Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Halburn Calls Magistrate Kim Blair A Slut

Misogynist Mark Attacks Another Woman

In another of a long line of woman hating attacks, Mark Halburn last night called Putnam County Magistrate Kim Blair a "magislut." Halburn, who just last week harassed Topix CEO Chris Tolles about people attacking him on that forum, returned to that internet trailer park Monday and did a little attacking of his own.

Hallburn is in North Carolina desperately looking for a job. One of the north carolina sealplaces he has applied to is the State of North Carolina. How do we know this? Various State departments have been visiting PutnamLIES.com since the end of December, for literally hours at a time, to get the real information about him. We're sure they will read this article as well. Let us warn you tarheels. As much as we want to get rid of him, you will rue the day if you hire this nut.
Behavior like this isn't going to help you get a job, fatboy.

Last night, under the sock puppet of "Blair ignores the rules" with an IP address of Charlotte NC, Halburn said the following,"The magislut doesn't think the laws of adultery and common decency apply to her. But she throws the book at everyone else. "

Halburn calls blair a slut

Then this morning he added,"Magislut Blair should be prosecuted. When court officials are allowed to break the law there is no law. "

Halburn calls blair a slut again

Read the whole exchange here:

This is another in a long line of incidents where he has publicly called people names when they have disagreed with him.
Especially women. Halburn seems to really have a problem with women.
Readers may recall the October 2010 incident where he called the wife of Putnam County Commissioner Joe Haynes "a bitch."

Halburn has had it in for Blair for years, stemming from his 2007 arrest for harassment at the Walmart construction site. Blair signed his arrest warrant and Hurricane Police officers went to Halburn's house where he was arrested in front of his wife.

Since 2006, Halburn has has his extremely large panties in a wad over his
unsuccessful attempt to question former County Commissioner Jim Caruthers, about an alleged affair Caruthers had with Blair while still married to his first wife. Halburn claimed that there was a letter from Caruthers' wife barring him from her funeral. He apparently made numerous attempts to find said letter. We maintain there is no such letter.
Caruthers later married Kim Blair.
Halburn believes they should be prosecuted for adultery. It's also another opportunity for him to attack Prosecutor Mark Sorsaia for not doing it.
We've got news for you, shithead. Adultery is not against the law in West Virginia. The law was repealed in 2010. Find another dead horse to beat.
Halburn will whine that it was illegal in 2007. We say big deal. It was a $20 fine. It's no different than a fucking parking ticket. Do we need to remove all magistrates who have parking tickets?
If you come over to PutnamLIES.com's editorial offices we'll give YOU $20 if you'll shut the fuck up and go away, lippy.

What a great example you are to your son, Halburn. Will teaching young him to call women he disagrees with a "slut" be a value you pass down? Shameful.
It's no wonder your second ex-wife divorced you.
One can only imagine the names you called them and the abuse they must have suffered at your fat hands.

Every time we think Halburn has hit bottom, he sinks to a new low.
Does it make you feel like a big man to call women names behind fake names, fucknozzle?
You are a pathetic piece of shit.

ron burgundy

Related Story:

Halburn Calls Karen Haynes A Bitch


  1. Hope this doesn't affect his plans for launching a MAJOR web site project to help put criminals behind bars to make our world a safer place to live!

  2. I anxiously await the day when Marky lets fly with one of his "bitch/slut" comments to a woman whose husband is as mentally unbalanced as he.

    I can only hope that the subsequent merciless beating administered to the Publisher is captured on video and placed on Youtube for looped views. It would be examined like the Zapruder film...

    "See, here in frame 214, you can see Hallburn's head snap back, then forward..."

  3. In looking back at the original PutnamLies divorce story, wherein Marky owned up to the divorce filing, he made a special point of noting that there was "no adultery".

    He follows this up with his recent diatribe against Magistrate Blair and his issues about her alleged "adultery".

    As you noted, the adultery statute (61-8-3) was repealed in 2010. The statute also criminalized fornication, which I suppose has now been legalized.

    It's also worth noting that the relevant article of the Code (61-8-1) is titled "Crimes Against Chastity, Morality and Decency".

    I think we can all agree, can't we, that seeing Mark Hallburn engage in adultery and fornication would be a crime against all three, not to mention nature.

  4. balls hang a bit lowFebruary 22, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    This man (I use that word lightly) is the most unbalanced individual I have ever known. Kudos to his ex wife for kicking him out to the dumpster. That man would sue mother nature for allowing it to rain. He has had more meaningless jobs than anyone I know. He is a constant harasser and talks down to everyone. How do we get him out of this state?

  5. I watched the Wild Worderful Whites of WV last night and I would like to nominate Halburn to do the next documentary on the Whites. This time touring and properly documenting the mine shafts described by Mami.
