Monday, December 12, 2016

Photo Oh No

Halburn has long scammed photo studios to get free 16x20 portraits of his son for the creepy kid-shrine that covers the walls of his garage apartment in Dunbar.
Here's a guy that doesn't have two nickles to rub together, but he gets a huge framed portrait done of his kid for every holiday that comes down the road. Valentines Day, Easter, 4th of July, Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Bastille Day, National Potato Day. You name it, he's getting a photo taken for his serial killer walls.

 If CPS ever visited his filthy rodent infested apartment, his PSYCHO PHOTO WALL would trip their "oh shit" sensors ..."Hope no one comes in and sees my creepy, obsessive shrine to my kid on the wall of my garage apartment."
When he has a heart attack in his sleep and they find him, the crime scene people are going to talk for years about how creepy the walls of that tenement were.

You know what we're struck by? How different the son's smile is  in pictures with  his mother and her boyfriend, and with Crisco.
The kid is genuinely happy in pictures with his mother.
In all of Daddy's photos, it's like hostage shots.
Happy vs forced. Almost an animal grimace.

Halburn has completely hosed himself at Sears and Target photo studios after showing his ass in both places. 
The latest place is Portrait Innovations in South Charleston.

Which usually results in posts like this after every visit.

"Mark Hallburn
Waiting at a portrait studio. They are more than 20 minutes late. My time with the boy is limited. The manager doesn't care. She is copping an attitude. Of course, the district manager is hiding behind voicemail."

The other day we received an email from an employee.

"I work at Portrait Innovations. Let me tell you a little about Mark Halburn.
He pisses off EVERYONE he comes into contact with. He has been very rude and mean to everyone who works here. He has thrown things at us, cussed us and even told one associate who is a paraplegic that she should just walk out and leave. He called the manager an obnoxious witch. All of this was in front his little boy.
NOBODY here likes him.
He shows up without an appointment and demands to be seen. He always complains that we keep him waiting, tells us how busy he is and how valuable his time is. He calls here over and over, calls the corporate office, and on and on. And then once the pictures are ready, he complains about them. The order's not right, he had to wait too long, and on and on.

We aren't allowed to call the police on customers but if there's someone in the store who feels threatened they can call. So far that hasn't happened but plenty of us who work here feel threatened every time he walks in the door.
Apparently he wasn't allowed to use a coupon for Christmas because his ex-wife had used it for that boy or something and he just EXPLODED. He kept calling and kept screaming "this is my place, she can't come here."

Eventually he was told he was not to be on the property. Like that will make any difference to him.
Then one morning last week, he showed up at like 8:15, shaking the doors yelling "Let me in, I know you are in there." He left and then came back and did the same thing. Then he slipped a letter under the door along with a page from some court case.
I think corporate is going to sign a trespassing complaint, but who knows if that actually will happen."

Halburn was banned from the business after that and told not to return or he would be arrested.
We hope he got his coupon special.

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