Monday, April 30, 2018

Shopping Dirty

Steal A Little, Then Get Caught!

This afternoon Mark Vance Halburn was shopping at the Marietta OH Aldi store. As he exited, THREE police cars pulled up and demanded that he stop. They detained him for 15 minutes while they sorted things out.

An employee there had read's report about Halburn being wanted in Dunbar and dropped a dime on him. He was already known to the company because he was a shopper at the Aldi in Dunbar where he would steal the quarters from carts not connected together.
Since the warrant is for a misdemeanor, Dunbar would not extradite him on an out of state stop, so he was released.

Halburn immediately started throwing threats around.
"SHAME ON ALDI for FALSELY accusing a LONGTIME customer of being a WANTED FELON!!!!!"
Notice he doesn't deny that there is a misdemeanor warrant out for his arrest.

He also demanded that the employee who called be criminally charged and called the report "slanderous".

A police spokesman laughed at that demand. "We're not even going to investigate that. We would never arrest any caller who made a call like that in good faith," he said.

Area residents are still urged to keep their eyes open for him and report any sightings to law enforcement.

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