Friday, August 27, 2010

He's At It Again

Fun With Twitter

Here's an amusing tweet we came across today:

And here's the letter:

Letters To The Publisher

"The People's Voice"

Halburn is neither respectable nor a reporter.
He's a thief, pure and simple.


  1. Tsk Tsk. Doesn't the "publisher" have a policy of only printing letters where he's seen the driver's license of the submitting person?

  2. His latest rant is about not getting to take pictures of a teacher in a middle seems more than a little odd (borderline disturbing) to me that he's always trying to get inside a place where children are.

  3. The LAST place a school would want Halburn is around kids. Especially with a camera.
    Which says a lot about Kanawha County. If they'd hire him as a sub, they'd hire anybody.

    Too bad John Wayne Gacy is dead. He'd probably make a perfect teacher for them.

    Has anyone ever looked in Halburn's crawlspace?

  4. Or he fails to realize that PCS does NOT recognize him as a legitimate news outlet...he lifts the "press releases" from the school board website, they are not sent to him.

    Mark V. Hal(l)burn... EPIC FAIL!!

  5. It is a circus there for sure. Don't forget, it's not his yard, his wife and mother in law on the property. How many offers now with the new realtor?

  6. How many offers?
    Same as before.

    Nobody's going to buy that piece of shit for that price for a residence OR a business.
    He cut his price by $20,000 and the ad for the place doesn't have a single picture of the house.
    It will be off the market again as soon as the contract expires.
