Monday, August 3, 2015

Y R U Fat?

Halburn is now giving health lectures.
He says we need to eat three healthy meals a day.
And then the 3̶7̶0̶ 330 lb., diabetic lunatic, pardon the pun, weighs in on how to eat healthier.

"Step away from that Big Mac and order a salad - with low-fat dressing. Eliminate French Fries. Cut down on breads. Eat low-fat."
This is coming from the "father" who feeds his son nothing but fast food on the mid-week evening and weekend days he gets to see him.
 This is coming from the "man" who eats nothing but fast food like polish sausages and pizza from a Speedway gas station and heat & eat microwave meals.
This is coming from the "man" who thinks Applebee's, Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera are "quality sit-down restaurants ".

When you get down to under 200 pounds lardass, you can lecture people about eating correctly. Not until.
Y R U Fat?
Because you're a lazy, overeating bastard who will be dead of a heart attack or stroke soon enough.

He always has to jump in with his sock puppets.

He must have forgotten his logins for Joan Butler and Pappy Parker.
Today in sock puppet theatre...

"Scott Anderson I get that you don't like this guy. You are a narcissistic whack job. I've seen Hallburn in public. He obviously weighs less than 300 pounds, contrary to your lie. My family has seen him take his son to quality sit-down restaurants including Applebee's Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera. They are always polite, which is more than I can say about your rude attack Facebook page. You are a poor reflection of Putnam County and our positive West Virginia values."

Bullshit.. Way to come up with a new FB profile, Crisco.
You want to see a narcissistic whack job? Look in the mirror.
Your latest arrest record says 330 lbs. Want to see the scan?
Only you would qualify Applebee's, Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera as "quality sit-down restaurants." They're shitholes masquerading as restaurants.
Your kid eats once a month at Barnyard BBQ because it's free. You get a free meal in trade for advertisement and favorable articles.

It's Taco Bell, Speedway, Tudors, McDonald's, Billy Bob's.
Every. Single. Time. You have the kid.
You claim that's "being good to my son."
No. Feeding that boy that stuff because "dad" is too poor, lazy or his hovel is too dirty borders on abuse.

"Scott Anderson Good morning cyberbully... You must feel proud spreading lies. The father and son that you are harassing were enjoying themselves at the park recently. Completely appropriate. Unlike your behavior."

Translation: Junior was wandering around the park unsupervised while dad was immersed in his notebook computer. Get another sock puppet, lardass. You and your son may have been at the park but the boy wasn't enjoying himself. He was being forced against his will to spend time with you.

What fast food did you feed him Wednesday night?
I saw your kid at the Wave Pool a few weekends back and the kid looked lost. You were nowhere to be seen. 
Turns out you were off in the deep end of the pool while the boy was left to fend for himself.
What high
quality sit-down restaurant did you take him to that day?

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