Another day and Halburn refuses to stop harassing people! This time it's WV Senate President and Gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole.
Halburn is furious that WV legislators won't take up his wacky crusade against the family law system in the state.
Halburn paces back and forth outside Prime on 4th |
Halburn showed up at a private event for young professionals at the Prime on 4th restaurant in Huntington that was organized to meet gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole. He walked in with his camera and video camera around his neck. Numerous people began videoing him with their phones and when he noticed it he walked completely around the room before going back out the door.
He was thrown completely off guard. It was comical watching him retreat. He went outside to pull himself together, paced back and forth for about 5 minutes and then tried to come back in. An event organizer told him to leave, that it was a private function. He asked one attendee "Are you filming me?" with his whiny, lispy voice, then he left and continued to pace outside where he tried putting his hood on so he wouldn't be recognized in the footage.
The hoodie doesn't help you lardass. You can't hide that gut!
He attempted to ambush Cole about the family court system as he walked in. Not sure what the reply was to him.
The police were called and they were seen talking to Halburn before they ordered him to leave.
He didn't seem to like his own tactics being used against him. It's not so fun for him when the sandal is on the other foot.
All that wasted gas money driving through 3 counties.
PutnamLies was there waiting for him. He let the cat out of the bag on his FB page the other night before the event. :
"Mark Hallburn
January 1 at 7:14pm ·
Do (sic) to Prime on 4th's hosting of the January 5th, 2016 Bill Cole for Governor event, my family will boycott Prime on 4th. Senator Cole is anti-family and allows the corrupt West Virginia Family Court system to abuse single parents, children, and elders. Responsible businesses do not support Bill Cole! "
First of all, Halburn, you don't have a family.
Second of all, you couldn't afford to eat at Prime on 4th if you wanted to.
And thirdly, the one who's abusing single parents, children, and elders is YOU.
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