Friday, November 11, 2016


Last Wednesday, as virtually every elected official in the state prepared for the election, Halburn once again emailed a bipartisan group of legislators from all over the state demanding that they call themselves into special session to get his numerous wacky, self-serving bill ideas and constitutional amendments passed and signed into law by midnight that day with no excuses.

Once upon a time, a teenager came home an hour late from his midnight curfew - again. His lame response was, "I had a flat tire." The exhausted, and frustrated, father said, "You have a cellphone. You should have called me." The boy responded, "That would have delayed me further." The father rolled his eyes. "Last week, you blamed traffic. The week before, your girlfriend was sick. The week before that, you forgot to check the clock. The week before that, the movie was long... I don't want to hear any more excuses. No more excuses will be accepted Your curfew is midnight. You know what you need to do!"
When it comes to family law reform, I don't want to hear any more excuses. Here is what YOU, immediately, need to do: You need to re-open the 2016 session, TODAY, and get the reforms passed, and signed, by TONIGHT, if so that you have a positive to bring before voters next week!!!
Many thanks!
Mark Halburn

Sorry, lardass.
A cute story you plagiarized from somewhere doesn’t make your batshit demands any more palatable.

 The plus side is the enjoyment everyone will get when the day comeswhen Hallburn encounters Jim Justice and shouts, "WHY DO YOU ENABLE CHILD, ELDER. AND FAMILY ABUSE, MR. JUSTICE?
Then maybe they'll permanently ban him from the building. The Capitol Police let him in just to screw with certain lawmakers.

I'd be surprised if they would do anything though. They had plenty of opportunity in the past and basically did nothing. It's like he has naked pony party pictures of everyone and no one will stand up to him.
He's an undeclared sovereign citizen nutjob.

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