Thursday, February 11, 2010


Won't Build Sound Wall Or Plant Trees

For the third time in as many weeks I received yet another gut punch.

First it was the WV Supreme Court's unanimous denial of my lawsuit appeal, then I was convicted of trespassing and now Walmart has denied my lifelong dream of them building a sound wall in front of my second wife's house.

I'm a three time loser this year. And February's not even half over.

And of course I've got to spout off about it so once again I try to pass off an opinion piece as "business news".

First of all, the "Atlanta" Walmart I use as an example is 20 miles away from Atlanta. It isn't even in the Atlanta loop. It's so far OTP (outside the perimeter) that it's not even funny.
And secondly, it does have an apartment complex right next to it, and other residential on the sides, but notice I don't show the street view, because that would show that there are no walls anywhere. Hah! You fools!

Now closer to home.

The "busy" Walmart that generates so much "excessive noise"
Look at all the cars.

"Imagine living next to a neighbor that makes or attracts excessive noise day-after-day, 24-hours a day, and gets away with it. In Hurricane, it isn't imagination, it's a sad reality."

I have to imagine it because that neighbor doesn't exist.
The only sad reality here is the one I live in.

Let's go to the videotape:

Shocking isn't it? It's like this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can hardly hear yourself think over the silence.

"Hurricane Mayor Scott D. Edwards and State Senator William "Mike" Hall have arrogantly told neighbors to switch zoning instead of simply passing and enforcing a noise ordinance that would be fair to everyone."

You know what would be fair? Me doing something for myself instead of putting the burden on the taxpayers of Putnam County. Why should they pay for my greed?
I want a noise ordinance passed instead of changing the zoning.
This is how it always is with me. Why should I have to do anything? Let someone else do it for me.
I know all a noise ordinance would do is address out of the ordinary noise. There is nothing in this case that is out of the ordinary. Any noise here is the expected noise that occurs in any business area. But you know what? I don't care. Never have. Never will. I'M MARK HALBURN, BITCHES!!!

"Of course, the politicians, who preach "We want jobs" could simply get grant money to buy the neighbors out and redevelop the neighborhood, bringing jobs and revenue that benefit everyone."

Now, has come up with a solution.
The solution is for the county to take my second wife's land under eminent domain.
The county pays her the full amount the land is assessed for. Using their own tax estimates, the house is worth $89,100. That's the fair market value. Can you imagine the fit I'd throw if the county valued the house at the price I'm asking for it? That's why I accept their appraisal as the true value.
Is seizing the land for the greater good of the community? You bet your ass it is if it gets me out of town.
It's a win-win for everyone.

My second wife had the opportunity to sell the house years ago and I wouldn't let her. I bet, I lost. Now I have to live with it.

I'd like to take the money and get the hell out of West Virginia. And maybe, on the way out, drive into a bridge abutment. I don't worry though, because does not publish fatal accident photographs out of sensitivity to the family and friends of the victim. That makes me feel better.

"A broker recently met with three homeowners and is trying to meet with the owner of one other home and the crane yard across the street from Walmart in order to market the area as a group. But a sale could be months away."

More like years.
You know why?
It's now a buyer's market. Nobody is going to pay me the price I want. Nobody. How many brokers is this now? I've lost count. They were all INCOMPETENT anyway. If they couldn't sell it at the peak of the boom I don't know what makes me think they can do it now.

"Friends of the store and out-of-state bloggers have attacked as well as family members of this publisher, forcing the removal of the Enduring the Hurricane Walmart blog."

There are some bloggers in other states that are on my ass, but is right here in my own backyard.
I know it. I just can't accept the fact that there are people here who hate me besides the pinhead politicians.
And I'm right when I say
they don't hear the noise. Because it doesn't exist.I know they're at the Hurricane Walmart several times weekly at all hours. I know they're there. I see them through my curtains. I can hear them talking about me.
I chose, for the second time, to remove my whine-fest. I got tons of shit over my lies in it and I couldn't take the heat. Nobody forced me to do anything.
It's not so fun when someone does it to me.

This is just another rehash of the never ending whining that
I've been doing since I came to West Virginia. No wonder people wish I'd just STFU and go away.



    Looks like fatty is pining for more attention again...

  2. I really didn't need anything from Walmart this evening while driving home from work, but I couldn't resist the urge to drive up that hill and blow the horn in front of a certain blue house!

    Is there a twelve-step program for this addiction?

  3. Yes.
    It involves making 12 laps around the Walmart parking lot at 12 midnight, stopping at the stop sign across from Halburn's house with your bright lights on, honking your horn 12 times for 12 nights in a row.

  4. I enjoyed the turtle man's honk from the link on GOW's website some time ago!

  5. I think this site is having a major effect on 'ol Mark - it took him half of the month of February and a near disaster to get ONE "Letter to the Publisher".

  6. And it looks like he only stole one letter in January. A new record!

  7. He does not update his site as much either.

  8. Wonder what shiny object has attracted his interest...he's not headed to DC is he?

  9. Oh, jeez. Please don't say that ... I'm unprepared.

  10. he was spotted ordering his "diet" food at Sheetz Saturday... no run ins with employees or other customers... he seems defeated...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!

  11. Not to mention the fact of accepting that MIL's house will not sell and knowing he will be there living for quite some time. Really looking forward to the snow plow,leaf blower, and tall grass in vacant yards for the news worthy updates on his blog. Ace reporter he is!

  12. Also making an appearance in the letters is the first stolen letter of the month.

  13. ran into him at Fruth a while back. He was screaming and yelling that Fruth should have brought him his wife's medicine because he has a baby to take care. then he bought a romance novel and some crackers.

  14. And a letter from a sock puppet lying about a school project.

  15. We received a similar letter on our letters page.
