Monday, July 30, 2012
The Road To Perdition
Here's the dirt road leading to the oh so successful publisher's rat infested HUD trailer at 1940 Sandy Ridge Road in Galivants Ferry SC.
Wonder if his homeowners association dues have been paid?
Oh yeah, we forgot. All he can afford is a subsidized rental.
If you're in the Myrtle Beach area, drive by and see where he lives. Honk your horn too. He loves that! It's a dead end road so you'll have the chance to do it twice.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Bash At The Beach
Got a call last week to go to the private terminal at Yeager Airport an catch a plane to Myrtle Beach.
The only way to fly! Via Cessna Citation. The TSA can blow me!
In the air for less than an hour, and we're there.
What a condo!
The view.
Supposedly that pier is the longest on the east coast.
The view of my feet.
A little golf. This is my view from the bunker.
A little fishing,
And most importantly a bunch of fireworks. Which got brought back on the plane.
Did I already say the TSA could blow me?
Still way too much traffic, too many lame-ass pseudo-Vegas tourist shows & too many time share pimps.
The Pavilion and all the good bars are gone.
But always plenty of good golf & fishing.
And luckily for him, no Halburn sightings.
Oh yeah, we also took a little time to drive inland a few miles and take a few pictures. Maybe we'll share those with you later.
The only way to fly! Via Cessna Citation. The TSA can blow me!
In the air for less than an hour, and we're there.
What a condo!
The view.
Supposedly that pier is the longest on the east coast.
The view of my feet.
A little golf. This is my view from the bunker.
A little fishing,
And most importantly a bunch of fireworks. Which got brought back on the plane.
Did I already say the TSA could blow me?
Still way too much traffic, too many lame-ass pseudo-Vegas tourist shows & too many time share pimps.
The Pavilion and all the good bars are gone.
But always plenty of good golf & fishing.
And luckily for him, no Halburn sightings.
Oh yeah, we also took a little time to drive inland a few miles and take a few pictures. Maybe we'll share those with you later.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Who's Behind Attacks on Judge Watkins?
No Surprise, It's Mark Halburn
Out of State Publisher Sides With TWO Sex Offenders, &
Mark Halburn has a problem. When someone won't do something for him, he attacks them. Now, the hate blogger has donned the cloak of the crusading journalist in attempt to smear a Putnam County Judge.
This time it's Putnam County's Family Court Judge William Watkins.
Except the people he is defending are not the upstanding citizens Halburn portrays them to be. Two are convicted sex offenders with large outstanding child support bills.
How incompetent and dishonest is this? Halburn is trying to tear down a judge by using sex offenders as his poster boys.
As part of Halburn's on-going vendetta against Putnam Magistrate Kim Blair, he filed a complaint against her in 2007. Part of that complaint included his allegations of a letter that he claimed was in a sealed divorce file. Halburn went on another of his FOIA fishing expeditions and demanded that Judge Watkins turn that letter over to him. Watkins rightly refused. Divorce proceedings are sealed unless one of the parties releases them. There has never been one shred of evidence that such a letter exists, except in the fevered mind of Mark Halburn.
Hallburn feels he can do and act however he wants by hiding behind the First Amendment, masquerading as a reporter and bloviating about the public's right to know. All he is really doing is looking out for is his own selfish self-interest.
Halburn's second wife and her mother were represented by Watkins when they both filed for bankruptcy in 1998, no doubt due to pressure from her soon to be husband Mark Halburn. Watkins recused himself from Halburn's messy divorce case due to this fact.
Halburn continues to defend his criminal buddy Tr0y Suxton, a convicted child abuser domestic batterer. Suxton likes to parse words too. Call it what you will. Battery is abuse.
Hallburn lies when he says he and Suxton have never socialized together and have never met with each other, ignoring the fact that Suxton was at Halburn's home on November 5, 2011, just days after his second wife filed for divorce, when he invited "trash bloggers" to a debate in her front yard (He called it the World Headquarters of . Halburn posted an article on his opinion blog, with this photo, of Suxton in his yard waiting to "debate."
Suxton claims to be "outraged" that Watkins called him a "child abuser."
Suxton may be outraged, but he IS a convicted child abuser domestic batterer. He abused two of his sons by beating them publicly, in front of numerous witnesses. He has expressed absolutely no remorse for his crimes and continues to taunt the judicial system, law enforcement and others in Putnam County.
