Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This Land Is Our Land... Not The P.C.D.A.'s? Be Careful What You Ask For

In his latest screed, Halburn says this land is our land.
He's talking about the yet to be developed land on the hill above the Walmart and Hurricane Marketplace.

Halburn suggests that the PCDA give up that land. Instead of as he says, "holding it hostage" for what he calls "a king’s ransom that it will never get", he says they should donate the land to the City of Hurricane or Putnam County Parks and Recreation for a new park. And that it would attract more customers to Dollar Tree, Walmart, GameStop, and other nearby businesses. It would also make the Hurricane Marketplace a more attractive place for new businesses, part of the PCDA's mission for economic growth.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Of course it would. This is just another cheap ploy to feather your own nest, lardass.
Anything to increase your perceived value of your second wife's property.
But you know what? Then we'd have to endure a never ending series of whining about rude parents shuttling their kids to soccer and little league practices and games. The increased traffic, the increased excessive noise, etc, etc.

Oh, the pain of it all!

Because the entrance road is going to be the one that goes in front of your shit shack.

Just think of the fun you'll have, fuckstick.
Endless lines of rude, self-centered helicopter parents and frustrated ex-jocks in SUVs and vans charging up Walmart hill, forcing their semi-talented offspring to attend soccer, baseball, football & cheerleading practices and games, from March until November, from 9 in the morning until midnight.
Plenty of opportunities for you to try your intimidation act on unsuspecting Moms. You might even be able to take some more pictures of underage girls.

It also removes the land from the tax rolls. Something you'd bitch about endlessly if it wasn't your idea.
"Our tax dollars were spent acquiring this land and now our IDIOT politicians want to give it away."
Of course when you're taking the homestead exemption for the house you're living in I guess it doesn't matter.
Be careful what you ask for, fatsack.

Let us rephrase what you said.

PutnamLIES.com suggests that Halburn allow his second wife give up her land. Instead of holding it hostage for a king’s ransom that he will never get, cut the price to something more realistic, take the loss and get the hell out. This would not only eliminate the whining, but would attract more customers to Dollar Tree, Walmart, GameStop, and other nearby businesses. It would also make the Hurricane Marketplace a more attractive place for new businesses.

You say the greedy PCDA has been trying to sell our land, but there have not been any takers?
Well, we say that greedy Halburn has put an unreasonably high price on his second wife's property, but there have not been any takers.

The reason?
We suggest you take a look in the mirror, hypocrite.

And, BTW, we're NOT going to cut you a check, so don't even waste your time writing it.


  1. Ya know what is funny about all this? Everything that gets built over there, no matter if it's a business, a park or what have you only makes his property go DOWN in value. I mean, it makes sense. All the new stuff going up bringing in tax dollars and then you got the 5-8 residential buildings that are outdated and ready to be torn down. I'd pull up stakes, take the loss and move on.

  2. I don't often agree with Mark on his rants, but he may be right on this. Hurricane could use another park/baseball complex. He would have to get over the traffic, but I am all for the city of Hurricane acquiring this property.

  3. Mark refuses to show all of his credentials to us, putting him in violation of the FOIA.

    He must cut Jacque Jo Bland a check for 350,000.

  4. If they'd put a ballfield up there, that'd be perfect for Mark and Troy Sexton to go back behind the bushes and play a game of hide the catcher's mitt while Troy's abused children do something to anger their daddy.

  5. When I saw his rant I thought the same thing...be careful what you ask for. It could be that he heard the idea from someone else and is trying to claim it as his own; but the traffic count increasing by his house would likely cause him to stroke out.

  6. I'd love to see the old airstrip re-opened for gliders again; the tow planes at full power would drive Marky nuts!!

  7. Brilliant idea... small, local airstrip for ultra-lites and gliders people could fly over the valley. Its on a hilltop so altitude is automatic once airborne... I'll run this idea by Mayor Edwards next time I talk to him :)

  8. The strip used to be about 1500' long so it's adequate for the new Light Sport Aircraft. Plus those high reving Rotax engines would really grate on the Publisher's nerves and give his something to complain about. I'm sure he'd over react and then the Feds can come after him for threatening air safety.

  9. To allow this monster to even speak (let alone "write") about the Montcoal disaster is worse than the explosion and tragedy itself. Do the citizens of West Virginia a favor douceh bag-Hallllllburn, and just refrain. Have a sliver of class, if you can muster it, and just shut up - please. I do not need you talking about my family members losing their lives in the mine. If you disagree, I may lose my mind, and end your journalist career. That said, just go away, FOREVER....dick bag

  10. And, in the meantime, he is still running the stolen AP photos.

  11. We all knew he was lying about the office thing. This just confirms it.
