Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Halburn Douches It Up At The Doctor's

His price? ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!'s medical correspondent was out and about yesterday.
Seems her little girl was sick so a visit to the doctor was in order. While she was there an interesting patient came in.

That's right, Mark Halburn and his son.

Halburn had called in to make an appointment for the boy and was told that he could walk in and they would try to fit him in. Apparently they weren't moving fast enough for him so he got all huffy and demanded a 1 million dollar fee for wasting his time.

What you can't see in this video are his ever present sandals.
You can however, see his daytimer or manpurse or whatever it is that he has clutched in his pudgy little hand as he waddles out the door. Seriously, why does an unemployed sociopath need a schedule book? To keep track of the things he doesn't have to do? Or to keep track of the people he needs to harass?

Typical Hallburn though. He has no appointment, they try to work him in and he shits on them for trying to help.

Dr Evil? More like Ungrateful Fat Bastard.

We're watching you, motherfucker. The all seeing eye never blinks.


  1. When he walked out, did he forget his kid!?

  2. OMG. Is there any deportation on the state level available to ship his ass back to California? This abomination of a person has got to go.

  3. Please don't ship him back to California. We don't want him.

  4. Don't fucking ship him to California... that state's actually fairly nice. :P

  5. Jesus, can he at least afford a shirt that fits him?!

  6. Where was his poor little boy while all this was going on? What an example his dad sets.

  7. One of these days, a doctor will be treating him for lead poisoning.

  8. What's up with his stubby arms?

  9. What an absolute lunatic. "So expect an invoice for a million dollars......I was treated rudely."

    Maybe everyone that Halburn has been rude to should invoice him for a $1,000,000 as well.

  10. around the 47-48 second mark, you can actually hear the flip flops flapping as he waddles towards the door.
