Monday, August 15, 2016

21st Century Appliance Service Lies

In another one of his fictional "pat myself on the back" episodes, Halburn claimed last night that his neighbor's Sears refrigerator broke and he needed it repaired the next day but Sears had closed several hours ago. This was at 12:30 in the morning.
Ol' Fats decides he'll jump in and help by calling a Sears store in HONOLULU because it's 5 hours BEHIND the eastern time zone and is STILL OPEN! (Free long distance is his friend!) Doesn't matter that almost everyone has free long distance these days.
Then he claims that he did this once before and the repairman was so amazed that he offered him $50 to tell him how he was able to book repair appointments in the middle of the night. He continues and says he was able to talk the repairman into upping his offer and giving him a "benji" to do it.

It's the 21st century, dipshit. You don't need to call an actual Sears store. You can reach Sears Appliance & Home Repair and schedule a repair appointment 24 hours a day. And with a toll free number.

The whole story is total bullshit.
Like him claiming to have run over and killed a robbery suspect, the after concert car crash rescue, and the cat rescue
More self serving lies from a narcissistic congenital liar.

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