Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halburn Harasses Patrons At Octoberfest


A visibly drooling Mark Halburn was busy making an asshole out of himself Saturday at the Buffalo Octoberfest. PutnamLIES.com's reporter was there and observed the following scene.

Halburn went up to the GOP tent and was told to stay away. He said in a slurred high pitched lispy voice that the people there were "public officials" at a "public event" and he was entitled to take their photographs. GOP volunteers are not "public officials."

He was then asked not take pictures, but he did anyway (while holding his drooping eye open with his hand and snapping the pictures). At one point he was told that this reporter would be called and he was laughed at by the volunteers. Little did he know that I was standing right behind him and recorded the entire exchange.

He then went away and changed his slobber and food stained shirt and set up a table for Modern Woodmen of America Insurance Company with brochures regarding financial information.
That should make anyone laugh...Halburn giving financial advice to someone else!

The true mark of a sociopath is that he makes you think he is a good person and then takes advantage of you for his own ends. His attitude comes from living in California. I know another guy from there that lives nearby and he is an even bigger asshole than Halburn, if that's possible.

Do you think we could start a TV show called "Everybody Hates Mark?