Thursday, December 19, 2013

Halburn Outs Undercover Officer

Flabby Blabbermouth Publishes Name, Picture

Recently Halburn wrote a story on his attack blog about a Putnam County Deputy who was returning to the drug unit.

That story included the name and several photographs of the officer.
This is even after him bragging right here on
on November 7, 2009,

"We don't report security plans-at the request of law enforcement. It's called not revealing the playbook to the bad guys. It's called responsible journalism.... We also don't report the names of undercover police or how many cops work certain shifts. And when some knucklehead sent me photos of the homes of Hurricane PD officers, we didn't publish them either."

If a guy is going back into an undercover drug unit, doesn't a news story kind of defeat the purpose?
Halburn might as well write, "Hey, dope dealers, here's a photo and story about this guy who's a cop."

Undercover officers don't want their picture in newspapers or online, even if they're not ID'd.
But no, here's this big feature story with a photo about this cop who's going to be sending guys from Detroit to jail. Good luck.

Way to endanger a police officer's life, Halburn.

This is just more of the irresponsible, unethical conduct that we have come to expect from and Mark Halburn. does not publish the names or photos of law enforcement officers that are working undercover in order to not jeopardize their lives.

We do practice responsible journalism.

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