Monday, January 7, 2013

The Year In Review


The Top Stories Of 2012

It's long been a news tradition to look back at the previous year's top stories.
With that in mind, is digging back into our archives to bring you our top news stories from 2012.
We'll let you decide which is the most important or which is the "biggest story." We are just going to present what we feel is the most memorable. Just click on the headlines to go to the original story.

So please, kick back with your notebook computer or netbook at your favorite hotspot, grab a cold Bartles & Jaymes or a banana margarita, and enjoy our "Year in Review."
Let's start off with an old Halburn practice: Deception

Halburn sunk to a new low, even for him, when he adopted the moniker "RememberingLogan"and  including a picture of murdered toddler Logan Goodall next to his user name on Topix in a further attempt to smear Putnam Prosecutor Mark Sorsaia. He later pulled all the posts associated with that name after being called out for it.

In February, the event the entire state was waiting for happened. Halburn's second ex-wife had finally had enough of his abuse and told him to leave but he refused to until ordered out by the court. In March he was forced to pack his shit and leave town.

Halburn Leaves Town
In frigid 30 degree weather and with snow blowing, a shorts and sandals clad Halburn packed his pathetic belongings, the accumulations of a 50 year failed life, into a U-Haul truck and left the state under the cover of darkness. Slinking away like a whipped dog.

Halburn wasn't gone a month before he returned for a weekend visit and started causing trouble.

As part of his visits back to West Virginia, Halburn frequented several area motels. And as usual there were "incidents." Only these times there were no pools involved.

Last November, Halburn's long-suffering wife filed for divorce against him. And as we predicted at the time, Halburn has made his son a pawn in the proceedings. Angry about being ordered out of the house and furious that a judge finally stood up to him, Halburn filed a writ in May that made a number of ridiculous demands.  Among them was  the demand that an attorney be appointed for him, 10 million dollars from her attorney and for Putnam County Circuit Clerk Ronnie Matthews to not be rude to him.
Matthews' office later got a restraining order against Halburn. He is not allowed at the Circuit Clerk's office. His lawyer must file any orders for him. Celebrates 3 Year Anniversary
In 2009, for the first time, Putnam County
citizens had access to unbiased daily news reports when this publisher starts We quickly became the most-read source for unbiased Putnam County news and the truth about Mark Hallburn and his attack blog, PutnumLive. In August we celebrated our third birthday.

Continues To Attack Judge Kelly 
In his on-going attempt to gain more than 25% custody, Halburn continued his attacks against Judge Mike Kelly.  Why he thinks harassing the judge that controls the fate of his visitation rights is a good idea is beyond us.

Stalks, Harasses Governor 
Over the Labor Day holiday, Halburn drove 60 miles, one way, from Putnam County to the UMWA's Labor Day Picnic in Racine WV, to harass Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and shout questions at him.

halburn confrontationAs part of his divorce process, Halburn was ordered to take part in a parenting class at the Putnam County Courthouse. When Judge Mike Kelly appeared in a video the class was watching, Halburn became enraged and began shouting. Hilarity ensued.

cuffsAfter losing his unemployment benefits in August, which he collected all summer even though he was working at a Myrtle Beach pier, Halburn made continued, repeated harassing phone calls to the Unemployment Office. After a divorce hearing in October, he was arrested for telephone harassment.

Harper & Halburn BFFsAs election season heated up, a slovenly Halburn showed up at meet and greets for WV Supreme Court candidates with a convicted sex offender, going so far as to be photographed smiling next to him. We would find out later the full extent of Halburn's involvement with this reprobate.

Gets Very Public Ass Chewing
One evening in October, Walmart shoppers were disturbed by some excessive noise. The source this time? Halburn's second ex-wife was giving him a verbal ass reaming for associating with the above molester.

Can't Keep Job In Myrtle Beach
trailerAfter failing at his job at the Apache Pier in Myrtle Beach, where he worked the bait counter and arcade change window for less than six months, in November Halburn moved out of his HUD trailer and returned to West Virginia, like an unwanted venereal disease, moving into a garage apartment in Dunbar. Turns out the people of South Carolina hate him too.
fraudHalburn douched up this year's election by once again running ads on his opinion blog for candidates that were neither authorized by nor paid for by their campaigns, going so far as to make up fictitious groups to "sponsor" the ads, a blatant violation of WV election law. None of the candidates or their supporters wanted ANYTHING to do with Hallburn or his blog.

Threatens Judge Kelly Again
As part of his petulant frenzy, Halburn threatened to stalk Judge Kelly at the next election and picket his house on Christmas day. He also admitted contacting some of Kelly's neighbors.

In one of his more irrational actions, Halburn demanded that the court bring his dead mother back to life. He then used her to attack Judge Kelly and the courts. We're sure the late Mrs. Halburn would not approve.

Posts Shocking Confession
shocking admissionAs if his demand that his dead mother be brought back to life wasn't bizarre enough, the end of the year brought Halburn's most disturbing admission to date. He admitted he lived with a child molester for weeks before he moved into a Dunbar apartment. And that the molester was a "good man."
After posting that love letter on Facebook, it remained there for almost a week, when Halburn then deleted it saying he had been hacked. The truth is that the repercussions were just too much for him to handle. Rumor has it that he can no longer substitute teach in Kanawha County. It's certainly not something a responsible father seeking more custody of his son would do.

