Friday, February 19, 2010

Halburn Asks for Permission to Run Photo

In a stunning reversal of past practices, long time content thief Mark Halburn has actually asked for permission to run a photograph.
This picture, taken by talented area photographer Melanie Kipp, was used in his Hot Shots section after she granted him permission.
He says she submitted it. We seriously doubt that.

This is the first time in recorded history that Halburn has asked a photographer for permission to use an image before the fact.

This is just one more example where has forced Halburn to act in an ethical manner. Not because he knows it's the right thing to do, but because he knows we are here to make sure he does it.
How long this will last or if it is a one time aberration is anybody's guess.
We remain vigilant.


  1. She may have granted permission to run the photo, but that's far different than saying "Submitted by."

    The latter gives a perception of Melanie Kipp saying, "You know, I have this great picture of a cougar, and I think it would be just the best to run it on Mark Hallburn's site."

    I doubt that's what happened, also.

    So, congratulations, Mike Ballburn for forcing even tenuous ethical compliance. Had you not been all over him from the beginning, things would have never changed.

  2. Keep the blobsters feet to the fire Mike! I will give a "honk out" to the blobster when I go to Walmart at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning just to thank him!

  3. Seems like it's been pretty quiet over there on the Wal Mart front. But I posted anyway to the ETNWM Blog Response Blog!

  4. Putnamblob hasn't updated his friend being arrested for making harassing phone calls either, it's in the Gazette this morning.

  5. Troy Toy really needed to take some pointers from Mark about how to make harassing phone calls and manipulate the legal system to get out of trouble.

    Though Mark failed at that this time, too.

  6. I guess he was hamed into posting it - sandwiched between sex offenders.

  7. Where is MH working these days? He came to my place of employment wanting an appointment. It HAD to be that day, because, he said, "I work during the day."

  8. That should be "shamed into posting it" mistake.

  9. Mark doesn't work ANY time during the day, his second wife does.

  10. I was told from an extremely reliable person that he is a long term sub at Riverside High. Due to the nature of her job, she would know. I then directed her attention to this website immediately. Such a frightening thought that he is in charge of a classroom.

  11. Does anyone know if he subs in Putnam County still? I heard he used to at Hurricane High til they ran him off. I WILL contact the BOE, and have several friends in the board office, if someone can confirm he does in fact still teach there.
