Thursday, February 2, 2017

Halburn Fails Another Job Interview

Fat Loser Loses Again

Interrviews were held this evening for the Dave Hardy's vacant seat on the Kanawha County Commission.
9 qualified applicants and Halburn were interviewed for the position.

This was the extent of his interview.
All questions were asked by Kent Carper as Lardass slouched in his seat.

Carper: I'll be honest. I was surprised you applied for this. How in the world could you get along with the Kanawha County Sheriff's Department, the circuit court, the family court, or for that matter anybody else?
Halburn:  You can contact Sheriff Deweese of Putnam County who I deal with on a regular basis.
Carper: We're not in Putnam County.
Carper: What's your relationship with the Circuit Court of Kanawha County? Is it good or bad?
Halburn:  I haven't talked to them in years so you could ask them that.
Carper: Didn't they file an order so you can't file anymore lawsuits here?
Halburn:  No, they did not.
Carper: You have a good relationship with the court here?
Halburn:  As far as I can tell.

And then Kent wraps up with this after Halburn mentions his divorce:
"If we were going to get into personal stuff it wouldn't be about that."

Our takeaways:

Typical Halburn, skirting the truth. ALWAYS with the semantics and half-truths. There WAS an order filed against Halburn in 2014 from filing any actions without a lawyer, but still allowed pleadings filed by a lawyer on his behalf to be filed.

Carper never followed up.

Carper should have asked about Halburn's relationship with the family court. That would have been a revealing answer. Virtually every judge in the county has recused themselves because they don't want to deal with Halburn.

Halburn should just go ahead and marry Steve Deweese. They would probably be very happy together. It's like a teenage suckfest with those two.

Halburn had to sit there while Judge Tod Kaufman, the only judge in WV to ever hold him responsible for a crime, stood directly in front of him and spoke after he swore in the new Commissioner, Ben Salango.

If it is at all possible, Kent Carper may be the only person who loves the sound of his voice and pats himself on the back more than Mark Halburn does.

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