We're outraged that this sub-human piece of shit is still free to roam the streets, vandalize property and threaten Putnam County officials.
We're outraged that this sub-human piece of shit is still free to roam the streets, vandalize property and threaten Putnam County officials.
Halburn started this latest crusade in October 2011 by accusing Watkins of not paying his homeowner association dues. As if that had anything to do with anything.
Hallburn repeatedly telephoned Watkins office to demand a comment. When Watkins did not return any of those calls, Hallburn went to Watkins' office. After Halburn made another one of his famous scenes, Case Coordinator Lori Mitchell ordered him out of the building. Hallburn responded with a letter to Watkins demanding his side of the story and complaining about Mitchell's behavior. Watkins replied by saying, "Thank you for pointing out that I need to get my homeowner's dues caught up. I hadn't been aware of this until now."
As always, Hallburn says he never made that accusation. He claims he ASKED why Watkins was listed in the newsletter, as "Not in good standing".We say there's no difference. It's always a matter of semantics with this fat fuck.
Suxton also lives in the same subdivision as the judge. This is where the homeowners association letter came from.
Hallburn then relayed the situation and letters to his fat little toady, West Virginia Record freelance reporter (and sometimes reporter) Lawrence Jay Smith to make it appear that Halburn had nothing to do with the story and deflect an appearance of bias. Smith telephoned Watkins seeking comment. Watkins responded with a voicemail to Smith which Smith gave to Suxton who published it on another one of his YouTube accounts.
Smith went to Watkins' house, photographed it and passed the photo to Halburn who published it.
Smith is a personal friend and part-time employee of Halburn's who has been doing Halburn's dirty work for years and as such has absolutely no business reporting on anything to do with him. The WV Record has allowed Smith to report stories about Halburn until May of this year. Doing so is a breach of journalistic ethics and the Record, where he is a freelancer, should give Smith's fat ass the heave-ho.
Halburn has also recruited Smith to report on issues not only involving Watkins but Kanawha County Family Court Judge Michael J. Kelly as well, who is now hearing Hallburn's divorce case.
Halburn often likes to pat himself on the back about things he does not publish.
In 2008 Halburn wrote on his hate blog, "For security purposes. has chosen not to publish the home addresses and telephone numbers of Judges Norbert "Ed" Eagloski, O.C. "Hobby" Spaulding, Magistrates Kim M. Blair, Kylene Brown, and Linda J. Hunt, Family Court Judge "Chip" Watkins, as well as Prosecutor Mark A. Sorsaia, and Sheriff Mark L. Smith."
However, in this case, since Halburn has a new-found hard on for all things Watkins, he published the picture of the judge's house along with a scan of a letter showing Watkins' address. This is just one more example of Mark Halburn and's hypocrisy and unethical behavior.
After that, four incidences of vandalism have occurred at Watkins' home. His wife's car windows have been smashed several times and a window in his house was broken.
Suxton lives about a half mile away.
Halburn later returned to Judge Watkins' house on July 7, 2012, just before 10 AM and took several more photographs which he subsequently published.
Suxton lives about a half mile away.
Halburn later returned to Judge Watkins' house on July 7, 2012, just before 10 AM and took several more photographs which he subsequently published.
Halburn then steps up and defends convicted child molester Terry Hamm.
Hamm was convicted in 2000 of sexually assaulting a young girl. Halburn has a on-going fascination with sex offenders.
Hamm was jailed by Watkins after missing a hearing for being in arrears on his child support to the tune of $10,544.62.
Shortly after that, Hamm filed a writ of prohibition against Watkins and Mitchell.
Then there's the video that got this whole thing started.
Arthur Hage is a fundamentalist preacher who is being divorced by his wife. He refuses to cooperate on the sale of their house and was in court to explain why he was dragging his feet on the matter. He was previously ordered to make no comments about the case and then proceeded to talk to every reporter who would listen. Especially Jay Smith.
Arthur Hage is a fundamentalist preacher who is being divorced by his wife. He refuses to cooperate on the sale of their house and was in court to explain why he was dragging his feet on the matter. He was previously ordered to make no comments about the case and then proceeded to talk to every reporter who would listen. Especially Jay Smith.
