Monday, November 27, 2017

Citizen’s Arrest!

Pussy Mark Vance Halburn talks big but doesn’t have the sack to back up his lippy rhetoric.
Seems he’s aligned himself with a bunch of fringe groups consisting of paranoid losers, malcontents, and disgruntled unfit parents who claim to be out to “reform the system.” Many of these are borderline sovereign citizen types.
The latest whackadoo he’s latched onto for his crusade is a woman who started a “group,” of "advocates", called the “National Coalition Family Court & CPS Reform”, which seems to consist of 8-10 fringe nutjobs from each state.

She has declared January 3, 2018 as “National Citizens Arrest Day” where she and her gang of Gomers plan to go after judges, CPS workers and others involved with the family court system and place them under citizen’s arrest. She’s having her minions post names and photos of judges and other court workers on her Facebook page. Some of the posts appear to come real close to making terroristic threats.

It’s odd though that Mr. Court Reform hasn’t posted the names of any of his persecutors on her list.
This is a guy who for months has been going on the worst produced and engineered internet radio talkshow in existence, beating his gums about judges and how he’s going to show up at events to ask “the hard questions” to judicial candidates and bad mouthing every person associated with his never ending family court case.
And now, showing up at a seedy hotel room in Parkersburg to appear on the above woman’s vanity video project in order to verbally bully and threaten the current judge and guardian ad litem who are overseeing his case. Tough guy talked about how he’s going to put all sorts of stuff about the judge on the internet. He’s swinging his dick around looking into the camera saying things like, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller” and then … he has it pulled off within hours after it appears.
Because at the end of the day, Crisco, you know you can’t do shit.

halburn o
I’m coming for you Judge Keller
Last night on his Facebook page he tried to whip his crowd of flying monkeys into a froth by announcing the event. Most didn’t seem to be taken with the idea.
“Gee, what could possibly go wrong?”
“Attempting a citizens arrest of a judge could get someone killed.”
“There is no way this citizens arrest thing could possibly end in a positive way”
“It’s got a nonsensical sovereign citizen hype vibe to me.”
“Don’t sound like the best idea.
“I think anyone that participates in this is off their rocker, and will more then likely end up in jail themselves.”
“Or a psych facility… This is all bad…”

And of course Halburn trots out his standard non-denial denial. “I didn’t say I was participating… Only reporting…”
“I didn’t say he was on crack, I just asked the question.”
If the response had been, “This is awesome, you’re a hero, you go” he would have been all about it.
And he may still be.
His angle will probably be, “I’m a reporter. I’m just here covering the event.”
Ask that other reporter who showed his ass at the Capitol earlier this year how that worked out for him.

Why his lack of participation?
Fear of jail. He’s scared shitless of getting locked up again.
All talk, no action.

UPDATE: So now the flip flops have started with these assclowns. The furious backpedaling began shortly after we posted this story. The explanation now is they didn’t  mean go out and actually arrest anybody.  “That comes later,” their crazed leader tells her drooling audience.
Even though Halburn, a so-called “team member” wrote on his hate blog that the group “is collecting names of CPS and Family Court officials and judges and plans to place them in silver bracelets because of their misconduct. plans to cover the local arrests and bring you photographs.”

Now they say they mean arresting the nation by not buying anything. The sheep have been instructed not to buy gas, coffee, cigarettes, beer, groceries, crack, anything. Don’t go to work, banks, the post office . Don’t use electricity, phones or internet. They actually think Walmart is going to close that day. They think they’re going to shut down the country.

We have news for these losers. What  their “arrest” calls for is the lackeys swearing off using or buying things for a day. All that does is shift their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the “arrest” doesn’t call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up something, the threat it poses is a hollow one.
Not buying things on a designated day might make people feel  better by providing them a chance to vent their anger at “the man”, but the action isn’t going to have any real impact on anything.

Those who really want to send a “message” to “the man” should try not buying anything for several months in a row. See how dedicated they are to the cause then.
The effect of a couple hundred disaffected parents not buying anything for a day will make absolutely no difference to the economy or the courts. There’s not a court in the land that is going to take notice of this buffoonery, much less change anything about the way they operate because a bunch of gullible Gomers didn’t buy coffee & smokes for a day.

So the story is now “arrest” =  don’t buy anything.
What it really means is “this effort” = bullshit.

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