Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We started PutnamLIES.com to do one thing: Expose the lies that Mark Halburn was printing everyday on his blog. The LIES we're talking about are his.
Now that we've been doing it for over a year, he doesn't seem to like it very much.
Advertisers have left and his readership numbers, which were greatly exaggerated in the first place, are WAY down. His whining blog about Walmart has come to an end. We saw to that. He's slipped into utter irrelevance because of us and it kills him.
But our job's not over. Mission accomplished? Not by a long shot.

People are now asking him about us. Why else would he call attention to us on his blog?

We really got under his thin skin with our last story by pointing out his seven high schools remark.

Well, we're gonna have our say here, fatsack.

Not counting Christian schools doesn't make us anti-Christian. Most people in the county don't count them and couldn't even name them. Unless you have a kid there they're an afterthought.
They have a total enrollment of maybe 200 high school students between the three of them. Insignificant.
There are almost 3000 students in Putnam County high schools.

How many high school students are home schooled in the county? We didn't count them either. We guess that makes us anti-home school in your eyes.

We eat bacon too, does that make us anti-Semitic?

The only anti we are is anti-YOU, numbnuts.

And from now on, you fat prick, when you write about us, put in the link to our page so your readers can see the truth about you, just like the people at Trader Joe's did.
Yeah, that's right. They came here to read about you.

We're putting you, your "advertisers" and anyone else you promote on notice. We are going to parody and belittle all of you. If you don't want it done don't associate with Halburn. He is a boil on the ass of civilized society and we're here to lance it.

We at PutnamLIES.com wear Halburn's opprobrium like a badge of honor.


  1. Remember... all of this started with his racist views of immigrants... for him to criticize anyone for being anti-anything proves what an unethical hippo-crite he really is!

  2. Oh noes! The Christians! They won't respect us! Oh noes! Oh noes!

    No, fatsy, they hate you. They hate your ignorance, your self-zealotry, and they hate your family for their food pantries for the impoverished being empty. One Halburn family trip to the free-grab, and they are in financial ruin at Ye Olde Foode Banke for the rest of the year.

    So, fatsy, tell me again how Christians "don't count"? Because YOU are the one who said that... not us...

  3. This is awesome! ::stomp stomp stompstompstomp::
    This is awesome! ::stomp stomp stompstompstomp::
    This is awesome! ::stomp stomp stompstompstomp::
