Friday, May 25, 2012

Halburn Sues Ex-Wife, Judge

Fatlock Strikes Again

In a complaint filed May 23 requesting a "Rite of Prohibition", Mark Halburn brings all his dirty laundry into the open.
In an action that will bring formerly sealed Family Court matters into open Civil Court, Halburn alleges that he was treated unfairly in his divorce proceedings and proceeds to make scurrilous allegations against almost all parties in the matter.
As most of's readers know, Halburn's second wife filed for divorce from him in November of 2011. The case was transferred to Kanawha County because Putnam Family Court Judge William Watkins previously represented Halburn's second wife and her mother in bankruptcies they filed in 1998, oddly enough, (or is it?) a month before she married Halburn.

Since then November he has been desperate to stay on her gravy train.

Most of this centers around the son. He has become the pawn in Halburn's power play. By putting the boy in the middle, Halburn shows that he doesn't care about his son. This is about winning to Halburn. If he gets something other people say he can't have, in his eyes he's won. Regardless of the consequences. Plus the more custody he gets, the less child support he will have to pay. And THAT'S the bottom line.

In February of this year Judge Michael Kelly ordered Halburn out of the house owned by his second wife and her mother. He also refused to allow Halburn to take the boy on out of state trips.

A wise move in our opinion. He p
robably figured that he would never return. Halburn was upset he wasn't able to spirit the boy out of state to a zoo or the beach. This prompted him to DEMAND that that the State build a zoo near Charleston, and, in the most insane request he has ever made, bring the Atlantic Ocean to Charleston.

In this complaint,
Halburn denies two incidents in Atlanta and Charlotte where his second wife's attorney Henry Glass says Halburn was thrown off airplanes. We all know Halburn likes to parse words, so usually that means he removed himself before law enforcement showed up.
Halburn says he has never been in the Charlotte airport. Notice though he does not deny the incident at the Atlanta airport.

In addition, Halburn wants the Putnam County Circuit Court to
vacate all of Kelly's orders, remove Kelly from case and the bench and be heavily financially sanctioned.
And Halburn lives up once again to his nickname "Handouts Halburn," when he asks the court to appoint a TAXPAYER FUNDED lawyer to represent him in the divorce case and any other related issues.
Halburn, who describes himself in the complaint as indigent, is the so-called publisher of, a hate blog he runs from a trailer in South Carolina, where he was forced to move after his second wife threw him out and and the Trash Bloggers Alliance ran him out of West Virginia.

You had Joe Reeder for a lawyer, Halburn. What happened there? Did he kick you to the curb you as a client? Did he too no longer have the patience to put up with your insufferable complaining and inability to see the legal nuances in this case? Were you recalcitrant, obstructive, boorish, argumentative, insulting, and
unable to maintain common human relationships with him and his staff too?

Let us school you on Graves v Daughtery. Graves was arrested. In this case, you have not been. Yet. The paternity of your son is not in question. Your liberty is not at stake. YOU filed this action. You're not entitled to jack shit except the contempt of the residents of West Virginia.

Halburn even has the gall to demand that his
second wife pay for the cost of him faxing the complaint to Putnam County from a bank in Conway,South Carolina. Apparently his trailer has no telephone.

And, even though he is not named in the suit, Halburn wants his
second wife's attorney Henry Glass to pay him...


And then he throws in his old FOIA canard of actual reproduction costs because the County Clerk charges him $2.00 for a fax.

And reportedly Clerk Ronnie Matthews was "rather rude" to old Marky

In a departure from his normal behavior, the complaint is drawn relatively coherently, lapsing into a baseless personal attack 3/4 of the way into the first charge, where Halburn says, "Judge Kelly has had numerous opportunities to correct his errors but is letting his hot-air balloon sized ego overrule his pin-sized brain. Judge Kelly has refused to recuse his sorry self from this case and has refused to step down from the bench as he is incompetent and an embarrassment to the legal profession."

There is no way in hell that Halburn wrote this complaint himself. He had assistance. Probably from his toady reporter buddy.
Practicing law without a license is illegal. Does the WV Bar know about this?

We welcome this suit because like the brilliant attorney that attached Halburn's court ordered mental evaluation to a Motion to Dismiss, this will bring all of Halburn's irrational behavior into the public eye.

You fucked up again, fatboy, Your mouth just wrote a check your ass can't cash. You won't be able to tell only your side of the story now. This whole sordid story of you and your behavior is going to be put before the public. Which is a good thing. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for a cockroach like you.

You harassed Kelly on Topix for a month before your last hearing. Then, being the pussy that you are, you had them pull all the discussions.
None of this behavior helps your case.
Enjoy your quarterly supervised visits with your son, fats. Because that's where you're headed.

See the complaint here: "Rite of Prohibition"

Putnam Circuit Court Judge Phillip M. Stowers will hear the case and the case number is 12-C-163. will have continuing coverage of this story as it develops.


  1. Trailer, eh? Didn't you claim I lived in a trailer, Sueburn? I guess that makes you a worthless piece of trailer park trash.

    You won't get squat, you leech. This has the beginning of all sorts of hilarity, none of which you will find funny, Trailerburn.

  2. Yup... its a trailer...,+SC+29544&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x890007f88b69242f:0x88efef143265b9b1,1940+Sandy+Ridge+Rd,+Galivants+Ferry,+SC+29544&gl=us&ei=NZq_T7mPLtS16AHSvqS8Cg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAsQ8gEwAA

  3. Move the Atlantic ocean?
    This guy has a serious mental problem.

  4. I would love to see the transcript from where Hallburn says he wants the Atlantic Ocean moved. If I were the judge, when he said that statement (along with the zoo comment), I would have placed him on a 72 hour psych hold. Hallburn is obviously delusional if he thinks it is even remotely possible to move an ocean or to even mention it, but in his mind, he probably has some half-assed scheme (that involves the City of Hurricane and Mayor Edwards and no less than 5 lies and 10 insults) to get it done.

  5. There is an old saying...."If you continually lose at cards....wake up, cut your losses, go home and stay there." Some people are just prone to gluttony in some form or another.

  6. What is a "Rite of Prohibition"? You can't make this stuff up!

  7. Obviously Mark can't spell. What he is trying to file is a "Writ of Prohibition" (not a "Rite").

    For the legal-ese challenged, a "Writ of Prohibition" is "an order issued by a higher court commanding a lower court to cease from proceeding in some matter not within its jurisdiction."

  8. Mark Halburn has to be the cheapest bastard alive... He's gloating over a mistake best buy made duplicating a $100 gift card... Now he gets two of them... And is still bitching that they aren't coming fast enough!

  9. In the least surprising development in legal history, Marky Halburn is having trouble finding an attorney to assist him in his divorce.

    This should prove, Mark, that attorneys ARE smarter than you.

    It is true, however, that if our favorite morbidly obese sociopath is charged with criminal contempt, he is eligible for court appointed counsel.

    While no one wants to think of taxpayers paying for fatsack's lawyer, consider this: in order to get to that point, he'd have to do something so outrageous as to justify incarceration at WRJ.Who wouldn't like to see fatboy thrown into a pod with some short-tempered meth tweaker for a few days?

    Lemonade out of lemons, folks...
