Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halburn To Leave State Tomorrow

Fat Boy to Make Trans-Continental Flight

TSA intelligence sources have notified Putnam
LIES.com's travel desk that Halburn is flying to California tomorrow to surprise his mom and dad on their 50th wedding anniversary at the nursing home where he abandoned them. The surprise will be that he now drools as much as they do, if they even recognize him at all.

After arriving on his birthday, the 17th, he plans to eat all the cake at the party on the 19th. Unfortunately, he will fly home a few days later.

Due to his domestic terrorist status, PutnamLIES.com hopes he gets the full monty search they're giving out at airports and we pity the poor TSA officer that has to give it to him.


  1. I assume the full body scan will look similar to this.


  2. Wonder if he'll call the airport director again if there's even the slightest delays in his flight?

  3. The best thing that can happen to West Virginia is for Hallburn to stay in California.

  4. Quick!!! Someone throw bleach in my eyes!!!
