Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hallburn Gets His Panties In A Wad At 6:15 a.m.

Halburn Attacks, Steals Images From Contractor's Site

Halburn's idyllic life of fucking off was apparently disturbed Tuesday morning by people who actually work for a living.
And since he's too much of a pussy to write about meaningless shit like this in his humorous Walmart blog, he published his latest screed on his opinion blog like it was news.

The workers, from Retention Pond Services in Wilmington NC, are working on the drainage system for the Walmart access road. Their website features copyrighted photographs of idyllic, peaceful scenes which Halburn immediately stole to illustrate his article.
And being completely without ethics, he once again neglected to tell his 29 readers that HE is the Walmart neighbor that he is writing about.

He first fired off an email to Hurricane Mayor Scott Edwards who, if he's smart, has any Halburn emails filtered straight to the shitcan.

Then, at 6:15 am, the mongoloid actually thought he'd get an answer if he called the company's offices. If his past practices are any clue, he continued to call them over and over until someone answered and told him to go pound sand.

Last week he was complaining that the crew had part of the access road blocked, this week he's complaining about something called "excessing" noise.

Just when in the hell are they supposed to do this work, Hallburn? The earlier they start, the earlier they finish. If they would have done this during middle of the night you would have been out there bitching, calling them rude and inconsiderate.

Most people have to get up and go to work in the morning and are gone all day, so someone working doesn't bother them. But we guess you sleep in and get up later to ship your kid off to daycare so you can sit around the house all day in your underwear and jack off.

We thought you had an important job teaching the thugs at one of the worst performing middle schools in Kanawha County. What happened to that? What happened to that Fortune 50 job that you were bragging about getting? Don't you have to get up early for those?

You want common sense fatboy?
Common sense says you don't continually whine about something that you're not going to change.


  1. I'm not going to actually READ his site, but I was at Walmart at 6:50 am on Monday and the workers were NOT working. The lights are up but they do NOT start that early. In fact, I was there until approximately 7:15 and they had not begun work then either. I didn't even see a worker anywhere around. Yet again, full of it.

  2. He bitches about them working during the day and holding up traffic. Now he bitches about them working in the morning and waking him up. I wonder what time he believes would be ideal?

    What makes this even better is that the purpose of the construction was to replace all the drainage grates. The same grates that Fatboy has complained about in the past because of the noise they make when cars drive over them. He demanded that they be repaired and now that they're finally being fixed, he cries about it.

  3. The publisher never lets the facts stand in the way of his agenda.

  4. His "Fortune 50" company that he claims to work for is probably a telemarketing company that makes calls on BEHALF of Fortune 50 companies.

    Infocision and GC Services are such companies.

  5. Life is full of minor setbacks and things that don't always go the way you want them to......even in WV. A move to the Great State of Montana might reduce some of the perceived problems one encounters's worth considering. It's six times as big as WV and has one-half the population.........and probably no Wal-Marts..........or very few.