He openly insulted his ex-wife out of court. This self-righteous bastard claims that his wife wouldn't want a divorce if she was "in her right mind." Hage tried to prevent his wife from divorcing him. She had accused him of being physically and emotionally abusive of her, among other things. Judge Watkins signed a protective order to prevent further abuse, which Hage violated. This elderly, violent egomaniac wanted the court to try and force his unwilling ex-spouse to undergo a psychological exam before she could leave him. He badmouthed the condition of the house that was to be sold. He refused to sign the sales agreement when he was ordered to do it.
He claimed he had no money to pay his ex-wife yet this slimy fuck has a "chauffeur" to drive him to court. For someone who who portrays himself as a man of God, Hage shows an utter disregard for the law.
Hage got a copy of the video of the hearing, gave it to the reporter and then it made its way to Sexton who published it on his YouTube account.
Often when society only knows a little of the story, we pity the the assailant and not the victims.
We only saw half the story in this video.
The real victim in this case is Mrs Hage.
The real victim in this case is Mrs Hage.
In the latest video, Robert Harper, another child molester who Halburn tries to portray as a poor, 62 year old, crippled amputee in order to elicit sympathy, was jailed for contempt of court in his divorce case. Harper is $70,000 plus in arrears in his support payments to his first wife (Harper has been married 4 times) and told his ex that he would see her in hell before he paid.
Harper sued the Cleveland Clinic, claiming that their doctors injured his sciatic nerve causing a partial paralysis to his right leg. That case was settled for an undisclosed amount. Harper hid that fact from the Court and refused to disclose the amount to Judge Watkins even though he knew that doing so would put him in contempt of court. The settlement money he received was to pay off his arrearage. Harper repeatedly told the judge, "Contact my lawyer." The judge rightly threw him in the clink.
Again, that video was published by Suxton on his YouTube account.
Halburn continues to harass Watkins.
Halburn continues to harass Watkins.
He repeatedly calls him at home demanding comments.
On July 7, 2012, while Halburn (who now publishes his blog from his trailer in South Carolina) was in town visiting his child, he called Watkins' home and left a voicemail message. He also went to Watkins' home and attempted to contact him on that same day. He photographed the house at that time as well. He also left numerous messages on Watkins' work voicemail.
We do not know why Halburn continues to stalk Watkins. We do not know whether Halburn either abandoned his kid to go knock on Watkins door Saturday or took the kid with him. Either way, great parenting, lardass. You're a fine example for a young boy. No wonder he always looks angry.
On July 7, 2012, while Halburn (who now publishes his blog from his trailer in South Carolina) was in town visiting his child, he called Watkins' home and left a voicemail message. He also went to Watkins' home and attempted to contact him on that same day. He photographed the house at that time as well. He also left numerous messages on Watkins' work voicemail.
We do not know why Halburn continues to stalk Watkins. We do not know whether Halburn either abandoned his kid to go knock on Watkins door Saturday or took the kid with him. Either way, great parenting, lardass. You're a fine example for a young boy. No wonder he always looks angry.
Was Watkins out of line? Maybe. But remember that the video clips that were released show a snapshot in time that are favorable to those releasing them. Hage has repeatedly stonewalled Watkins' orders to cooperate. Harper blatantly ignored court orders and hid assets he received in a court settlement. And then refused to answer the judge's questions about it.
Each one of these people has an axe to grind.
Each one of these people has an axe to grind.
Violating a protective order and failure to pay child support are criminal offenses. These two individuals are probably not the best examples to use as poster boys.
William Watkins is a good man and a fine judge doing a difficult job. Two irresponsible pseudo-journalists invaded his privacy and threatened the safety of his family. He is certainly a far better person than his detractors.
And while we're on the subject of family court videos, fatboy, you claim Kanawha County Family Court Judge Michael Kelly, who is hearing your divorce case, is abusive, unfair and an awful judge.
Will YOU be sharing those videos too? You know, in the public interest of keeping bad judges in the sunlight and all.
Let's see them. Put your money where your mouth is.
You won't though, because you're a gutless pussy. You know if you release them the only person that's going to look bad is YOU. You don't want anyone to see your abusive, unreasonable and unfair behavior.
We say release YOUR family court videos. Otherwise, this is the single largest example of you being a complete hypocrite.
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