburn used on his blog entries.
