Changes Latest Poll's Yes Results To No

Whether it's because he's angry at his second wife for forcing him to move to
West Virginia, his anger for not being able to sell her property at an exorbitant price, or the financial stress he places on his family due to his unwillingness to find a full time job, Hallburn will do anything to make it seem that people are not happy in Putnam County. In another stinging rebuke of Halburn's inability to report anything honestly, can reveal that he is lying about the poll results in his latest survey.
This snapshot of the poll results was taken at 9 AM on April 1st.
The picture doesn't lie, even when Halburn does. Here it is, for all to see, the posted image of the screen capture.
As you can see from the actual results, respondents think Putnam County's economy is doing just fine by a count of 75% to 25%.
However, Halburn apparently has some kind of psychopathic need to inflate the numbers and report the results as just the opposite. He claims that 90.5 percent of respondents to his poll say they need more jobs, shops, and restaurants. He reports that 9.5 percent said the economy was fine.
That's a big difference in the actual results that saw on April 1st. Where he came up with his numbers is anyone's guess. Only the voices inside his head know for sure.
We know one thing though. Hallburn is willing to do or say anything if he thinks it will make his political enemies look bad or make him look good. He is an immoral charlatan masquerading as a journalist. He will stoop to the lowest, most vulgar, vile and disgusting ploys to deceive the honest, hard-working citizen. He is the lowest form of scum on the face of the earth.
We must disclose that his polls are non-scientific and are placed online for Halburn to mislead his 29 readers about issues in which he has a vested interest or an axe to grind.