Friday, August 19, 2011

Halburn Now Stalking PCHD Employees

Follows County worker for 15 miles

For years the "publisher" of PutnumLive, Mark Halburn has been

stalking those who disagree with him.

This time it's the Putnam County Health Department. He claims he has received reader tips that department vehicles are being used for non-department business. 
Yeah right. 
From the same disgruntled Health Department employee that can't keep her mouth shut.

Did he even bother to pick up the phone and ask anyone about it ? Of course not.

He automatically assumes the worst. Maybe the employee
does home health care visits. It 's often more efficient to take a vehicle home and get an early start on visits instead of driving to the office to get one.

Halburn's immediate response was to file a FOIA for mileage logs. And then he started whining AGAIN when they didn't cooperate with his newest fishing expedition. And now he want to examine ALL their documents. What planet are you from, lardo? You couldn't pay for all the paperwork this department generates.

You've had plenty of time to file for relief in magistrate court if the county did not respond in a timely manner to your requests, Crisco. You chose not to. Did you file a complaint with the Prosecutor's office? Did you bring suit in court against the county for violating FOIA procedures?

The one word answer is...


You expect Mark Sorsaia to do your bidding and go after the Health Department.

It's a civil complaint, fatboy. Hire a lawyer and sue. It what REAL media outlets do.

But, as we all know, your opinion blog is not the real media. Lawsuits cost money which you don't have. Don't expect someone else to do your work for you.

Halburn's solution?

Hop in his Korean subcompact and follow an employee home. That's right. He followed them home and then took a picture. 15 miles from the office. He stalked them for 15 miles to Milton and photographed their house.

It's more than 15 miles to Buffalo. How about Liberty? That's over 20 miles. Should they be able to drive there?

There's no law against county employees driving county vehicles home. There's not even a policy. And absent that, you can go pound sand up your fat ass.

As for your phone calls not being returned, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. No one's going to return a call to a bullying asshole that's done nothing but cause trouble and cast aspersions on the Health Department and its administration.

We're looking forward to the day Jacqueline Fleshman slaps your ass with a restraining order

You're a public menace, Halburn. You should be locked up. And it's going to happen.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and hopefully, for the rest of your life.


  1. Nice "Casablanca" reference. :)

  2. Remember how we used to lock up the mentally retarded in some wing of some Gothic like building on some far off island? We should bring that back.

    Yeah. That would solve some issues today, including one in West Virginia.

  3. They do. It's called Mildred-Mitchell Bateman Hospital in Huntington, WV.

  4. He's gonna pull that stunt on the wrong person and end up with a severe case of lead poisoning...