Harassment Of Judicial System Continues
judicial harassment
Clutching his new video camera in his pudgy hand, in mid December Halburn descended on the offices of the Judicial Investigative Commission. He demanded they service him and he lurked around the lobby until he was able to follow a staffer to her car, harassing her the entire way. Without the intercession of a Judicial security officer, who knows what mayhem could have ensued? The last minute of the video shows her terrified reaction.

Makes Veiled School Threat
Halburn ends the year with yet another crazed screed. He uses the Newtown school shooting to blame the family court system in his ongoing custody battle with his second ex-wife. By the end of the article, he's making veiled threats. 

Form Letters From Politicians
Halburn continued his pathetic practice of running press releases from politicians promoting their agendas and running other people's Facebook comments as letters.

Continues Running "News" Stories About "Advertisers"
Halburn continued his unethical practice of running fawning stories about his so-called advertisers under the guise of news. Or, just as bad, running them in hopes of getting the business to advertise with him.

We continue to put Halburn, all his "advertisers" and anyone else he promotes, on notice. We are going to parody and belittle all of you. If you're a business and you don't want it done, don't associate with Hallburn. If your ad appears on his blog, you're fair game. He is a boil on the ass of civilized society and we're here to lance it.

So in summary, his baseless attacks and bullying have slowed slightly, although now he has picked new targets.

His theft of other photographers' work has basically ceased as has his serial plagiarism.

He hasn't even made an attempt to defend himself here. Oh, he reads us every day, but he only left one comment last year, and he didn't even have the balls to sign his own name, he tried to do it anonymously. He has never once offered any defense for his actions or complained of any inaccuracies in our reporting.
Which says a lot. It's hard to defend yourself against the truth.

There was a decrease in articles here at, but that's O.K.
It's because we've forced Halburn to cut way back on his assholery. Oh, he's back douching up the state, but he knows that will be all over any misstep that he makes.
Our mission all along has been to force him to act in a more civilized manner. Before he started getting pounded from all sides he was free to attack anyone for any reason without repercussions. Those days are gone for good. will answer any attack that Halburn makes. And now his output shows it. Well over half of his "articles" last year were nothing more than news releases reprinted word for word from various outlets.

This site has become the number one resource for people seeking the truth about Halburn. When Modern Woodmen, Strayer, University of Phoenix, Comfort Inns, Best Buy, Staples or Kroger want to find out just who this Mark Halburn guy really is, they come here.
Whenever a future employer Googles his name, they'll be able to find this site and see the truth about him.

Someday, and that day is not too far away, a little boy will be able to see just what kind of asshole his daddy really is.
The internet is forever. This site and the information on it will follow Halburn around until the day he dies. Which cannot come soon enough.

We invite everyone who is sick of Halburn's abuse to continue to contact
We're always watching you, Hallburn. The all seeing eye never blinks.

all seeing eye

What's does 2013 hold? Only Halburn's continued presence here and his behavior can determine that. 
There's sure to be a major meltdown when the final order is issued in his divorce case. Halburn expects to get a monetary settlement and custody of his son. He will get neither.

But one thing is for sure, will be here one day longer than Hallburn and his cluttered opinion blog.

If we've forgotten anything, please submit it to and we will consider it for publication.


  1. His conviction for phone harassment and the appeal to circuit court should be fun to watch. I'm sure Pete Lopez and whatever circuit judge that hears the case will be new targets for him.

  2. Lenny Fuckin' BernsteinJanuary 7, 2013 at 10:01 AM

    I'm stocking up on popcorn for 34 days from now when the meltdown of 2013 is bound to take place. Is anyone planning to attend the hearing? Have you considered wearing kevlar in case he just, totally loses his shit (even more than he already has)?

  3. What about his visit to the doctor's office? Aw well, his douchebaggery is boundless

  4. You left off him signing up for and other online dating services before his divorce was even final.

  5. He signed up for online dating? Wow.

    That means Chris Hansen can't be far behind...

  6. Who in the world would date him? He couldn't get a date even if he flashed a wad of money.....

  7. I suppose the Vermont SP will be on his radar now......he has no use for law enforcement unless they can benefit him in some way.

  8. What's up with his involvement with the Gilmer County Secret Seven?

    1. There is no Secret Seven.
      It should be called the Single Shithead.
      The Single Shithead consists of exactly one nutcase with a blog (sound like anyone else we know?). He's a convicted thief named Dan Bingman, AKA Jim West. He was convicted of stealing farm equipment and then selling it. He's just a loser living in his mom's basement that refuses to accept responsibility for his actions. He likes to include anyone else that will associate with him into his "secret club."

      He's a pal of Halburn, He's the person Halburn was on the phone with when he made the video harassing the JIC.

  9. He just continues digging a hole for himself, one shovel full every day. He ought to use a backhoe and just get it over with.
