Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Liar Halburn Spotted At Walmart

Big Ass Needs Lots Of Toilet Paper

Halburn claims he doesn't shop at Walmart. We all know better. Well, one of our intrepid reporters shows you the proof.

Convenience triumphs over principles with him. He has no principles anyway, except what benefits him.

Obviously what benefits his sandal wearing fat ass tonight is 12 rolls of toilet paper. How much fucking toilet paper do you need?
Plus, Mr Environmental Awareness probably drove the 200 yards to get to the store.

We're watching you Halburn. 24/7.
The all seeing eye never blinks.


  1. Looks like he needs more than that 4 pack of undies for 10 bucks.

  2. That may be paper towels...scary what he needs that many for. Also, that means he'd rather drive to Wal-Mart than walk to the dollar store.

    Shows a lot of why he grew to that size doesn't it?

  3. Dolemite HERE! I think that you should allow the Publisher to post here again... It sure does make for funny responses!

  4. OK. We'll do it. He's now on double secret probation.
