Thursday, August 3, 2017

Substantial Penalty For Early Withdrawal

Last weekend saw several postings on the internet trailer park, Topix, all having to do with Mark Halburn and City National Bank.

Here’s one of them:
“Hey Halburn, why did City National cancel all of your bank accounts? Were you overdrafting too much? Did it hurt your feelings when they laughed at you when you said you were getting an attorney? They know you can’t afford an attorney and they know that no attorney would take your case even if you could. It’s not worth it. So you are in your mid 50’s and not only do you not have a retirement but you also do not have a checking account.
Yeah you are a great example for the kid. I guess Donnie can show him how to open a savings account.”

Those posts were pretty much proven to be true today when Halburn went to the City National Bank branch on Poplar Fork in Teays Valley and started raising hell and screaming at the employees. So much so that they hit the hold up alarm. Halburn was still there when the Putnam County deputies arrived and he was told in no uncertain terms not to come back or he would be arrested for trespassing.

Guess that failing hate blog and his sub-minimum wage income aren’t working out too well for him.

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