Monday, May 30, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Halburn Could Disrupt Election

Stay Alert For Domestic Terrorist

Putnam County citizens are urged to remain vigilant during today's special election.
In November, the West Virginia Secretary of State's office warned Putnam County officials that Mark Vance Halburn may try and disrupt the election.
There is no reason to believe that this warning is not just as valid today.

The subject's description is as follows:
5 foot 10 inches tall, 370 pounds, green eyes, wearing a tee shirt, shorts and sandals.

Do not allow yourself to be photographed or interviewed by this man. He has a propensity for aggressive behavior and given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.
If you are approached by him, report it immediately to law enforcement.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why is Halburn Now Harassing FTD?

Hallburn Celebrates Mother's Day By Verbally Abusing Someone's Mother

Many people use FTD, Florists' Transworld Delivery, to send flowers across the country. Mother's Day is the biggest holiday for flower sales in the US.
FTD sends the order to a local florist via computer and the local florist makes up the arrangement with their own flowers and delivers them.

Well, obviously Halburn flew off the handle on Mother's Day and started harassing them.

Enough for someone there in their corporate offices to Google his name.
At 3 AM this morning.
Which brought them here.
For over an hour.

We're sure they'll be back.

We'd like to welcome our readers from FTD and invite them to have a look around and see exactly what kind of nut they're dealing with.
Drop us a line and let us know your side of the story. You can bet he'll be badmouthing you when he tells his.

Just know this: his scam is to complain about every service that he gets in the hopes of receiving that service for free and to harass your employees until he gets it.
Don't give it to him.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

From the fattest motherfucker in Hurricane!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Halburn On New Stalking Expedition?

Several of our readers who
frequent Topix, the trailer park of the internet, informed us that it appears that Halburn, posing as the sock puppet Election Watcher, has been posting from a New Martinsville WV IP address since sometime last night.

There are only 2 explanations for this.

One, his ISP has assigned him a New Martinsville IP address. New Martinsville is 150 miles away from Hurricane. Likely? We think not.

Two, he's actually in the New Martinsville area.
What's his interest there?
Our favorite Girl of Words lives in that area. If he was willing to drive to Washington DC to stalk her 2 summers ago and threaten to do the same thing last summer, it's even more attractive to him now that she's a little closer to home.

Either way, he's there to stalk someone or he somehow changed his IP to reflect her hometown just to terrorize her.

We invite Halburn to offer his explanation.

A warning for you Halburn, West Virginia is a shall issue state. It's also a castle doctrine state. If you don't know what that means, look it up.
Be very careful. This isn't California.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. Long live Omarko Bin Halburn, domestic terrorist.

Attention Commenters:

If you attempt to leave a comment and it doesn't show up, please send it to us via email. For some reason, some peoples' comments aren't appearing after they leave them.

Many Thanks!

Hallburn Continues To Prevaricate In Election Ad Controversy

Where's The Proof?

The second set of primary
election financial statements are in, and as expected, neither PutnumLive nor Halburn's names appear on Natalie Tennant's or Betty Ireland's reports.

PutnamLI exposed the fact that their political ads run by Halburn on his opinion blog appeared without the consent and without payment by their respective campaigns.
And that it appears to be a long standing practice of his, running over several election cycles.

And as always Halburn has a convoluted excuse why.

He claims to have PLENTY of documentation to cover himself. PLENTY! Signed agreements, income statements, EVERY penny is listed. EVERY penny!
He says.
He claims that if a candidate and/or supporter fails to declare a contribution to the SOS, that is on them.

He claims that some local candidates failed to report their purchase of ads.
His explanation is that supporters bought the ads and did not report the buy to a candidate. That's why the buy wasn't reported.

This, however, does not explain the fact that the Tennant ad specifically stated: "Paid For by the Elect Natalie Tennant Committee".
Now, in order for an ad to carry that disclaimer, it had to be placed by that committee, not a random supporter.

It also does not explain the fact that MULTIPLE campaigns did not report any expenditures at PutnumLive over the course of SEVERAL election cycles.

We can see if one candidate forgets to list such an insignificant ad buy like PutnumLive, but 2 in just 1 primary this year? And at least 3 other candidates in past elections? We were born at night, but not last night.

He then tried blaming unnamed out-of-state organizations for running the ads, saying because of that, the candidates can't possibly be aware of all of the advertisements run.

Hallburn says the Secretary of State knows that he WILL PROVE EVERYTHING that he says!
We say prove it to the reading public.
Show us the proof, fatboy. Either on your blog or send it to us and we'll print it, without alteration.

Provide the names of those who paid for the ads.

Then he claims that he has provided a document to the WVSOS office proving that they were paid for by supporters.

That's not good enough.
The public that you claim to serve has the right to know. The public that you claim to serve has the right to see whatever documents that you claim to have supplied to the secretary of state's office.
Show us the documents.

But we all know why you don't provide any proof.
It doesn't exist. There's nothing to show.

You claim you did nothing wrong. Now prove it.


Halburn Endorses Ireland 
Halburn Refuses To Remove Political Ad 
Halburn Ordered To Remove Ads!
The Facts Don't Lie