Thursday, January 13, 2011

Halburn Attempts To Censor Critics

Comes Out Against First Amendment

Score another victory for!
Every minute that Halburn wastes trying to stop us is a minute he can't use to harass someone else.

After months of whining Halburn says he has browbeat a State of West Virginia agency officer to block access to what he has termed a "trash blog".

He continues his crying by saying we've harassed him, his family, and even his clients for more than a year.

Its not so fun when the sandal is on the other foot is it meathead?
It's no different than what you've been doing since you started your cluttered advertising shopper.
You've harassed Scott Edwards, Joe Haynes, Ben Newhouse, judges, lawyers, state and local government employees, construction workers and anyone else that disagrees with you.
If your "clients" don't like the ad parodies of their businesses, there's an easy solution. They can have you pull their ads off your site.

Calling the material and comments on this site "perverted," the unnamed censor apparently deemed this blog "not appropriate for viewing by State of West Virginia employees, (and) therefore, has been blocked by our agency."

We say bullshit.
Notice he won't even name the agency. Maybe it's someone from his imaginary judicial review board.
Some departments/agencies have ALL blogs, ebay, facebook, youtube, sports sites and internet game sites, etc. blocked. Mostly to keep people like Halburn from fucking off all day. Some departments have none blocked. Some departments have no internet access al all. It's a department by department decision.

Frankly, we don't really give a shit. We get virtually no hits from any state offices anyway. Most state employees are hard workers who have better things to do at work than Google their names all day and play on the internet.
Unlike Halburn who takes substitute teaching jobs and then whines about having to work. The work for him is so strenuous that he is constantly hoping for two hour delays or cancellations.

Halburn likes to say that we steal his content, layout, photographs, and headlines everyday
We steal nothing from him. All of our content is original, created in house by our staff artists and writers as a parody. Parody is protected as fair use.

He says he is not revealing the IT employee that he harassed or the agency that he works for because he doesn't want him harassed or stalked.

That's rich coming from someone who has a pattern of doing both. Someone who drove 7 hours and 400 miles to stalk a woman in Washington DC and then threatened her last summer that he was coming there again. Someone who called that same woman's office and harassed a secretary and demanded to speak with her boss. Someone who is obsessed with this woman to this very day. Someone who calls a reporter at 8 AM about a two year old message board comment. The list goes on and on.

We're still on Facebook. We're still on Twitter. And we will continue to be right here as well. We're not going anywhere.
We're like the hydra. Cut off our head, we'll grow two more.

Halburn continues his lunatic ranting:
"another blog operator purged all references to and attacks against None of these blogs are operated by journalists and most allowed anyone to post anything without verifying its authenticity or the authenticity of the author. We suspect many posts under various names to be authored by one out-of-state man."

The content about you is still alive on She just had to move it because you're a psychotic stalker.
Your blog is not operated by a journalist either fatsack. You're a self promoting ego piece of shit. People think you're a nut.
You sure as hell are not a journalist.
Anything can be posted in a blog. Commenters leave comments. They say what they want.

Keep on suspecting Sherlock.

But get this through your thick paranoid skull:
Lee has nothing to do with this blog. Girlofwords has nothing to do with this blog. Tyler Hollywood has nothing to do with this blog. Scott Edwards, Joe Haynes, nor any other politician have anything to do with this blog. Nothing.

The only unethical "free-for-alls" with fake names, salacious accusations, and libelous statements happen on
He then says, "We only publish verified letters."
That's because busted you multiple times for stealing letters to other papers or Facebook postings or message boards.
You've been reduced to running press releases from politicians as letters. It's not like they're sitting there thinking, "What's the best way to inform the public about my agenda? I know, I'll send Mark Halburn a letter!"
Cut and paste. That's your style.

Halburn then says those that want to act like middle school students who start false rumors should take their comments elsewhere. Really Marky? Really? Like you? Maybe they should go to Topix where you've been posting under at least 20 different names, none of them yours. Would that be OK?

Now for the biggest laugh:
"We believe in, and practice, responsible free speech."

Except when it's about you. Then you're against it.
You love to shout about your First Amendment rights.
Well guess what, fuckstick?
We've got them too. The same First Amendment that allows you to publish your swill allows us to attack you for it.
You have the right to your own opinion but not your own facts.
Halburn always wants to shut up those who disagree with him. That how a bully operates. He has the right to free speech but no one else does.

You're no better than the Chinese or the Iranian governments who try to censor speech they don't agree with. You're a communist AND a fascist.

Halburn says many of his readers have informed him that they looked at and were repulsed by its vulgar content.

Good. Because we don't want the inbred rubes and hayseeds that that read his site coming here.
All right thinking people are repulsed by Halburn and his boorish behavior.

He is right about one thing though. We don't have sponsors. We don't need them and we don't want them. We're not in this for money. It costs us nothing to publish this. We have no expenses. We're in this to expose his unethical, sleazy practices. does not accept ads and then write complementary stories about those advertisers. We practice responsible, ethical journalism.

He goes on: "multiple sources informed us that his little project is funded by a couple of Putnam County politicians."

Once again we're calling bullshit. You have only one source and we know who it is.
Yeah, that's right. Wendy from some group that calls itself People Against Cyber Bullying. We've talked to her on multiple occasions and she has nothing. Everything she has is a figment of her imagination. No names, no bank transfers, nothing. Bupkis. She's just another self absorbed do-gooder with an agenda. There's no funding because this site costs NOTHING. If you have proof to the contrary, produce it.
We have absolutely NO affiliation with any state, local or national politicians. There's simply no there there.

Still, with his readership dropping, we expect it is just a matter of time before Halburn does something really desperate. Maybe then he will get life!

In the wake of the shootings in Arizona we should all remember what the psychiatrists said in Hallburn's mental examination:
"Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately."

Meanwhile, continues to be Putnam County's REAL News Leader as our readership consistently grows with people looking to find the truth about Mark Halburn.

And, of course, we thank ALL of our readers for your loyal support.


  1. I couldn't have said it better myself, well done!

    Halburn knows what my issue is with him, of course he denies it because he's a lying disgrace of fat.

    Halburn, I must say, that drive from my house to St. Albans to pick up my prize was pretty long. I can't believe you drove all the way from Hurricane to Huntington for some menial jobs, Mr. Big Journalist. You were pretty much paying for gas working for places like Sitel and the 38484238484845785 other jobs you had in the last few years.

    We can't wait for you to see the pics I took when I made my stop at the Hurricane Wal-Mart, it's coming!

  2. I work for the state and I had no trouble reading this today.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. We appreciate all the hard work and time that goes into this. It is nice to have a more unbiased view of the local news.

  4. I say let's make him keep thinking this blog, which was started FOR FREE and COSTS NOTHING a month, like other blogs on Blogspot and Wordpress, is secretly funded by a Putnam County, WV agency with all the politicians secretly meeting in an underground bunker right under Wal-Mart dubbed "The Hallbolisher" devising ways to rid themselves of their arch-nemesis, Mark Halburn!

    They sit there, eating their KFC, rubbing their greedy hands and laughing devilishly, conspiring against Halburn to make his life hell, because as we all know, he's just a poor, diabetic, stroked out, Bell's Palsy, disabled, hard-working, family man who just wants some peace and quiet, that's all he wants. How DARE they disrupt his home....HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!

  5. I work at the statehouse and can read this just fine.

  6. Reading it from the Capitol right this minute. Hilarious.

  7. "It's not so fun when the sandal is on the other foot..."

    That made me ROFL!!!!

    One of his sock puppets on Topix said he doesn't wear sandals when he's been photographed many times wearing them to cover his fat feet!
