Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Is Gonna Get Real Ugly.Real Fast

CAUTION: May be too disturbing for some viewers.

We hope you can keep your food down after you see these.
Our ace Hurricane correspondent, Dolemite, was out Friday evening and captured the following pictures.
These are images you'll see only on
And after you see them, you'll be glad of it.

Watering those precious trees

Surveying the future sound barrier.

Those are going to be real nice. IN ABOUT 40 YEARS!

His Reward. A tall cool drink. Probably of hamburger gravy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, MARK HALBURN!

Jeezus H Tapdancing Christ! My Eyes!
Can you believe this fat fuck has the nerve to go out in public like this? There ought to be a law!

"I'm not a physical fitness expert"
---Halburn at his latest trial.

No shit.


  1. This must be his latest anti-WalMart tactic...trying to scare their customers away.

  2. Eye bleach!!! For the love of God... EYE BLEACH!!!!

  3. At least there isn't any pictures of his wife motor boating him.

  4. He has an outtie. That's all I'm sayin.

    Oh, and when I was 8 months pregnant with TWINS my stomach wasn't that big.

  5. And here I thought my older aged stomach looked bad. Shit, my tummy is a wimp compared to THAT! I may look like a beached whale but what in the hell is in that picture?
