Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Halburn-idays 2010

It was another big Christmas at the house my wife owns.
Now that all the excitement has died down, I thought I'd share some of the joy with you.

We started off the holiday when a bunch of relatives came to visit. They may move in later this year.

We had our feast the night before Christmas this year. This one couldn't be beat.

The boy got me this mouse pad. Cheap little bastard.
I gave him an ass whipping.

I'm glad I got one of these. Now my butt boy Jay doesn't have to run over every time I want a cosmopolitan.
They're much tastier than Bartles & Jaymes.

Somebody put some coal in my stocking though. I don't know who would do something like that. I've been a good little boy this year.
Probably those darn trash bloggers again.

Someone had a little too much egg nog again.

I told him if he still couldn't handle his liquor better that he'd have to move out.
Really though. What can you do with relatives?

The folks at gave me even more shit this year.
What a great Christmas!
Many Thanks!
I hope the new year is just as good!


  1. And I thought Jesco's family was bad.

  2. I see yet another Realtor was desperate enough to list the blue house.

  3. Another in a long line.
    They'll dump him as soon as the contract for the overpriced piece of shit runs out.
