Monday, August 16, 2010

Halburn Reports On Bridge Opening But Wasn't There


Halburn Absent, Writes Story Anyway

Last Friday, the Winfield Bridge (Halburn insists on calling it the Ross Booth Bridge, proving again what an outsider he is) was re-opened to traffic after being shut down over four months for repairs.

In a ribbon cutting ceremony held by the DOH to re-open the bridge Friday afternoon, Governor Joe Manchin said, "I appreciate the public’s patience dealing with the detours and delays that took time away from daily travel schedules during this construction process. Because the contractor finished the work earlier than scheduled, motorists are now able to get back to their normal routines and routes."

Secretary of Transportation Paul Mattox, representatives from Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito's office, the Federal Highway Administration and elected county officials also attended the re-opening.'s correspondent Tobias Fünke was there as well.

But, this article is about who wasn't there.

You guessed right.

Halburn ran an article with multiple pictures and had quotes from the Governor.

The problem is that he wasn't in attendance for the opening.

The pictures on his site were taken at 7 o'clock in the morning, 6 hours before the opening.

The quote from the Governor was obviously pulled from another source.

Where was Halburn, Putnam County's gift to journalism? Where was the so-called Putnam County News Leader?
Only he knows.
We'd guess a restaurant was opening and he was scarfing down some free food or he was getting another free dog wash.

We were there, where was he?
Obviously he found something more pressing than covering the story of an event that is so important to Putnam county residents.

But it's exactly what we've come to expect from him.

Once again Halburn proves that he is an immoral charlatan masquerading as a journalist. He will stoop to the lowest, most vulgar, vile and disgusting ploys to deceive the honest, hard-working reader.
He is the lowest form of scum on the face of the earth.


  1. Halburn and Troy Sexton must be butt buddies or something. I've never seen so much crap devoted to one person. Sexton was found guilty! Accept it and move on. Is it because he's a Dodgers fan? Chief Lucas is a good man, it would be a smart move not to try and flame him on a cluttered advertising shopper. Oh and by the way retard, James is spelled without an apostrophe...Maybe their needs to be a proofreader added to the staff over there.

  2. Why should this story be any different than all the others he's scammed from other sources?

  3. Good catch on the photo Mike!

  4. And still he has no comment on the matter.
    Why doesn't he answer?
    Because he knows you are right.

  5. It was in Winfield, which would require tubby to go past the City limit sign in Hurricane... no free food, either, apparently...
