Friday, August 6, 2010

You Say It's Our Birthday?

It's been exactly one year now since we decided we'd had enough of Halburn's shit. We were tired of him abusing
with impunity Putnam County citizens, government officials and anyone else that disagreed with him. So we started, making it our mission to expose the lies, hypocrisy and unethical behavior of PutnumLive and its "publisher" Mark Halburn.

What a difference a year makes.

There is now an outlet for people to answer the scurrilous charges that he makes.
He has discovered that being on the receiving end of things is not so fun.His baseless attacks and bullying have slowed.

His theft of other photographers' work has slowed.

His serial plagiarism has been exposed.

The exposing of his thefts of letters from other outlets has forced him to resort to publishing generic form letters from politicians promoting their agendas.

His endless whining about Walmart has continued, but now people have the opportunity to answer back. Which led to him pulling his Walmart blog not once, not twice but FOUR times in the last year. The last two times it reappeared he cowardly and cravenly hid the page, making no links to it. Which begs the question, what good is a web page if nobody can find it to read?

We exposed what others had long thought, that many of his ads are placed there without the permission of the businesses they represent in order to sucker others into advertising. He even admitted he runs the ads for free as a "reward."

We exposed the fact that his office was not, as he has maintained for years, located right down the road just outside of the Hurricane city limits, but instead in his second wife's house.

We were the only media outlet to cover his trespassing conviction and provide audio of that trial.

Anytime a future employer Googles his name, they'll be able to find this site and see the truth about him. Someday in the not too distant future, a little boy will be able to see just what kind of asshole his daddy really is.
The internet is forever. This site and the information on it will follow Halburn around until the day he dies.

We invite all those who are sick of Halburn's abuse to continue to contact

We'd also like to thank our loyal readers, our correspondents Harry Stamper and Dolemite and the other members of the Trash Bloggers Alliance: Girl of Words, Tyler Hollywood, Lee, Lenny, Tybois and all the rest.

Our work here is not done. Our output may have slowed but that is only because we have forced the other publisher to alter the way he does business.

We are not going away.

We'll be all around in the dark. We'll be everywhere.
Wherever you can look; wherever he's smeared someone because they won't submit to his demands - we'll be there. Wherever Halburn's pickin' on a woman - we'll be there. When he harasses people at their workplace - we'll be there.

And when people laugh and clap their hands when they hear he's leaving, we'll be there, too. will be here one day longer than Halburn and his cluttered internet advertising shopper.


  1. Mike: We couldn't do it without you! You're awesome! Happy Birthday!

  2. It's been quite a ride, looking forward to another year!

  3. Thanks for all you're doing!!!

  4. You forgot to announce how many hits your site had and call each hit an individual reader

  5. Awesome work to say the least.

  6. Thank you for doing this. It was about time someone gave him some of his own medicine.

  7. From FatSacks article about the EMS building...
    "Now the metal building is heading to the recycling center complements(sic) of a demolition crew."
    Yay! I got to bust him on something! You would think Mr. Part Time school teacher could use proper grammer...

  8. OMG!!! The Putnam Loser reads this site and I can prove it. After busting him on his grammer, it has been all of a sudden been mysteriously corrected today. Do it right the first time. Better yet, don't do it at all, just go away!

  9. Oh yeah. Lardass is a regular reader.
    He knows that is the REAL Putnam news leader.

  10. Mike,

    To quote the lard-o himself...

    "Many Thanks!" for the job you've done here. And you're right... as long as there is a fraud named Halburn posting his trash on a "news" site, we'll be there...
