Friday, July 20, 2012

Kickin' It On The Hillbilly Riviera

greetings from myrtle beach

The ocean continues to make EXCESSIVE NOISE!
I can hear it very clearly on my balcony.


  1. Someone should build a sound wall or plant some trees. How inconsiderate!

    Enjoy your vacation! :)

  2. Clearly, it's Mark Sorsaia's fault. He should have filed for a permanent injunction to prohibit surf noise from disturbing the sleep of hard working citizens.

    Wait - did I say Mark Sorsaia? I meant to say Scott Edwards, who should have realized the effect that noisy oceanic currents have on the business climate. He should resign.

    Until these miscreants decide to do their jobs (and stop rudely hanging up on me), I should be paid ONE MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY until such a time as this noise ceases to disturb my fitful Type-1 diabetic slumber.

    Marky H.
