Thursday, December 2, 2010

Smith Loses On Appeal

Toady's Trespassing Conviction Upheld

Life in Putnam County: Police officer tells reporter to leave building, reporter refuses and is arrested for trespassing. Legal system holds him responsible.

Lawrence J. Smith, a Halburn sycophant and alleged reporter, had his trespassing
conviction upheld Wednesday in Putnam Circuit Court.

Smith was cited on March 12 by Hurricane Police Officer Chris
Eggleton after he was ordered numerous times to leave Hurricane police headquarters and each time refused to do so.

Smith was there demanding to see a file concerning Matthew Wagner and an incident at the Creekside Cafe, a "advertiser".

When he was refused access, Smith became "belligerent" and the police were called.

(ed. note: This case resulted in a lawsuit filed in February 2010.

Bradley McDaniel vs. Creek Side Cafe LLC dba Creek Side Cafe and Matthew Wagner.

McDaniel says Wagner was an underage customer at Creek Side Cafe on March 21, 2009, when Wagner hit him causing serious and permanent injuries.
Putnam Co. case number: 10-C-75
Did report this case as he does every other lawsuit filing? Are you kidding? He never even covered the original incident. And do you think he'd offend an "advertiser"? Advertising bias at its finest.)

Halburn implies that Smith was justified in his actions because the city violated the FOIA law.

That has no bearing on the trespass.
The law is simple. If you're asked to leave, you leave. Why you're there is not important.
It was priceless to see the look on Smith's chubby face when the trespassing charge was upheld.

A few words of wisdom to Smith: Halburn is using you for his own nefarious purposes. And has been for years.
If you can't see that, you're dumber than he is.
Now you've got a conviction on your record.
Real smart move gordo, taking advice from a convicted trespasser with a string of arrests.

Wise up. Don't be a Halburn.


  1. They share chins...

  2. More chins than a Chinese phone book.

  3. This guy's as big of a douche as Halburn.

  4. This guy acting like a jackass just makes it harder for legitimate journalists and ordinary citizens to get access to information like this.
